Oakville Beaver, 4 Jun 2000, p. 8

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8 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday June 4, 2000 ToYour Health To reach this section call 845-3824 Fax:337-5567 P R O //A C T IV E / T h e r a p e u t i c s The health clinic with a difference H urt yourself on the golf course? Golfers are prone to injuring their backs, necks, shoulders, elbows, wrists and forearms. Don't "play through" the pain - it will wily get worse. Get your problem addressed by ProActive - a professional physiotherapy clinic registered with tire national MTforeGolf" program. Better still, avoid injuries in the first place by warming u p properly, including; · w arm u p your muscles by climbing seme stairs, doing some jumping jacks or going for a brisk walk before teeing off · stretch the key muscles you'll use in your swing; back, hip groin, hamstring, quadriceps, calves, neck, shoulders and forearms. H old each stretch for 30 seconds and d on't bounce. · gently swing first one club, then tw o clubs at once as you w arm up, swinging in both directions · w atch your swing mechanics too m uch side bending is a major cause of back trouble ProActive Therapeutics is endorsed by the Canadian Professional Golfers' Association for its FTTforeGolf" program. Call 337-2298 for more information. ProActive - Comprehensive physiotherapy, kinesiology, acupuncture, Pilates gym, massage and more. Health Dep't. campaign aimed at preventing foodborne illnesses Starting this week and continuing through to the first week of July, the Halton Region Health Department will be promoting the annual Fight BAC!TM campaign in local grocery stores through out Halton. The objective of the campaign is to spread the word that, although harmful bacteria may be present everywhere, following the four essential principles of CLEAN, SEPARATE, COOK and CHILL can prevent foodborne illness. According to Health Canada, there are an esti mated one-million cases of foodborne illness in Canada every year, most of which occur in the home. During the campaign, the Halton Region Health Department will be joining with the local food retail and food service industry to promote food safety at home. Public Health Inspectors will be available at various food retail locations on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to share information and answer any food safety questions or concerns. The main objective of the Fight BAC!TM cam paign is to provide individuals with the knowledge of how to protect themselves and their family from possible foodborne illness at home. Look for Public Health Inspectors at your local grocery store over the next six weeks. For more information about the Fight BACTM campaign or to confirm the location and dates when inspectors will be available at your local grocery store, call the Halton Region Health Department at 905-825-6060 ext. 7410. Chronic pain sufferers sought for study 135 Lakeshore Rd. W., Oakville 3 3 7 -2 2 9 8 Ow ner and director Laurie M cL aughlin B.H.Sc, P.T., F.C.A.M.T., M.C.P.A. Free Parking Available Y o u a re n o t s a c r ific in g in d e p e n d e n c e . Y o u a r e g a i n in g i t . A t Lifestyle, w e k n o w that life is n 't live d e x c lu s iv e ly w ith in o u r fo u r w alls. W ith m a n y o f the d a ily tasks ta k e n c a re of, y o u h a v e tim e to e n jo y all the a re a h a s to offer. J o in a s w im m in g c la s s at a lo c a l re cre a tio n centre... w a lk the n e ig h b o u rh o o d ... g o s h o p p in g . .. v o lu n te e r for a w o rth y c a u se ... o r m e e t a frien d for a m o vie. R etirem ent h a s n e ve r b e e n s o ca re free, o r s o full o f p o ssib ilitie s. W e 'll lo o k after the d a y-to -d a y d e ta ils w h ile y o u e n jo y y o u r freedom . Then, e a c h night, yo u c a n rest s e c u r e ly k n o w in g w e 're a lw a ys there w h e n y o u n e e d us. W e d o the w ork... y o u d o the living. A new research program on chronic pain is being made available at the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) Halton facility on 2370 Speers Road. The Medical Research Council of Canada (MRC) has provided funding to investigate the effectiveness of a community-based pro gram to help people experiencing chron ic pain. The Chronic Pain Self-Management Program involves weekly two-hour edu Multi-disciplinary cational sessions for six weeks. Each participant will receive a. 150-page Weight workbook on chronic pain, medication, Management strategies to manage pain, relaxation tapes and an introduction to gentle exer cise. 3 3 7 -0 0 4 0 There is no charge to participants in the by physician referral study. The program will be delivered by Registered Nurses from the Victorian Order o f Nurses and because it is a research study, participants will be asked to complete a set o f questionnaires throughout the study. The research project will include peo ple living in Ontario and N e w f o u n d la n d , with sessions being held at dif ferent sites in both provinces. Principal investi gators of this pro ject are Dr. Sandra Lefort of M e m o r i a l University in St. J o h n ' s For m ore inform ation p lea se call Barbara at The K ensington 844-4000, Carrie or Elaine at Churchill Place 338-3311. R e t ir e m e rkf C}> m m u n i t i e s A Subsidiary o f London life/G nat Wist L ift A s k a b o u t o u r o t h e r lo c a t io n s in B u rlin gto n , N o r th York, M is s is s a u g a a n d F o r e s t Hill. Churchill Place The Kensington 345 C hurch Street Oakville 3 3 8 -3 3 1 1 25 Lakeshore Road West Oakville 8 4 4 -4 0 0 0 N e w f o u n d la n d and Dr. Judy WattWatson o f the University of Toronto. If you are 19 years o f age or older, with pain that is mainly m u sc u lo sk e le ta l for at least six months, and do not have arthritis, cancer or HIV/AIDS, then you may be eligi ble to participate in the study. For more infor mation, call the Halton VON offices at 8278800.

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