Sunday, August 27, 2000 BONUS! A ll classified ads appear @ The site your com m unity clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 OR 3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 FAX: 6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 | \ ION. - F :RI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. Real Estate 1 0 0 -1 6 5 · Rentals 1 7 0 -1 9 6 · Leisure Living 2 0 0 -2 6 5 · Merchandise 3 0 0 -3 7 5 · Auto 4 0 0 4 6 5 · Help Wanted 5 0 0 -5 9 9 · Announcements 6 0 0 -6 7 5 · Services 7 0 0 -8 0 0 houses for sale 2174 Parkway D rive, Burlington. Spacious detached 3+ 1 bedroom bungalow. Attached garage. New custom kitchen, fully finished basem ent with workshop & office. Many if-atures. Open House Sunday. Aug., 27th, 2-4pm or call 331-8100_________ GRACIOUSLY updated, all brick 4-bedroom home. 21/2 baths, wood flo ors, skylights, modern kitchen, separate din in gro o m , 2 familyrooms. New windows & gas furnace. Double garage. Near M cM aster Hospital. $285,000. Private. (905)526-6257________ BURLINGTON Core. 2+1 bedroom bungalow w7 character & charm. Private yard w/perennial garden, inground pool. Private sale. 537 W oodland Ave. $181,900. (905)634-3401. 14 60 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted 2-BEDROOM A p a rt ments $790. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 START immediately- 1 or 2 persons for painting apartm ents. Steady job. paying $18-20/hr. (416) 233-7441 BASEMENT apartment. 3bedroom, Oakville, parking separate entrance. Imme diate. $800/month. Call 849-1946 QUIET non-smoking reno vated main floor 3-bedroom bungalow. Guelph Line/ Upper Middle. Utilities in cluded. $1,200/mo. (905)331-6071_______________ HEADON Forest Execu tive Detached Rental, 3 beds. 2.5 baths, spotless condition, fresh p ain t/ decor, new appliances, Ja cuzzi, available Septem ber 1. $1850/mth. Call Ron Allan, Sales Rep Century 21 M iller RE. Ltd. (905)510-0918.__________ MAIN floor of 3 bedroom bungalow, large fam ily room extension, available Oct. 1/00, $1300 inclusive, no smoking/ pets (905)8278308. F a tra ic^ h 'o -itip / CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited f r e e Antique · · · · 1 Bedroom Suites Available October All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths Indoor pool & saunas Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access IDENTIFICATION CLINIC Bring your items or photos HOSTED BY B U R L IN G T O N SQUARE (905)639-4677 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm OAKVILLE, Kerr/ Elmwood Rd. Newly renovated 2-bed room. Large, spacious apartm ent! A vailable afterSept 15th $850./mo. inclusive. 1 parking. (905) 338-0491. _ _ BRANT/ Ontario Streets: Large 142 bedroom apart m ents a vailable im m ed iately. C/A, w all-to -w a ll broadloom and balcony. (905)403-1050__________ GEORGIAN Apartments. Sept./Oct. 1,243 Bedrooms. H ea t/ hydro included. Parking extra (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456. M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm 2-BEDROO M , from $880/fP" Oct 1st, S30/car) TWO bedroom. October 1. Bronte, excellent condition, pool, tennis court, under ground parking, $1200/mth utilities included. Brad Mill er, Century 21 Miller Real Estate Ltd., (905)845-9180. W A D D I N G T O N A N T IQ U E S SEPT. 15 & 16 UPPER MIDDLE/ Dorval. large furnished room, private home, share bath. $400./mo. Non-smoker. Im mediate. First/last (905) 847-5040___________ WATERDOWN Large room in new home unfurnished w/cable, non-sm oking. House features c/a, c/v, gas fire pla ce , finished recroom, $450/mo. Available September 1st. (905)6892782 _______________ BRONTE/ Dundas. Includes Housecleaning, u tilitie s, cable. Shared kitchen. Private entrance, parking. No smoking/ pets. $300. (905)847-5603 BU R LO A K / Lakeshorefurnished room w/kitchen privileges. Suit male nonsmoker. $550/mo. inclu sive. Sept. 15. 