31 | Thursday, December 29, 2 0 1 6 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Round-trip ticket into adulthood as family expands Adulting (v): to do grown up things and hold responsibilities such as, a 9-5 job, a mortgage/ rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown ups. -- as defined in UrbanDictionary.com. Julia Le Oakville Beaver n e w s r e p o rte r I f you want an express ticket into adulthood, have a baby. There' s nothing more sobering than realizing another human being' s entire existence depends on your every move, every decision. The day my son was born on July 28, 2014, my husband and I were over the moon in love with our little miracle. How we doted on him, marvelling at his tiny fingers and toes, his eyes full of wonder and that full head of hair. As the happy endorphins and adrenaline subsided however, exhaustion set in. We were tired. So very, very tired. We heard parenting would be hard-- we just help quell my worries either as I continued to be overwhelmed by the feeling that I was failing in my new job. I felt alone and isolated. And I cried. A lot. I sought support with my family, friends and La Leche League Canada and booked appointments to see a lactation consultant at the Toronto hospital where I delivered Hayden. I even joined a local mommy' s group and posted questions to other sleep-deprived mothers at all hours of the night. Surely enough, my worries were unfounded. see I'm on p. 32 didn't know exactly how hard it would be until we were in the thick of it. As a new, inexperienced parent, my biggest struggle was the overwhelming feeling this tiny human being depended on me to live. I was his sole source of food and as I struggled to breastfeed in the first week, guilt consumed me that I wasn't providing him with what he needed. The sleepless nights and frequent visits to the doctor' s office and breastfeeding clinic didn't You get just one funeral. Make it the one you want. You are unique. Your life is unlike any other. By pre-planning your final arrangements now, you can choose the options that reflect how you want to be remembered. What's more, you can save thousands of dollars and protect family from uncertainty about your wishes. TheL andTartar Executor'sHandbook Take the first step: Ask us about your FREE Planning Kit! j .g j 9 0 5 257-1100 - glenoaks.ca Maxime Kitchens & Baths Inc. Li D Look for us on Facebook Glen Oaks Funeral Home & Cemetery byArborMemorial 3164 Ninth Line (403 & Dundas St.), Miss./Oakville, ON Arbor Memorial Inc. Family Owned. Proudly Canadian. 2376 Parkhaven Blvd, Oakville 905-257-5880 maximekitchens.ca Enjoy w alking w ith the Swiss air-cushion shoe DISPOSAL SERVICES Mention Promo Code All Commercial and Residentantial AAA 905-337-8686 www.aaadisposal.org Recommended by many doctors and physiotherapists Foot sensor technology The kyBootsole allow sfeetto feel every detail of the floor. The soles of the feet are gently stimulated with every step. Benefits o Exercises muscles o Relaxesyour back o Relieves strain on your joints ° Activates the leg vein pump Your kyBoot health voucher kyBoot Discontinued styles You w ill receive a discount o f $100 on each o f the discontinued kyBoot styles listed in this flyer. Discounts on other kyBoot models excluded. Preserve y o u r health December 1st, 2016 to January 3 1 ,2 0 1 7 kyBoot health campaign www.kyboot.com Oakville Beaver and receive 10% OFF the Price of Your 1 0 % BiN RENTAL* O F F Voucher O F *1 |T | / \ valued at $ 1 0 0 _____ Redeemable upon purchase of one discontinued style included in the kyBoot health campaign from December 1st, 2016 to January 31, 2017. Cannot be combined with other discounts. Only available while stocks last. You can find more information at www.kyboot.com Serving Oakville, Burlington, Milton & Mississauga 586 Third Line, Oakville Richard Price Pharmacist/Owner A Trusted name in Oakville for over 20 years! 267 Lakeshore Rd. E., O akville Mon.-Fri. 10-6, Sat. 9-1 www.kybun.com 905.842.2770