13 | Thursday, January 5, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com 2017 budget strategic investments support high quality of life in Hatton E nsuring value for taxpayers' dollars and protecting Halton Region' s long term financial position are the focus as we prepare our annual budget. Our goal at Halton Region is to deliver a budget that will keep taxes at or below the rate of inflation while maintaining our AAA credit rating and financial sustainability. I am pleased to report Regional Council has approved the 2 0 1 7 Budget and Business Plan. It outlines the implementation of key pri- orities in the Halton Region Strategic Action Plan 2 0 1 5 -2 0 1 8 . The 2 0 1 7 Budget maintains service levels in the com m unity while making strategic investments and keeping the tax rate in crease for regional services within the rate of inflation. The budget, Halton Region' s financial plan for 2 0 1 7 , includes strategic investments in essential areas such as state of good repair for infrastructure, affordable and assisted housing, Paramedic Services and the Halton Gary Carr Halton Region Chair Region Community Investment Fund. Additional investments are also included for the implementation of a Long-term W a ter Meter Strategy and to support the next stages of im plementation in various Region al W aterfront Master Plans. These investments all contribute to a high quality of life in Halton. The 2 0 1 7 Budget includes a 1.9 per cent increase in property taxes for Regional ser vices and programs, and a 5.1 per cent in- see Halton on p.16 chick-ader-dee! Oh ^Who# Fun! G ive the G ift o f B ird Feeding J chter* cheerdicer! Leaky Basement? Call Us! Crack Injection Repair Specialist · Wise Dry Interior Drain Systems Lifetime Fully Transferable Warranty · Masonry/Parging Repairs Looking for a Bird Feeding Specialty Store This Winter? COME IN AND SEE OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! Come and see us! OPEN 7 DAYS 3 3 5 0 F A IR V IE W S T R E E T , B U R L IN G T O N 9 0 5 - 6 3 4 - 7 7 0 0 · E M A I L : w b u 1 @ b e lln e t.c a WE BRING PEOPLE & NATURE TOGETHER Professional, Cost Effective Solutions for Wet Basements w w w .Haitonw isecracKs.com WINTER DISCOUNT $50 OFF ON THE 1st FOUNDATION CRACK AND 10% OFF ANY JOB OVER A $1000 Promotion runs from Dec. 1 , 2 0 1 6 to Jan. 3 1 , 2 0 1 7 . Are you constantly turning up the volume on the television? Do you find yourself constantly raising the volume on your television? Do commercials seem louder? Is your family always asking you to turn the volume down? Hearing the television can be a common problem even for people who can hear everything else just fine. Fortunately, the rechargeable Phonak AudeoTM B-R hearing aid has been specifically designed to improve your television listening experience, allowing you to enjoy the shows you love without disrupting the people around you. Frequently turning up the volume on the television can be one of the first signs of an undetected high-frequency hearing loss. This type of hearing loss is caused by damage to microscopic cells deep within our inner ears called "hair cells." Normally, these hair cells detect incoming sounds and change them into information our brain uses to hear. With a high-frequency hearing loss, the hair cells that let us hear soft, high-pitched speech sounds are damaged, which can make speech sound unclear or mumbled. Most people won't notice this drop in speech clarity right away, because they are usually listening to only one or two people in a quiet area, and get plenty of visual cues from the person talking. When watching television, there can be loud music in the background, people speaking fast or with an accent, and you cannot always see the face of the person talking. While turning up the volume helps a little, it will not improve the clarity you are missing out on. This makes watching television challenging for you and loud to people around you. Fortunately, a new hearing aid has been designed with this problem in mind. Programmed to fit your unique listening needs, the rechargeable Phonak Audeo B-R hearing aids will significantly improve your understanding of television, while keeping the volume at a much more comfortable level. These advanced devices are completely self adjusting with no buttons to push, dials to turn, or batteries to change. You'll be free to enjoy the shows you love while hearing your absolute best. Connect Hearing wants to help you hear the TVbetter. Call 1.888.408.7377 or visit connecthearing.ca/recharge today and register for your free hearing test*. Qualified candidates will receive a no-obligation trial of the Phonak Audeo B rechargeable hearing aid, so you can hear for yourself how these hearing aids will help you hear your favourite show. Connect H earing YO UR H E A R IN G PR O FE S S IO N A LS IN A L S I Without turning up the volume! Hear the TV clearly Book your FREE hearing test* connecthearing.ca/recharge #1 P H Y S IC IA N IR EFER R ED SW ISS HEARING TECHNOLOGY 1.888.408.7377 PRICE M ATCH GUARANTEE Rewards ^ C o m p lim e n ta r y h e a r in g e v a lu a tio n so n ly a p p lic a b le f o rc l ie n tso v e r5 0y e a r so f a g e a n dn o f e e so rp u r c h a s e a r en e c e s s a r y . * * C e r ta inc o n d itio n sa p p lytoth eP r ic eM a tc hG u a r a n te e .S e ec l i n i cf o rd e ta ils .® C A A ,C A A l o g oa n dC A A R e w a r d s tr a d e m a r k so w n e db y ,a n du s ei sa u th o r iz e db y ,th eC a n a d ia n A u to m o b ileA s s o c ia tio n .R e g is te r e du n d e rth eC o lle g eo f S p e e c h a n d H e a r in g H e a lth P r o f e s s io n a ls o f B C .V A C ,W C B ,W S I B ,A D P a c c e p te d .