631-5884 evgs. DESK/ hutch/ chair- wood painted white, $60 for all. 331-2713______________ DOC Martens, black. Uni sex, never worn, size 7-8. $50. (905)631-8231 FREE fence, approx 160ft. green chainlink w/posts. 2 gates. Romove neatly, its yours! Ietswin@ sym FREE V iking freezer 60x27x36, Racine deluxe fridge, 60x30x21. Betty or Rick 331-8894 GE w asher- heavy duty, excellent condition. $100. (905)631-1251__________ SOLID oak m icrow ave stand with pull out shelf. $75. 844-8054_______ MITSUBISHI TV- $75. Ex cellent condition. 336-1594 QUEEN futon m attress nearly new. $99. 905-3360332 STROLLER-GRACO Buy $200 - sell $85. Navy/ White. Call 845-7802 ZENITH 20* TV, $75. Ex cellent condition. 336-1594 Tallest Building in Oakville! LUXURY. New 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR, 6 appliances, stereo. 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Daily, W eekly, M onthly. From $1295-2995/ month. Visa. MasterCard. AmEx Call 681 -RENT (7355) L/M OFFICE space a p p ro x imately 960 sq. ft. $736/ month, including property taxes and w ater. QEW/ Trafalgar (905)849-3521 O A K V IL LE - Lakeshore/ Kerr; prim e re ta il/ office space 2 units at $1125/mo. each + utilities. (905)8423 1 9 6 ___ _______ LARGE ground floor com mercial office for rent .1013 St. Matthew's Ave. $700/ ·o n th . plus utilities. Call 333-1633 O A K V ILLE D owntownLakeshore/ Trafalgar area in attractive Mews Office/ retail/ commercial units for lease. Various sizes. Con tact. 905-337-7135 or 416923-6345 coi ' v ' </ingroom, e a t - " -.ten. Quick QEW access, Guelph Line near New St., Burlington. (2% D r'~ .-rCO * nt dis` (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW 1+ 1 bedroom , near 1Bdrm from S779* Tansley Woods. $925. month plus utilitie s. No 2- Bdrm from S899* pets S parkling clean! Spacious and well main Available October. Tamer tained highrise. Most Fahmi, Broker, Hearth 4 Home Realty. 333-5000 newly decorated! Some with lake view. 'THE Sands* 2-bedrooms, 2 Liz: (905) 845-9502 baths, C/A, 5 appliances, balcony, pool. No pets. No "(2% disc, included) smoking. $1250. Sept.1st. L.Davies R.E., (905)3334347__________________ ^ condominiums torrent EXECUTIVE Condo townhouse, North Oakville, 2300 sq.ft., 3-bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, fam ilyroom , 5 ap pliances. fireplace, air. ga rage. Sept. 1st. $1675/mo.+ utilities. Trafalgar Property Management, Warren Hill, (905)338-1130__________ O A K V ILLE - 3-bedroom townhouse, 4 appliances, broadloom , garage, fin ished basement, near schools and transportation. $1,250/mo. 905-270-2693. BURLINGTON: 2bedroom from $926/mo.+ u tilitie s, O c t.1st 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. 333-1190.________ NORTH O a k v ille - very bright, 3 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, spacious backyard, 4 appliances. (9 05 )8 2 75252, after 6pm. BURLINGTON: Luxury 3 4 4 bedroom townhouses with family room and 3 applianc es. 1300 4 1600 sq. ft. plus basement, fenced in backyard. $1100 and $1200 plus utilities, parking $40. (905) 639-0950. TOWNHOME for rent ' The For more information, coll 905-815-0017 or 1-800-265-3673 ext. 302 or check out our website: articles for sale EUROPEAN style aquar ium 15 gallon capacity, with all accessories, and African C hili fish. $240. 