Oakville Beaver, 15 Dec 2016, p. 51

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& 5 1 | T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 6 | O A K V I L L E B E A V E R | w w w .in s id e h a lt o n .c o m Canadian Dog W hisperer OakvilleBeaver * m e tro lan d m edia Connected to your community9 C u r e A n y M is b e h a v io r ! Private In-Home Sessions "I Guarantee you will have a new dog before I leave your home. You can enjoy living with a balanced dog...forever." G ift C e r t if ic a t e s a r e A v a ila b le ! classifieds workopolis TM canadas biggest job site t temp* iScalWork ca 1 \ YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JO B S ufeneWS ca H goftarem com " O akvile Beaver C L A S S IF IE D ADVERTISING DEADLINE: PAYM ENT: Tuesday at 12 noon for Thursday edition. Visa, M asterCard, Thursday at 11 a.m. for Friday edition. A m erican Express by phone For display advertising, please or cash or cheque in person at allow fo r an additional day. 5046 M ainway, U nit 2, Burlington ---------------------------------------- Contact: Bruce Warrington 905-681-0423 www.canadiandogwhisperer.ca bruce@canadiandogwhisperer.ca Apartments for Rent Apartments for Rent EMAIL: classifieds@metroland.com I PHONE: 905-527-5555 · 1-800-263-6480 I FAX: 905-526-6779 · 1-866-299-1499 TELEPHONE HOuRs: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad the first day it appears to ensure it's accurate. Metroland w ill not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. Cancellations must be made by telephone. Call: 905-527-5555 or 1-800-263-6480 Email: classifieds@metroland.com Townhouses for Rent Townhouses for Rent Articles Wanted Articles Wanted Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Oakville starting from $975 190 Kerr Street 905-845-1777 M artha Terrace Apartm ents 2 bedroom. Large Clean, quiet, well-maintained building, located in beautiful downtown Burlington, steps to Spencer Smith Park. 4 appliances, 1.5 baths, central air, heat & hot water included, gym/ social room. Call today (905) 592-1635 marthaterrace.com Houses for Rent 392 Pine Street 905-337-0910 CUMBERLAND ViLLAGE Tow nhom e | $ 1 3 0 0 /m p lu s u t ilit ie s T o w n h o m e (W ith G a ra g e ) I $ 1 4 0 0 /m p lu s u t ilit ie s C lo s e to B u rlin g to n Mall, S c h o o ls & T ra n sit · 4 appls.^ Eat-in Kitchen · Basement · Parking We Make House Calls W E B U Y IT A L L ! China, Silver, Crystal, Co in s, Gold & Costum e Jew ellery, Art, Doultons Sw arovski, Antiques, Collectibles, D ow nsizing & Estate Exp erts C all A p p ra ise rs: John/D arcie/Krista BEST CASH PAID 1265 Sixth Line 905-842-8960 www.livehere.ca 1 BEDROOM apartment, Bronte area. Available immediately. $875/mo. plus hydro. Call 416-540-1219. 905-331-2477 w w w .t jt r a d e r s .c o m in q u ir ie s @ t jtr a d e r s .c o m Domestic Help Wanted 3270 Prospect Street, Burlington 1 BLOCK from Spencer Smith Park, 2 bedroom OAKVILLE, BRAND new apartment, available 4 bedroom home, double January 1st $975 per garage, includes appli month plus Hydro. Call ances, available now 905-730-4544 $3000 per month. Close to all schools, shops, Burlington Towers and amenities. NEWLY RENOVATED 905-580-9028 1 & 2 bdrm Available 905-842-4985 February 1st Located close to the Lake. Indoor pool, sauna OFF BRANT STREET: Beside park, 3 bedroom and fitness centre. bungalow plus den or Utilities included! 4th bedroom, 2 full bath 905-639-8583 rooms. $1385/month. Please visit us at 3 LEVEL SEMI 3 bed www.facebook.com/ rooms. 1.5 baths, rec burlingtontowers room. $1375/month. FACING BURLINGTON APPLEBY MALL 4 level Mall. 1 & 2 bedroom. split, 3 bedrooms plus Brand new kitchens. den/4th bedroom. 