Oakville Beaver, 27 Jan 2017, p. 20

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w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m | O A K V IL L E B E A V E R | Friday, J a n u a ry 27, 2 0 1 7 | 2 0 ADVERTISE IN THIS SPOT PRIME ADVERTISING POSITION CALL 1 -8 0 0 -2 6 3 -6 4 8 0 Or email: classifieds@ m etroland.com ^ B e a v e r. * metrolandmedia j f j 1 workopolis , u f\ i n e W S c a CANADA'SBIGGESTJOB SIT E fc lflp rk CocalWork ca V -IO JJIIIC U J Y O U R B EST S O U R C E FO R L O C A L JO B S grftarentcom 1 ^P^Beaver. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! DEADLINE: F o r d i s p l a y a d v e r t i s i n g , p le a s e a l l o w f o r a n a d d it io n a l d a y . TO RESERVE YO U R S P O T TODAY. PAYMENT: V is a , M a s te r C a r d , A m e r ic a n E x p r e s s b y p h o n e o r c a s h o r c h e q u e in p e r s o n a t 5 0 4 6 M a i n w a y , U n i t 2 , B u r lin g to n T u e s d a y a t 1 1 a .m . f o r T h u r s d a y e d it io n . EMAIL: classifieds@metroland.com 1 PHONE: 905-527-5555 · 1-800-263-6480 1 FAX: 905-526-6779 · 1-866-299-1499 TELEPHONE HOuRs: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. T h u r s d a y a t 1 0 a .m . f o r F r id a y e d it io n . ·* m etrolandm edia · * Connected to your community® 1 ^ E v e r y e f f o r t is m a d e t o e n s u r e t h e a c c u r a c y o f y o u r a d . P l e a s e c h e c k y o u r a d t h e f i r s t d a y it a p p e a r s t o e n s u r e i t 's a c c u r a t e . M e t r o la n d w ill n o t b e r e s p o n s ib le fo r a n y e r r o r s a p p e a r in g a f t e r t h e f ir s t d a y o f p u b lic a tio n . C a n c e lla tio n s m u s t b e m a d e b y te le p h o n e . Call: 905-527-5555 or 1-800-263-6480 Email: classifieds@metroland.com > A rticles Under $100 VASE, LEAD crystal, 10" . A rticles fo r Sale A partm ents fo r Rent A partm ents fo r Rent > Townhouses fo r Rent N Townhouses for Rent Health & Home Care Health & Home C are > A rticles W anted 'I A rticles W anted 1 , 2 & 3 Bedroom Oakville starting from $975 190 Kerr Street 905-845-1777 392 Pine Street 905-337-0910 1265 Sixth Line LARGE 2 bedroom apartment in century home, no pets/ smoking, included, appliances Hwy. 5 W. in Dundas area, $1500/ month, Heat and hydro included 905-689-6280 LARGE 3 Disability Benefit Group W orking hard fo r Canadians w ith disabilities. CUMBERLAND ViLLAGE Tow nhom e $ 1 3 0 0 /m p lu s u t i l i t i e s T o w n h o m e (W ith G a ra g e ) $ 1 4 0 0 /m p lu s u t i l i t i e s Close to Burlington Mall, Schools &Transit · 4 a p p ls .* E a t-in K itc h e n · B a s e m e n t · P a rk in g Suffering from a Disability? For d e ta ils check o u t o u r w ebsite BEST CASH PAID We Make House Calls W E B U Y IT A LL! China, Silver, Crystal, C oins, Gold & C ostum e Jew ellery, Art, D oultons S w arovski, A ntiqu es, C ollectibles, D ow nsizing & E state Experts $40. 905-842-1046 WALL MIRROR, 1.5 x 2 feet, $10. 289-442-1891 WHEELCHAIR, FOLDING, medium size, light- CARPET I have several 1000 yds. Of new Stainmaster and 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (25 sq. yards) w w w .d is a b ilitY q r o u p ta n a d a .c o m or call us today bedroom, 2 bath, in clean quiet building. Downtown Oakville, New kitchen. $1950. + hydro. 1 BEDROOM, out of a 2- Available February/ bedroom apt. Preferred March. Call female, over 50, fully 905-582-9768. furnished, queen sized bed in bedroom, be tween Guelph line/Brant Houses fo r Rent st. Call Lisa 289-971-1469 OAKVILLE, BRAND new 4 bedroom home, double BURLINGTON, garage, includes TYANDAGA, 2 bedroom, appliances. Available completely renovated. now. $3000/month. Locker, Fireplace, Close to all schools, Hardwood, Walk-in shops and amenities. Closet. On bus route. 905-580-9028, Utilities included plus 905-842-4985. parking. Available December 1, OFF BRANT STREET: 905-336-6379 Beside park, 3 bedroom bungalow plus den or 4th bedroom, 2 full bath Burlington Towers rooms. $1,385/month. NEWLY RENOVATED 3 LEVEL SEMI 3 bed 1 & 2 bdrm Available rooms. 