331-4408______________ FENDER Stratocaster SRV. 1-1/2 years old, still like new, hardly played c/w hard case $1250/ firm . Call (905)333-5776. (905)3310077 ______________ articles tor sale M AINTENANCE free tongue 4 grove timberteck decking. Sliver free! 20% off retail. (905)634-5328 LiftsH L E va S H O Canadian Warplane 50 PLUS Heritage Museum Hamilton (Mount Hope) 9:30am to 5:00pm 120 JUoo Admission Only $2.00 Downtown Burlington 1.2&3 Bdrm Apts Available Scnt./Oct. Freshly painted, some with new kit. cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building Walk to shop ping, Hospital & Lake! Call (905) 637-0321 1-BEDROOM apartm ent a vaila ble im m ediately. Hydro, ^jas, fridge, stove included. No pets. Nonsmoker. Separate entrance. $600/mo. Call John Pilling, Sales Rep., C oldw ell Banker B urnhill R ealty, (905)639-3355 _________ O A K V IL LE : Lakeshore/ Kerr 1 bedroom $720, 2 bedroom $825. Sept, or Oct. Non-smokers, no pets. (416) 233-7441. _ _ 1 bedroom & bachelor apartment. East Hamilton. Suit adults, utilities paid. $450 & $325.905-547-8148 FRESHLY Decorated: 243 Bedrooms- some 2-level! Oct. 1st. Low-rise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios. 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0015; 1460 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905) 336-0016 (Burling-ton) BEAUTIFUL, Newly Reno vated 1,243 Bedroom Apartments. Some with lake view s! R efurbished. P re stigio u s Burlington Highrise. Immediate. From $875./mo (905)637-6701 1-BEDROOM, $575. Stud ent or single w orking person. First 4 last References. Sept. 1st. 842-1048______________ LAKEFRONT Burlington! Large clean 2-bedroom apartm ent available Oct. 1st. 2338 Lakeshore Rd. Call (905)681-8938. LAKESHORE/BURLOAK 3-bedroom, detached, rec room, den, garage. $1550/ month. Call Syl 905-8202032 or 905-897-9555 BURLINGTON: small 1bedroom, suit older gentle man. everything included. $550/month. Immediate. 333-1141 after 6pm PINEDALE Estates, 2Bedroom apartm ent. O c t.1st. $1300/m o. No smokers/ pets. Ian McSporran, Assoc. Broker, Coldwell Banker Burnhill Realty, (905)639-3355._________ LARGE 2-bedroom apart ment, blocks away frotn downtown Oakville. Pool. Available Oct. 1st. $1150 / mo. inclusive. Lots of seniors! (905)844-1934____ WALK to Downtown Oak ville. Renovated: 2-bdrms. $808/mo.+ hydro. Sept. 1st. Small building. Laundry. Parking. S ecurity. 8255539.__________________ 142 Bedroom apartments available Sept. 1st./Oct. 1st. Spacious 4 bright in a small quiet building near downtown Oakville Heat/ parking included. $675/mo. 4 $775/m o.+ hydro. (905)815-0768 ______ NEAR Burloak. Duplex. 3bedrooms, ground floor, 4 appliances, parking. $825/ mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. (905)632-5690 SU BLE T: 1-bedroom apartm ent, Burlington. Guelph/ New. "Queensbury Court* $800/mo. all inclu sive. Days, (905)842-9494; evgs. (905)278-4567. BR O N TE-O N -TH E-LAKE: immaculate. 1-bdrm, single executive, all inclu sive: cable, parking, brand new appliances. $1,250./ mo. Evenings (905)8272266. "THE Palace" 1-bedroom, solarium , 5 appliances, stunning view of bay 4 escarpment. Pool, security. No pets, no smoking. $950/mo. incl. O c t.1st. L.Davies R E., (905)3334347__________________ 2-BEDROOM condo in West Burlington high rise Appliances included. $900/ month, all inclusive. Oct. 1st. 319-9104___________ VILLAGE Square. Lovely2 -bdrm, 2 bath, 6 applianc es, a/c, jacuzzi, 1 parking. $1400./mo. Sept. 1st (905) 643-3556. LARGE ensuite room, with dressing room. Septem ber 1st. $500/m onth in cludes heat, hydro, air, parking, utilities, cable, use of pool 4 sauna. Caroline, (905)464-1696.