1.5 Seniors discount. Call baths, rec room, garage. Bob 905-639-8009 or $1485/month. Call Albert Mc Donagh Ltd. Real Don 905-681-8115. Estate Brokerage LARGE 3 bedroom, 2 905-632-5690 bath, in clean quiet building. Downtown Oakville, New kitchen. Townhouses for $1950. + hydro. Rent Available January/ Feb ruary. Call 3 BEDROOMS, Centennial 905-582-9768. Drive, Burlington. Family complex. $1400./month MAPLE/ La KESHORE plus hydro. One parking 1 bedroom available. spot only. Available Utilities included. Park immediately. Call ing extra. Indoor swim 905-319-1869. pool. Well maintained building. 905-632-5258 APPLEBY MALL; SPACIOUS 2 bedroom 2 bedroom condo. 1 apartment, low rise bathroom and a rec room building, steps to Bur $1225/month. lington lakefront, quiet 3 bedroom condo. 1.5 building in great condi bathrooms, Rec Room, tion, $1050. + hydro, $ 1320/mo. available Jan 1st, no Albert McDonagh Ltd. pets/ smoking. Real Estate Brokerage 905-632-5690. 905-681-6915 905 - 632-2601 CALltrODAY GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES 611 Surrey Lane. Large, bright, spacious 2 and 3 bedroom townhouses, hardwood floors, full basement, private patio. Utilities included. Parklike-setting, outdoor pool/splash pad, wading pool, tennis courts 24/hr on-site management. 289-348-1553 georgiancrt.ca Mortgages/ Loans REDWOOD 2.37% 5 year VRM. Also, equity mortgage programs regardless of income or credit O.A.C. Call Robert anytime. 905-274-4801x1 #10288 redwoodmortgage.ca Stores for Rent/ Wanted LEN'S HOME and Pet Care, to live in people's \ home to care for pets Personals/ on a contract basis. Companions Police clearance and Car MALE SEEKS required. Submit resume COMPANION. Male to: text 905-978-3198 or email lenspetseeking muscular, athletic man to go on care@bell.net. romantic dates with. Must like working out Articles Wanted dogs, and kissing. Email: flemdawgy93@ hotmail.com ALL TEAK furniture wanted, antiques, watch es, paintings, silver dol lars, gold, sterling silver, Child Care Available Doultons, jewelry, Swarovski figurines, old h o m e c h il d c a r e . toys, musical instru Mon. - Fri., 8:30 a.m. ments. We buy it all. 2:00 p.m. Snacks/Meals, 905-979-4447. learning, activities. Ref erences, criminal check, BUYING DANISH Teak, First aid. Glen Abbey area. scandinavian furniture, Email: oakvillechildcare@ Rosewood & Retro + yahoo.com Vintage Lighting. Call 905-407-9753. Child Care Wanted WOK CHRISTMAS CASH ANTIQUES WANTED Victorian Furniture China Gold Silver Fine Jewelry Coins Sterling Silver Flatware Toys Watches Royal Doultons Lladro Waterford Swarovski MUCH MUCH MORE!!! Will clear estates & assist in downsizings. Thank You & MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!! Call-Text Email: silverspoon174 @gmail.com Kathy 905 920 9137 Articles Under $100 3 PC picture set, 1 large with 2 smaller side pic tures, good shape, $30, 905-639-3083 6' ARTIFICIAL Christmas tree + strings of lights, $15, 905-827-8308 6 BOXES never used in door mini lights, 50 each box. $10, 905-827-8308 A ir Ho c k e y Game, good condition. $30. 905-842-5834 BRASS BED, contempo rary design, head and foot sections, $90 OBO, will deliver, 905-842-0906 Sp o t TING Scope, brand new in box. $30. 905-842-5834 bushm aster After School Child Care Glen Abby, Oakville. 3 children aged 7,10 & 12 walk kids home from school, super vise homework, pre pare dinner and school lunch for next day. Light housekeep ing. Hours 2:30-7pm email rladdie@ gmail.com To book your classified ad call AVAILABLE NOW! Oakville, busy Down town area, 2400 sq ft for lease. Suit beauty salon/spa or any busi ness. Ready to open. $3300/mth 905-580-9028 905-842-4985 905.632.4440 or fax 905-632-8165 Oakvfle Beaver CHEST OF tools, 150 pcs, new with carrying case, $50, 905-639-3083 CHILDREN'S GLIDER rocking chair, $75, 905-827-8308 CHRISTMAS TREE, 7ft, Martha Stewart, with lights. $75. 