TH U RSD AY JA N U A R Y 12, 2017 KVILLE · · · metrolandmedia T O P R O A sU M ECHANICAL SERVICES AU TO PR OO AK VILLE 2212 W yecroft Road, Oakville 9 0 5 -4 6 9 -2 4 4 2 $ 1 .0 0 C O N N E C T E D T O Y O U R C O M M U N IT Y I N S I D E H A L T O N . C O M 40 pages Crime fighter taking down cancer battle Halton Police Deputy Chief tackling cancer diagnosis by Nathan Howes Oakville Beaver Staff O A K V IL L E 905-842-6030 Weather for Oakville, ON Thurs Fri Sat Sun A Halton Regional Police Deputy Chief Carol Crowe is a veteran crime fighter who is now, with the help of her police family, as well as her family and friends, taking on a battle against cancer - on her own terms. | Nikki Wesley/Metroland cancer diagnosis is difficult, but for Halton Deputy Po lice Chief Carol Crowe, it has also brought her an unwavering am ount of love and support. The veteran Halton po lice officer was diagnosed with stage 3 inflamma tory breast cancer in Au gust 2016. She stepped away from her duties with the law enforcement agency to undergo chemotherapy treatment, but is look ing forward to putting her uniform on again, perhaps as early as this w eek, until she has sur gery. Since her diagnosis, Crowe has had so m uch support "it becam e a bit of a scheduling chal lenge for m e to fit ev erybody in that wanted to h elp ," she told the Oakville Beaver. "I can't even express how important it' s been. W hen I talk about family and friends, Halton po lice (service) really is m y second family. I've grown up there. I've been there 27 years," said Crowe, pointing to a box full of cards of support she re ceived. "W hen you 're having a crappy day and som e body can put a sm ile on your face, it m eans a lot. In som e way, it tells me I've had som e sort of im pact on the lives of the people I've worked with. see Cancer on p.6 & 5° -4° -4° -9° -3°-6° 0° -4° Winter returns with impact Page 25 \b u say tomato, Is a y .. Artscene SA U N D ER S, SAXTO N & W IN TE R -- ^Legacy o f Excellence -- W e n d y S au n d e rs Sales Representative $ JOHNSTON &DANIEL A DIVISION OF ROYAL L e PAGE R EAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD., BROKERAGE K im S a x t o n Sales Representative R uth A n n e W in t e r Broker I36 Church Street, Suite IA - Oakville, ON | 905,845,1 223 ssw team .ca | ssw team @