__________ NEW listing: 1-bedroom, main flo o r (large home, safe Burlington court). Share kitchen, bathroom, livingroom w/single 37-yr. part-time Dad (homeown er). Heat, hydro, cable, laundry, parking included. Near QEW/ sto re s/ bus. $400/mo. Suit quiet work ing fem ale/ single Mom September. References. Dave,-(905)332-4942. ROOMMATE wanted im mediately to share Burling ton sem i, non-sm oker, $450/mo. inclusive. First/ last, leave m essage, (905)336-3329. .________ DOWNTOWN O akvilleShare house with 3 profes sional females. Laundry, parking. $400/mo. inclusive. Available now. 338-3658 GUELPH Line/ Prospect. Large furnished room in house, share facilities, TV, parking, $190./bi-weekly. N on-sm oker. 905639-3930.______________ LARGE room- furnishedNorth Burlington. Clean, responsible person. $370/ incl., cable. Pool. 331-7758 or (905)616-0879. m shared accommodation DININGROOM, hutch, solid oak, bevelled glass doors, mirrored back, plate rack, silver drawer. $1475. 8470956 -F O R LEASE - PRIME RETAIL SPACE Hamilton Rd. N. WATERDOWN Available Immediately Approx. 1500 sq.ft. (905)526-8481 Ext. 238 Orchard* 1650 sq. ft. with All The walk out basem ent, a/c. Advantages of central vac. non-smoker. $1400/month Great for Condo Living family. Immediate posses1BDRM + DEN £ 331-6026________ sion. 2BDRM SUITES BURLINGTON North im w/solarium! Rec. fac., maculate 2-bdrm, 3 levels 24-hr security & more. finished, 5 appliances, $1275/mo. plus utilitie s. Mapleview area! Sept. 1st. (905)331-2235. Flexible Occupancy. FREE E stim ates... Got wobbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam? Tired looking wood finishes?... then call Fields fo r all fu rn itu re CARPET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stain- repairs and custom wood refinish in g , 9-9 daily, master 4 100% nylon car (905)632-9090__________ pet. W ill do livingroom 4 hall for $349. Includes car FREE in home estimate of pet. pad 4 installation (30 California shutters, blinds, yards). Steve, 639-2902 d ra p e ries... 'L o u ve re d ANTIQUE Hummel figurines- (four) 2 large, 2 small. $450. (905)639-7019 ANTIQUE Diningrooms 4 B edroom s... V ariety of suites to choose from all beautiful and professionally refinished. Rock Chapel An tiques 4 Statuary. Open Daily, Hwy.5, 1mi. W. of Hwy.6 at Rock Chapel Golf Centre, (905)639-3639 AN TIQ UES: 2-do o r m ir rored wardrobe; Victorian tiled fireplace insert, com plete; 3-tier nickel-plated crystal prism chandelier 37" drop. 845-1406. B EAU TIFUL handm ade full length violin, bow, and case. $2500. 339-8076 BED, single size electric, for home use, 6 function, head/footboard w/mattress, purchased but not used. $500; power lift chair, bur gundy, used 1-year $450. Please call (416)686-7059. Arched Special.* (movable)3ft-$ 175. 4ft-$200. Glen. (905)330-3211 __________ FRIDGE 4 stove Beaumark, alm ond, spotless condtion. $150 each. 639-9491.______________ FURNITURE, sofas, kitchen chairs, lamps, coffee tables, baskets, dishes... Great deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burl. W/Th/F12-8pm ,Sat-9-5pm ; Sun12-4pm.________________ FU TO N - double, green m etal frame 4 m attress. P erfect condition, $175. (905)333-4690__________ GOLF C lu b s - RH. 2-PW irons + woods, leather Titleist tour bag head covers, $350. Rose of Sharron bushes. 2-4ft tall. $2-$6. 632-4073______________ HOT Hot Deals! Don't pay tiH Spring 2001. 0% interest. 20' rectangular Kayak above-ground pool. $4995. includes liner. 