905-849-7661 CHRISTMAS TREE deco rations, in a box. $25. 905-827-3340 COAT, LEATHER winter, large, brown for ladies. $45. 905-827-3340 COOLER WITH matching large thermos, new, blue, $40, 905-639-3083 EVENING GOWN, with jacket, size 14, blue. $75.905-659-4662 FLORAL WREATH still in box, $30, 905-639-3083 FRIDGE FOR sale, white, apartment size, works fine, $99. Call 416-995-1197. GE HAND Mixer. Electric. $25 call 905-637-5323 HIGH CHAIR, by Chico, like new $40 905-849-7661 LEATHER JACKET medium size. In new condition. $45 call 905-637-5323 Up 's. 10 for $10. 905-659-4662 PORCELAIN HORSE, black beauty by Pamela Bailey 1986, The Franklin Mint. $25. 905-689-2804 POWER JUICER - Jack LaLanne's. Never used. $50. 905-336-7039 RADIO, G919 XYCB, 20 Watt output, 2 mikes, power 5 vp ply and more. $50. 905-844-9110 SAMSUNG 3 Smart Phone, $80 obo, 905-333-1718 SAW, MILWAUKEE sawzall reciprocating saw, quick lock blade clamp, hard shell case, like new. $100. 905-815-8111 SEWING MACHINE in good working order. Kenmore. $100. 905-540-1037 SINGLE SIZE airbed, new, 30x75, $35 each. Can deliver. Call Brian 905-681-9496 SKATES, LADY'S Figure, douse, size 6 with guards. $40. 905-637-5323 SUITCASE, LONDON, Fog brown/beige on wheels, 26x19x11 Paid $300 sacrifice $75. Call 905-681-0050 WHISKEY BOTTLE, leather (empty) with Em blem, great gift idea, $5, 289-812-0813 WICKER BABY basinet, decorated with "Snoopy" material, $20, 905-827-8308 Articles for Sale Trees Christmas `VmecfaCe T a r m s Christmas Trees Pine Spruce Colorado _ Balsam - P re-cut only Cut Your Own or Pre-Cut Open Daily 9 - 5 pm - 519-624-6891 W est Flamborough 1650 6th Concession West ~ On Weekends enjoy a very tasty Hot Chocolate ~ Trees also available at 1554 5th Concession West www.christmastrees.on.ca/pinedalefarms.html **A1 MATTRESS FAC TORY DIRECT, delivery available. All sizes including custom split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20 year sets starting $240. 30 year tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop & `Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, end-of-line/ discontinued items available. 905-847-2020 905-681-9496, 905-563-6903. CHRISTMAS TREES CH O O SE & CUT 6 DIFFERENT VARIETIES ANY SIZ E $30. Vietrees Farm, 8730 Tw iss Rd., Cam pbellville (1 1/2 kms south of 401 & Guelph Line Exit - Campbellville Rd/Twiss Rd Intersection). Open 7 days a week 9-4. 905-854-3857 Madeira jg | Farms LO S T & FOUND BEST CARPETING Deals! 25 yards Pad/ Install $385. All types/ Colours. Repairs, re-stretching, cleaning. Call Dena or Paul at 905-849-4847. We won't be undersold! MOVING SALE, Washer/dryer set, $375. Stove, $250. mint. Dry er $175., Washer, $225. Call 289-337-1328 CARPET! CHRISTMAS TREES CUT-YOUR-OWN AND PRE-CUT Spruce, Pine, Fir Wreaths. 5369 Wellington 27, Rockwood & i Found Something? Place your "Found" ad FREE of charge. Call 905-632-4440 Fax: 905-632-8165 email: classifed@ metrolandwest.com 519-856-1009 madeirafarms.com find us online at yourclassifieds.ca ***** * ^Rewcwber you* lovedo n es this m s -Holiday Holiday S season ^S peC O ^ 9E % 25 Discount applies on all In Memoriams placed in this feature. Please c a ll or email us for further details and publishing dates. W e w ill be p u b lis h in g a s p e c ia l H o lid a y In M e m o ria m fe a tu re on th e w e e k o f DECEMBER 19,2016. Call our Classified department at 1-8 00-263-6480 | c la s s ifie d s @ m e tro la n d .c o m · * metrolandmedia Connected to your community®

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