21 | Thursday, January 5, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com S tart this New Year by m aking some fi nancial resolutions. Think about what is im portant to you and then spend som e time deciding ways to advance your financial circum stances. The following resolutions are m y top four recom m endations to consider for 2 0 1 7 . New Year's resolutions.. . It's that tim e of year again Dollars & Sense your incom e stopping or of being greatly reduced? A conversation with som eone who has knowledge of insurance options is a good start. W h at are your risks of a lost incom e? W h at are the costs and benefits to insure against those risks? Insurable risks are magnified when you have children. Fam ily incom e is critical whether it com es from earnings or insurance pur chased to p rotect your family's cash flow. see Top on p.22 One. Save. All good financial plans include a savings target. Large purchases made in the future will require the discipline of ongoing sav ing. C ontributing to a Registered Retirem ent Savings Plan (RRSP) can be extrem ely beneficial especially if you have a relative ly high incom e, and therefore pay a high am ount of incom e tax. C ontributions to your RRSP can be used to reduce your taxable incom e, so this type of investm ent starts with an im mediate tax savings. T ax-Free Savings A ccounts (TFSA) have the advantage that all earnings made within that accou nt are tax-free. In a country like Canada with high tax rates, tax-free investm ent earnings are an attractive benefit. Peter Watson Guest Contributor Need help with house-cleaning? Let us do it fo r you! Discover cleaning service that's affordable, reliable, and convenient. household debt has reached a historic high. Low interest rates have encouraged many of us to accum ulate too m uch debt, and the biggest risk for m any is when interest rates increase it will becom e impossible to ser vice that debt. Sunrise Cleaning Services Call us today for a free estimate! 905-567-1199 Check out our current sp e cia ls at: Three. Insurance. M ost people's goal is to be financially in dependent and that requires the ability to generate an incom e and decades of hard work. I recom m end that you take some time to consider w hat happens if you lose that incom e as a result of declining health, dis ability, or death. W h at are the financial consequences of www.Su n rise-Clean i ng.ca ^ Servicing Oakville for over 20 years! ·Recurring cleaning. ·One time cleaning. ·Spring cleaning. ·Post renovation cleaning. Two. Reduce debt. M any Canadians have been on a co n sum ption binge over the last decade, and a very sjBfe py New Yelflv A FUSION OF JAPANESE & CHINESE CUISINE IN THE HEART OF OAKVILLE! a p p y new yea Thursdays 1:00 - 6:30 p m S a tu rd a y s 10:30 a m - 1:30 p m S u n d ays 10:00 a m -- 12:00 p m HomemaDe Iranian fo o d o j C O M E IN & D IN E W ITH US T e r r a c e T a K e - a w a y all prepared and easy to warm up DINE iN FOR ALLYOU CAN EAT LUNCH OR DINNER 7 DAYS A WEEK WWW.AUGUST8.CA OAKVILLE 280 North Service Road W.@ Dorval 905-338-6228 905.337.1400 ext. 116 cafe@siucc.ca www.terracetakeaway.ca St. J o s e p h s U k ra in ian C a th o lic C h u rc h 3 0 0 River O a k s Bivci. East (a t T ra fa lg a r) O a k v ille O N we do TAKEou T! Burlington h a m ilto n stoney C re e k B ram pton 10% o ff D in ner only. Cash only & with this ad.