2 ladders, sand filter, 1 horsepower pump 4 motor, etc. 1-800668-7564_______ _______ JUNIOR m ate's bed and headboard, good condition $100. M atching desk, hutch and stool $100., Kenmore stove, almond, standard size $100. Call after Sunday 332-3198 KING bed- pillow-top, or thopedic m attress, box spring and frame. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. Sell $675. (905)971-1777. MAHOGANY diningroom suite; 8 pierced ladder back chairs, extending table, ser pentine fronted reverse break front side board with 4 long draw ers, central section cupboards 4 drawers, bow front server, 3 draw ers to the apron, cupboards below $5,000. 829-2568 MOVING- Antique oak din ing room suite. SpineJ desk, Settee set. oil paint ings, large mirror, teak fur niture, tea service, other items. 905-822-0548 MOVING: Barracuda, hardly used. $175. Sofabed loveseat. excellent con dition, $100. Single bed 4 boxspring, like new, $100. W asher/dryer, $125. 4 drawer metal filing cabinet, $30. (905)332- 7308 OFFICE desk. $75.; kitchen set. $175.; computer desk, $75.; golf bag, $20.; electric BBQ, $45.; w heelchair, $50.; lady's long-hair Bea ver coat, appraised $3500., asking $2200. All excellent condition... like new, rea sonably priced for quick sale. (9 0 5 )6 3 9-0 6 6 8, please leave message OFFICE furniture: desks, chairs, tables, printer, fax. cabinets, panel. M7310 phones, microwave, small appliances. (905)827-34g9 PIANO, beautiful Kimball console pecan wood finish, matching bench, outstand ing condition, $1900; Nor dic Trak WalkFit exercise machine, top-of-the-line, barely used. $550. (905) 338-1822._____________ POOL table. 4x8 solid oak. 3 peice slate, leather pock ets. Mint. $1,900. with ac cessories. (905)319-8234 STEREO speakers $150.. 3-piece wall unit $675.. 2 microwaves $75., rowing m achine $50., all A-1 condition. 336-0305. SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no GST! Love your furniture... hate your co lours? Sofa 4 matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. C hairs from $199. Free Estim ates. Senior Discounts. Fields Quality Custom Upholstering. 9-9, (905)632-9090 THE W aterbed G allery Store Closing Sale. 3350 Fairview Street. Burlington. Everything Must Go. 6395600. SS Governmenl Funds $$. Grants and loans informa tion to start and expand your business or farm. 11900-505-8866. WANTED Im m ediately!!! Hostesses and Consultants! C hristm as Around the World is here! Confirm your attendance for our Aug. 29th event! Call (905) 3159440 for more information! Free Gift valued at $25 for all Guests.______________ B i l l I franchises ILLNESS forces sale: in cludes stock and e q u ip ment. $29,900. obo. Call 333-5707 10am - 5pm or 331-8112 9:30pm - 11 p.m. · I apartments & »J flats for rent C ANAD IA N A.Q uiet, well m aintained lake fro n t building Very spacious 2&3-bedroom s a vailable October. 5220 Lakeshore Rd.Burtngton. (905)632-5486 2 bedroom apartm ent. Quiet adult building. $900/ mo Sept/O ct. 1st. Call (905)634-0697 __________ OLD Oakville. 1-bedroom >Jbasement apartm ent. W alking d istance td hospital. GO, downtown, o n ' bus route. $550/m o Available Sept. 1st. (905) 339-3594______ 1,243 Bedroom Suites available. QEW/ Trafalgar Woad. Indoor pool. From S850/mo (905)844-1106 ®416-390-6279® I houses for rent NORTH Burlington Semi- 3 + 1 bedrooms. 2 baths, fire place, c/a. Available Sept 1st. $1300/mo. ^-utilities. (905)331-8989._______ __ LEASE to buy. Burlington. Lakeshore/ Central. Large treed lot. 3-bedrooms, fire places, sundeck. Sunroom w /separate entrance. $1250/mo. (905)822-8477 BRAND New Bungaloft... 