3 | Thursday, January 5, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Beaver launches bold new Metroland look in 2 0 1 7 by Catherine O'Hara Metroland West Media The Oakville Beaver is kicking off the new year with a bold new look. The masthead that graces the cover of your award-winning community newspaper was redesigned in the name of consistency. Now, readers from across Metroland Media Group' s massive footprint will be able to easily identify its products -- your trusted source of local news, according to a 2016 Community Newspaper Drive study. "The printed community newspaper is by far the favourite source of local news and information in communities large and small across Canada," states the research study, funded by Canadian Heritage. The studys findings echo those of a recent Community Newspaper Readership Survey conducted by research firm BrandSparkInternational, which measured readership in more than 100 Ontario communities. The BrandSpark survey results OAKVILLE · ,m e tro lan d : T heBeaver noted that the majority of those surveyed turn to Metroland' s community newspapers as their primary source of local news, advertising and shopping information. The results also revealed that readers trust advertisements more so in local community newspapers than other media sources, including daily newspapers, radio and television. "We're the trusted medium," said Kelly Montague, regional general manager of Metroland West Media' s Halton division. That trust isn't taken for granted. The Beaver takes pride in providing Oakville residents -- an impressively engaged audience -- with the information they need to stay informed. Just as engaged as readers are with their local newspaper, its staff are connected to the community they serve. And with the newspaper' s new look, readers in Oakville, as well as those from London to Ottawa -- and every point in between -- can trust that Metroland' s got them covered. Authentic Montessori at its Best - For Ages 18 mo.-12 yrs. · An empowering curriculum that engages children · Individual focus to define your child's learning · Community atmosphere that makes students feel included and valued · Creative expression allows your child to explore their own interests and talents "E a c h space re fle c ts th e p ro fe s s io n a lis m , p r id e a n d d e d ic a tio n o f e v e ry o n e in th e school." -CCMA Accreditation Team CCM A FAIRVIEW GLEN M O NTESSORI SCHOOL 905.634.0781 · f a ir v ie w g le n .c o m SAFETY, ACHIEVED. FREEDOM, GUARANTEED. Register your new driver for a weekend course. Young D rivers' exclusive Collisionfree/TM driving maneuvers are their best defence on the road. O a k v ille lo c a tio n s TEXT YDOAKVILLEBEAVER TO 58888 f o r u p c o m in g c o u r s e d a t e s . 345 Lakeshore Rd. East, Suite 312 180 Oak Park Blvd., Suite 107 YOUNG , Qh DRIVERS YD .CO M | ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 - 6 8 4 6