43 | Thursday, Ja n u a ry 1 9 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insideH A LTO N .com "Connected to your Community" BEAVER TRAILS TO CUBA: The Oakville Beaver travelled with Wendy Holmberg to Cayo Coco, Cuba. Seniors safe after house fire ignites inkitch en BEAVER TRAILS TO ICELAND: The Oakville Beavertravelled to Iceland with three generations of the one family from right to left, Grandpa Fred Kendall, 89, grandson Jason Kendall and Wayne Kendall. Take along a copy of the Oakville Beaver on your next vacation and send it in for pub lication to Beaver Trails, Oakville Beaver, 5046 Mainway, Unit 2, Burlington ON L7L 5Z1 or e-mail to ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com. Exclusive Non-Stop Flights from HAMILTON* Caribbean Cruise Vacations Made Easy Celebrity Cruises Caribbean Vacations It 's A l l In c lu d e d Celebrity V e ra n d a S ta te r o o m s fro m $ 2 ,5 9 9 * It's A ll Included: · 7 Night Eastern or Western Caribbean cruise aboard Celebrity Reflection® · Roundtrip NON-STOP flight from Hamilton, ON to Miami, FL* · NEW: Free Unlimited Xcelerate Internet, approx, value of $300 · Classic Beverage Package with unlimited beer, wine, spirits and more, approx. value of $900* · Gratuities and taxes* · All ground transfers in Florida From our previous guests: " A m a z in g h o lid a y . . . M o d e r n L u x u r y f r o m s t a r t to f in is h . "S o e a s y a n d s tr e s s -fre e to f ly fr o m o u r lo c a l a ir p o r t ! " Departures every Saturday from Feb. 4 to Apr. 8,2017* To book, * O ffe rvalidfo r departures b etw eenFeb. 4 toA p r. 8, 2017. Priceis inCAD, p.p. based o ndoubleoccupancyfo r newin d ivid u al bookings, subject to ava ilab ilityan dm aychange a t an ytim ean dis in clu siveo fa ll taxes, fees andp o rt charges. Priceis based o nth elo w est m in im u mavailab leas fo llo w s andw ill vary bysailin g: V erandacategory 2Dfro m$2,599fo rM a r. 18 &A p r. 1sailings o nCelebrity Reflection®. O th er categories/occupancy types and sailin g dates areavailab le at varyin g prices. Classic beverage package applies totw o guests (2 1 years and o ld er) p er statero o mand includes beers upto$6 per serving, sp irits and cocktails upto$8 per serving an dw in e upto$9 p er serving, soda selections, fresh squeezed and b o ttle d juices, prem iu mcoffees andteas andn o n-prem iumb o ttle dw a te r. U pgrades too th er beverage packages areavailab lefo r anad d itio n al charge plus beverage gratu ities. G ratu ities applies totw oguests per statero o mandprovides fo r prepaidstatero o matten d an t, w a ite r, assistant w aiter and h ead w aiter gratu ities (am o u n ts based o ngratu itygu id elin es). 3rd an d4th guests receive40 m in . in te rn e t package, gratu ities andnon-alcoholic beverage packagew h ichcanb eupgradedtoanalco h o l packagefo r afee. M ax. to ta l baggage allow anceo f20kilo s (44lb s.) p erperson. CelebrityReflection® EasternCaribbeanFeb. 4,18, M a r. 4,18 & A p r. 1an dW esternCaribbeanFeb. 11,25, M a r. 11,25 & A pr. 8 . Coacha irtra ve l isb etw eenH am ilto n ,O N andM ia m i, FL. Ports o f call varybyitin e ra ry . This programis n o t com binablew ithanyo th er o ffe rs. Space is subject toava ilab ilityandchangea ttim e o f booking. Please ask fo rd etails regarding term s and conditions concerning deposit, fin a l paym ent and cancellation pen alties. Restrictions ap p ly. Celeb rityCruises reserves th erigh t tocorrect anyerro rs, inaccuracies o r om issions andtochange o r updatefares, fees andsurcharges a t an ytim e w ith o u tp rio rn o tice. ©2016 Celeb rityCruises, In c. Ship's R egistry: M altaand Ecuador. A ll Rights R eserved. CALL YOUR TRAVEL AGENT, or call 1-888-776-1155. C e leb rity J K Cruises® T h a t 's m o d e rn lu x u ry .SM