1882sq.ft. 3-bedrooms. Be the firs t to move in. .. $1,700/mo.+ utilities. In cludes appliances. Near all amenities... 3 minutes to M apleview Mall. Simon Jackson Evgs: (905)3381783; Days (905)849-4700 HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Assoc. Broker, (905)6395258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor BURLINGTON (Aldershot)3-bedroom bungalow, large lot. 4 appliances, close to shopping 4 schools, on bus route October 1. $1100 plus utilities. 331-7857 ' 3-BEDROOM. River Oaks. Excellent condition. 2-1/2 baths, finished basement, 5 appliances, C/A. short term rental 6-8 months. $1500/ mo. A vailable October. (905)845-3869 NORTH Burlington, nicely decorated, 3 bedroom flat. 2 appliances,C/A, parking, laundry, suit non-smoking couple. $825/month plus half utilities. First 4 last. November 1. 335-4564 after 6pm BURLINGTON townhouse. Lakeshore/ Burloak. 3-bed rooms, 2-1/2 baths, 5 ap pliances. Built 1999. Available Sept. 1st. $1650/ mo. (416)806-9663 BURLINGTON. Executive end unit townhouse near Fairview GO. 3-bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, fireplace, C/A, 5 appliances, garage, deck. $1,140.+ u tilities. Oct. 1. (905)681-5527__________ NORTH-EAST Oakville 3 bedroom + separate den. On ravine 21/2 bathrooms, eat in kitchen, A/C Avail able Oct. 1. $1700 plus utili ties. Call (905) 257-5465 UPGRADED 142 Bdrm Apts with scenic view s availa ble at two prime downtown Burlington loca tions. Beautiful grounds. Professionally managed. 478 Pearl St. (905)6321643; 477 Elizabeth St.. (905)634-9374__________ OAKVILLE, Spacious, fully furnished 2-bedroom base ment apartment. Separate entrance. Im m ediate. S1000/mo. No pets. (905)827-6027.__________ BURLINGTON. 'Bluefields* Large, clean 2-bedroom. Hardwood, patio, fenced yard, laundry. No dogs. S ept./O ct. $805/mo. (905)336-7207_________ NICE basement apartment $700/mo. inclusive. No smoking or pets. Suit single person 825-9544 4 bedroom upstairs apart ment in downtown Oakville for rent Sept. 1st. Call (905) 842-1777 1950 25 HP Evinrude. ele ctric start outboard. Partially disassembled. All parts available. $200/best offer. 829-2568__________ BEDS, New- Com plete Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. (905)6811990 20' Cuddy Cabin 175 9496 _________________ h.p., 6 cyl., good condition. COUCH, love seat and Must sell. $7,500. Call 849sofa; navy with large white 7050. flowers. Good condition. $600 obo. 634-2830 I items under $100. DININGROOM set- 14 piece, solid Cherrywood, 92* double pedestal table. 8 C hippendale chairs, lighted hutch, buffet 4 server, all Dove-tail 4 metal glide drawers. New, still boxed. Cost $14,500., sacrifice $6000. (905)3045883.__________________ DRAPES- C habots 4 Swags to fit windows 3 @ 100* each. Navy 4 burgun dy. Padded valance 129' with matching drapes. 905844-6565 WALKERS/NEW-$475/mo Pool, eable, laundry/ kitch en privileges included. Re sponsible w orking adult. Immediate, first/last. (905) 333-3895,leave message. DOWNTOWN Burlington: luxury townhouse. separate bedroom, den, bath. Suit professional female. $475/ month. Available immed iately. 634-5059 BU R LIN G TO N available Sept. 1st., male, non-smoker. /mo. First 4 last. 681-8016. room Prefer $300 (905) 3 piece round glass coffee table fro Leon's $100. 3312713__________________ BIKES, His 4 Hers Norco 3speed, folding, $50/both. 844-8054.______________ COUCH, rustic scenery, as new condition Must be seen! $100 firm, 639-4917. DESK, large, solid oak double pedestal, $100 obo. 639-5509