1.5 baths, rec February or March 1st room. $1,375/month. Located close to the Lake. Indoor pool, sauna APPLEBY MALL 4 level split, 3 bedrooms plus and fitness centre. den/4th bedroom. 1.5 Utilities included! baths, rec room, garage. 905-639-8583 $1,485/month. Call Al Please visit us at bert McDonagh Ltd. Real www.facebook.com/ Estate Brokerage burlingtontowers 905-842-8960 www.livehere.ca 1.888.875.4787 A rticles Under $100 CCM SKATES, ly used. 905-632-3947 WINE RACK, $80. holds 7 $10. A rticles W anted 32 70 Prospect Street, Burlington LOOK ANTIQUES WANTED Victorian Furniture Gold Silver Costume Jewelry China Coins Tea Cups Toys Sterling Silver Flatware Silverplate items Lladro Royal Doulton Figurines. Much Much More!!! Good Day. We Will Assist In All Downsizing Estate Clearing or purchase large and small collections. No Waiting. No Costly Auction Fees. SAME DAY CASH Silverspoon174 @gmail.com PLEASE CALL Kathy 905-920-9137 white, 289-396-5314 girls, $15.00 Call Appraisers: John/Darcie/Krista 9 0 5 -3 3 1 -2 4 7 7 w w w .tjtr a d e r s .c o m in q u ir ie s @ tjtr a d e r s .c o m A rticles Under $100 GUCCI GLASSES, A rticles Under $100 bottles, 289-442-1891 WING CHAIRS, two, im 905 - 632-2601 APPLEBY MALL: 2 bedroom condo. 1 bathroom, a rec room, $1225/month. 3 bedroom condo. 1.5 bathrooms, Rec Room, $ 1320/mo. Parking included. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage 905-632-5690. Office/ Business Space for Rent/ Wanted 500 FT. 2 and 950 ft 2. House / Pet S itting PROFESSIONAL HOUSESITTERS AVAILABLE Professional couple available for short or long term housesit ting. Pets welcome. Call or text. Jennifer, 905-531-4240 905-632-5690 CENTRAL OAKVILLE, clean, newly renovated, large 2 bedroom, with balcony, main floor, triplex. Two parking, central air, heat, water, cable, internet. Hydro not included. Laundry onsite. Close to all amenities, no pets/ smoking, $1525 /month. Vince 416-809-8656 or 905-849-6007. Feb 1st. FACING BURLINGTON Condos fo r Rent BURLINGTON DOWN TOWN, across lake, the Baxter, luxury 1 bed room condo, balcony, locker, parking, 24hr se curity, bbq terrace, lounge room. February 1st, $1600 utilities in cluded. 905-483-7980 NEW 2 bedroom condo A rticles W anted office units for rent Mainway/ Walkers Line Burlington Please call ALL TEAK furniture 905 633 8205 wanted, antiques, watch es, paintings, silver dol Stores fo r R en t/ ^ lars, gold, sterling silver, W anted Doultons, jewelry, Swarovski figurines, old AVAILABLE NOW! toys, musical instru Oakville, busy ments. We buy it all. Downtown area, 905-979-4447. 2400 sq.ft. for lease. Suit beauty salon/spa or BUYING DANISH Teak, any business. Ready to Scandinavian furniture, open. $3300/month. 905-580-9028 Rosewood & Retro + 905-842-4985 Vintage Lighting. Call 905-407-9753. A rticles Under $100 2 ZIPDE chairs in excel lent condition, $60. 905-842-1046 for an ap pointment ANTIQUE CHANDELLIER, made in Germany, working order, $99.99. 905-842-1046 for an ap pointment AQUARIUMS/ ACCES SORIES for sale, please To book your classified ad call call for more informa tion. 905-842-5834 BABY BUMBO seat. $20. 905-849-7661 BASKETS, 3 black metal, $10. 289-442-1891 BOOT DRYER. Canadian Tire brand. Rarely used and in new condition. $30. Text 289-828-2032 Mall. 1 & 2 bedroom. Brand new kitchens. Seniors discount. Call Bob 905-639-8009 or Don 905-681-8115. for rent in Oakville Trafalgar and Dundas area Close to all amenities For details and occupancy date, please call 905-510-2083 905.632.4440 Oakvflle Beaver CHINA DOLL figurine, $50. 289-442-1891 CHUCKIT TRIO whistling dog balls. $25. 905-730-4230 CLOTHES DRYER, Mof fat, excellent condition, $100. 905-335-0211 CURIO CABINET, dark brown, mirror top, 30" x 10" x 35" . $60. 905-842-6347 DESK CHAIR uphol stered roll away chair, $10 Please Contact 905-689-5370 DOG COLLAR. XL, light ed, with settings. $20. 905-730-4230 DOG SWEATER - Cute, XS, Oxford style. $10. 905-730-4230 DOG SWEATER, cute, xs red Oxford style, $10. 905-730-4230 ELECTRIC SNOW blow er, 6.5 amps, 12" wide, $25, 905-634-3572 FIGURE SKATES, girls white, size 6, skate guards, $25. 