14 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday, August 27, 2000 M cC onnell A w ard R ecipient: Mike Dinka (right) receives congratulations for winning the Ray McConnell memorial Award from Ray and Rosemary McConnell. Also offering con gratulations is (left) Ray Chisholm, manager of Recreation Services for the Town of Oakville. The award is presented in memory of Ray mcConnell who worked as a leader in the Summer Activity Centre program for three years, 1979-1981. He was killed in an automobile/motorcycle crash on Sept. 1, 1982. The award is presented to an astounding staff member who has made a contribu tion to the community through their leadership ability. Clowning Around tickets still available Tickets are still available for "Clowning Around," Big Sisters of Oakville's Second Annual August Fundraiser set for this Monday at Otello's Banquet Hall. The carnival-themed event starts at 6:30 p.m. with bidding for the silent auction, followed by the Marche menu dinner at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $65 per person and include din ner, a glass of wine or soft drink, entertainment, complimentary gift and a $30 tax receipt. Call 338-0238. Otello's is located at 2273 Royal Windsor Dr. * /lelp$veakidafuturely $vin£themapieceofyourpast. Donate your old computer to Computers for Schools' It could mean the difference between a child getting by, aid getting ahead, in the next millennium. With a simple phone cad, j a r retired computer systems can be placed where they can realy make a difference-fedassrooms and libraries across Canada. If your company is replacing computers, » to your systems spea^ists or supervisors. Let them know they can help our stixlents team the skills necessary to get ahead in tomorrow's world - and they can s a « money by avoiding costly equipment removal or storage. They could also get a tax receipt And if you've got an old computer at home? We just ask that d o n a te s of fewer than 3 units get dropped off at any Sears store. So give our kids a place m Canada's future. Donate your old computer to Computers for Schools today. Call 1888 636-9899 to arrange a pick-up or for more information. Or visit the Computers for Schools website at www.schoolnet.ca/cfs-ope i< S tiitmii uhIhu Canada P a rtT W in gwth C o m p u tsnto eSduotetobragtodnotojy too u r davoow. C om puters for Schools 'O fficia l Bark af ladaitry C a u d a .