Oakville Beaver, 27 Jan 2017, p. 22

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w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m | O A K V IL L E B E A V E R | Friday, J a n u a ry 27, 2 0 1 7 | 2 2 Masonry & Concrete Masonry & Concrete news C O l O bituaries GILBERT, Sharane Robin (nee Hunt) T E R R A F IR M A In te rlo c k in g & M a s o n r Specializing in New installation of Driveways, Patios, Walkways, Pool Surrounds and Steps. Exterior Parging & Restoration of all aspects of interlocking brick work. Highest quality workmanship and products only. l O bituaries l O bituaries JENNINGS, W alter Joseph l O bituaries WILLIAMS, Lillian Florence (nee Fisher) L im ite d T im e D iscount 1 5 % off Call Today 6 4 7 -7 0 1 -7 5 0 7 w w w .terrafirm ain terlo ckin g .co m Electrical Home Renovations A1 A MIKE'S DRYWALL and Renovations Licensed and Insured Certified Tradesman Total Home Interiors, Frame, Board, Tape, Plaster, Insulation Paint, Trim, Doors. 30 Yrs Exp./ Free Est. 905-515-5505 ACCURATE RENO & HANDYMAN SERVICE Sharane o f O akville, O n ta rio passed aw ay p eacefully on January 23, 2017. Born in St. Thomas, O n ta rio on June 2, 1929. Predeceased by her husband James in 2012. Survived by sons Brian (M ic h e lle ) o f Rodney, O n ta rio , Jeffrey (Liza) o f O akville, O n ta rio , d a u g h te r Janis (K a re l) o f Nelson, BC, g ra n d ch ild re n Nicole (Lisandro) o f Capiovi, A rg e n tin a , M a tth e w (Sydnie) o f St. Thomas, O n ta rio , D a n ie lle (Ryan) o f M t Brydges, O n ta rio and C hristian o f Passi, P hilippines and g re a t-g ra n d c h ild ren A n to n ia , Theodore and Finnegan. A lso survived by sister Joanna M o rg a n of Brisbane, A u s tra lia and b ro th e r David H u n t (W endy) of N ew burg, O n ta rio . Funeral service w ill be held at K opriva Taylor Funeral Hom e, 64 Lakeshore Rd W, O akville, O n ta rio on Sunday, January 29, 2017 a t 2:00 p.m . w ith v is ita tio n 1 h o u r p rio r to service. M e m o ria l d o n a tion s m ay be m ade to th e H eart & S troke F o un d a tio n o r th e A rth ritis Society, in lieu o f flow ers. V isit o u r guest b o o k th ro u g h w w w .ko p riv a ta y lo r.co m SFREDDA, Bruno N ovem ber 23, 1943~January 25, 2017 It is w ith g re a t sadness th a t th e fa m ily announces th e passing o f Bruno on January 25, 2017 in O akville. Loving husband of Giuseppina. Devoted fa th e r o f Pat and M arco (Kate). Proud g ra n d fa th e r o f A ndrew , Sienna, A lex, M avrick and Leyton. C herished b ro th e r o f Luigi (Delia), A n to n io (predeceased), Bianca, Rita, Lidia and V incenzo (predeaced). He also leaves b e h in d s ib lin g s -in -la w B runo (Binella predeceased), Costanza (V ito ) and Carm en (D onata). Bianca, R ita and Lidia. B runo w ill be dearly missed by m any extended fa m ily and friends. V is ita tio n w ill be held at Glen Oaks Funeral Hom e (3164 N in th Line, O akville) on Sunday, January 29, 2017 fro m 2-4 p.m . and 6-9 p.m . Funeral Mass w ill be held at St. M a tth e w 's Parish (1150 M onks Passage, O akville) on M onday, January 30, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. In lieu o f flo w e rs, please consider a d o n a tio n in Bruno's m em ory to th e H eart & S troke Foundation. O nline condolences can be m ade at w w w .glenoaks.ca Nov. 23, 1923 - Jan. 23, 2017 W a lte r passed aw ay p e a ce fu lly a t Chester V illa g e , T o ro n to on M o n d a y January 23rd. Son o f A rth u r and Ethel Jennings (nee Fell) fro m B u rlin g to n , O n ta rio , he was predeceased by his w ife o f 63 years M ary Jennings (nee K ittso n ) and is survived by his son N orm an Jennings, d a u g h te r Nancy Jennings (w ife o f Dennis Kelly), g ra n d ch ild re n Sarah Kelly and Brendan Kelly w h o kn e w h im as gra n d a d, sister M a rg a re t W atson (nee Jennings, w ife o f Tom W atson deceased), and b ro th e r John Jennings (husband o f Jacquie). Born in B ronte V illa g e , O n ta rio , W a lte r a tte n d e d B u rlin g to n C entral Public School and B u rlin g to n H igh School. In 1946 he g ra d u a te d in H o n o u r Economics fro m M cM aster U niversity, w h e re he was M a n a g in g E d ito r o f th e M a rm o r y e a rb o o k in his g ra d u a tio n year re m a in in g an active alum nus h e lp in g o rg a n ize class re u n io n s fo r over 50 years. W a lte r m e t and m a rrie d M ary w h e n th e y b o th w o rk e d a t Clarkson G o rdon in H a m ilto n , O n ta rio . His business career a fte r leaving C larkson G ordon in clu d e d B eatty B rothers in Fergus, O n ta rio , G eneral Steel W ares in T o ro n to w h e re he was Treasurer, U rw ick C urrie M a n a g e m e n t C onsultants, and his dream jo b as D irector, Financial P lanning fo r Brascan L im ite d w ith m uch tim e spent in Brazil. He was c o -o w n e r and C hairm an o f Bowers Process E qu ip m e n t in M o n tre a l. In 1980 he