905-637-5323 FISH TANK, decorative round, built in pump/light, $25. 905-730-4230 FLOOR HEATER, A F works, works great, $30. 905-637-5323 FOUNTAIN PUMP kit, by Laguna. $25. 905-849-7661 GEORGE FOREMAN grill, $25. 905-526-6779 email baptistelake@live.com peccable, autumn col ours, hardly sat on, $75 each. 905-632-0958 WORKSHOP TABLE, 30x90x46, solid wood, $75. 905-338-0499 Steve 905-633-8192 M usical $40. SANDING WHEEL, 10" , YARDWORKS, HEDGE Instrum ents 5/8" arbor plus 6 sand trimmer, $40. discs, $15, 905-338-0499 LICENSE PLATE collec ing --GUITARS NEW--1 tion, 1970-80, 21 plates, 905-335-3380 from $99. Over 20,000 \ musical items in stock. $95. 905-338-0499 A rticles fo r Sale SAW BLADE, carbide Absolute Music 945 LIQUEUR GLASSES, tipped, 10" dia, 5/8" ar pinwheel design, 7 piec bor, 100 tooth, thin rim **A1 MATTRESS FAC- Upper James St. Hamil ton. call 905-318-7447 $20, 905-335-3380 es, $15, 905-335-3380 TORY DIRECT, delivery www.absolutemusic.ca All sizes MACARAME LOUNGE SAW BLADE, carbide available. chair, $10, tipped, 10" dia, 5/8" ar including custom split \ Cars 905-634-3572 bor, 40 tooth, general boxsprings, Orthopedic $15, 20 year sets starting MARDI GRAS beads, purpose, $240. 30 year tight-top 2012 HYUNDAI SONATA free to anyone who can 905-335-3380 sets starting $340. use them, over 100 SNOW BLOWER Crafts Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop GLS. Excellent in Spot less condition. Fully strands, 905-335-3380 man 27" Works good. & `Crown' series, Loaded; All Power Op Eurotop sets from tions; MEN'S REEBOK running $99, 905-689-7142 Power driver's shoes with air insole. s n o w s h o e s , Al u m i $390. New Waterbeds, seat with lumbar support; end-of-line/ Heated all seats; Sunroof; New, size 8. $50. n u m frame, 18x10" , Futons, items Bluetooth; Air Condition 905-730-4230 neoprene webbing, $15, discontinued available. ing; Anti-Lock Brakes; MIRROR, ROUND, 27" 905-335-3380 905-847-2020 Keyless Entry; Cruise diameter, $15, SPANISH SPOKEN lan 905-681-9496, Control; 81,500km 905-634-3572 guage course, 2 books & 905-563-6903. $12,500 Or Best Offer. cassettes, $25, OXY ACETYLENE regula 32 905-637-7123 tors pair. $75. 905-335-3380 905-689-5370 STEEL DOLLY 22 x 24 Trucks & SUVs PET SHEDDING tool and heavy duty 100 lbs ca brush, high quality, $20. pacity $25. BEST CARPETING Deals! 2005 TOYOTA, 905-730-4230 905-689-5370 25 yards Pad/ Install Highlander. $7500. PROJECTOR, EPSON, TABLE HOCKEY game, $385. All types/ Colours. Certified. 160,000 kms. digital with screen, $99. good condition, let the Repairs, re-stretching, 905-634-5552. 289-300-1110 kids have some old- cleaning. Call Dena or Paul at 905-849-4847. fashioned fun, $30. PROJECTOR, IKON 200 We won't be undersold! digital 3d smart, with 905-842-5834 screen, brand new, nev TAPE, 7 inch for sound er open, $99. recording in storage 289-300-1110 case. $5.905-842-1046 KITCHEN CABINETS, PUNCHING AND kicking TELEVISION STAND, Granite countertop, ap Call today bag. Century Super Xpliances. Sold with or to place your wavemaster. $100 call Sylvania 19" crt tv/stand, without appliances good condition, home 905-648-3883 classified ad movies/videos need this (dishwasher, gas cook vent) $20,000/ of tv, $30. top, TV, JVC 20" $ 1 5 type 1-800-263-6480 $18,000. 416-560-4594 905-842-5834 289-300-1110 289-442-1891 CARPET! This Valentine's Day, say "I Love You" by placing an announcement in our Publishing the w eek of February 6, 2017 5 U »es t h e Fu - Additional wording for $2 per line - Add a graphic for $5 - Include a photo for only $ 25 "Some conditions apply. Email your Valentine's message to classitieds@metroland.com Please include your wording, name, address and phone number. For publishing dates, deadlines and additional information, please call 1 -8 0 0 -2 6 3 -6 4 8 0 today! To my Sweetheart~ Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I will never forget, the day I met you! Love from your husband. xo Not shown in actual size. metrola

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