established his o w n c o n su ltin g business W. J. Jennings & Associates d e ve lo p in g c o m p u te r fin a n cia l p la n n in g m odels, in c lu d in g some early versions o f a rtific ia l in te llig e n ce , fo r clients in c lu d in g th e Hudson's Bay C om pany w h ich led to a p o s itio n w ith th e m as C o rporate M anager, Financial P lanning. A lo n g tim e re sid e n t o f O akville, O n ta rio , W a lte r was an active m e m b e r o f St. John's U n ite d Church w h e re he served as an Elder. He was p re sid e n t o f th e O akville Figure S kating Club and, a lo n g w ith a g ro u p o f hockey and fig u re skating parents, was p a rt-o w n e r and o p e ra to r o f th e O akville Ice C entre w h e re a g e n e ra tio n o f y o u n g p e o p le firs t to o k to th e ice. W a lte r v o lu n te e re d a t th e O a kville H istorical Society cu ra tin g e xh ib its and fo r m any years he led g u id e d to u rs o f th e h isto ric d o w n to w n business district. For his c o n trib u tio n s , he was a w a rd e d an O akville V o lu n te e r C e rtifica te o f th e Y ear A w a rd . Travelling extensively fo r b o th pleasure and business, d e stin a tio n s W a lte r visite d included b o th coasts o f Canada, th ro u g h o u t th e USA, th e C aribbean, E ngland, W ales, Scotland, Ireland, N etherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, P ortugal, Brazil, A u stra lia , Tahiti and H aw aii. A tru e m o d e rn renaissance m an, W a lte r had an extensive personal lib ra ry o f books on history, art, a rch ite ctu re , music and film . He was a p h o to g ra p h e r and lo ve r o f th e music o f b ig bands, ja zz greats, classical com posers and opera. W a lte r d id extensive g e n e a lo g ica l research cre a tin g a fa m ily tre e w ith alm o st 400 entries. He collected Canadian historical e n gravings and m a in ta in e d a personal archive o f u n iq u e docum ents and a rtifa cts. To relax, he p la n te d and te n d e d th e extensive gardens a t his O a kville hom e. The fa m ily w o u ld like to th a n k all th e s ta ff a t Chester V illa g e in T o ro n to fo r th e com passionate care p ro vid e d th is past year to W a lte r and, previously, to M ary. A Graveside Service fo r fa m ily m em bers o ffic ia te d by R everend Sheila M u rra y o f St. John's U n ite d Church w ill he held on Saturday February 4, 2017 a t 11:00 a.m. a t T ra fa lg a r Lawn Cemetery, 1149 Dundas S treet W est, O akville, O n ta rio . A luncheon re ce p tio n /C e le b ra tio n o f Life w ill be held a fte rw a rd s fo r fa m ily and frie n d s a t W a rd Funeral Home, O akville Chapel - Reynolds Room, 109 Reynolds S treet, O akville, O n ta rio fro m 12:30 to 2:30 p.m . In lieu o f flo w e rs, d o n a tio n s are encouraged to The A lz h e im e r Society O n ta rio (alzheim er.ca/en/on) and th e O a kville H istorical Society (w w w .o a k v ille h is to ry .o rg ). Please visit o u r B ook o f M em ories a t w w w .w a rd fu n e ra lh o m e .c o m January 25, 1925 - January 23, 2017 L illian A rm s tro n g /W illia m s passed p e a ce fu lly w ith her lovin g sister Lois W o o d and niece, G loria Lunn, by her side a t Camila Care Long Term C enter in Mississauga. Lillian w ill n o w be re u n ite d to g e th e r to th e lo v in g arms o f her predeceased husbands Roy A rm strong and Stanley W illiam s, her late son Ron A rm strong and late w ife Sharon A rm s tro n g , and h er late ste p -d a u g h te r Sandra W illia m s. She w ill be rem em bered and sadly missed by her sons R aym ond and w ife Else A rm s tro n g , and Larry and w ife D ianne A rm s tro n g . Rem em bered by her g randchildren A nn A rm strong, Steven and w ife A nneliese A rm s tro n g , D iana-Lynn A rm s tro n g , Sean and w ife Leah A rm s tro n g , Patrick and w ife K ailin A rm s tro n g . Lost to her g re a t-g ra n d c h ild re n Jeremy, Tylor, and Shane A rm s tro n g , A very and Tristan W illiam s, Raelyn and Liam A rm s tro n g and Rowan A rm s tro n g . Service o f Rem em brance w ill be held 1:00 p.m . M onday, January 30, 2017 a t th e K opriva Taylor C om m unity Funeral Hom e, 64 Lakeshore Road W est (one block east o f Kerr 905-844-2600) O akville. For those w h o w ish, please consider m e m orial d o n a tio n s to th e H eart and S troke Fou n d a tio n. V isit o u r g u e s tb o o k th ro u g h w w w .ko p riv a ta y lo r.co m DG ELECTRICAL SERVICES. Call (416)357-1729 or find us at www.dg electrical.ca ECRA/ESA # 7011330 Master Electrician Residential/ Commercial Licensed & Insured Trouble shooting, upgrades & reno's Backup generators & sump pumps Grindstone Electric Drywall Taping Painting and Finish Carpentry Small Job No problem Call 416-417-9151. Moving & Storage All jobs, big & small ECRA/ESA#7010208 Call for a free estimate 9 0 5 -3 2 0 -9 9 4 1 416-889-5167 www.Aleksmoving.ca MASTER ELECTRICIAN Licensed / insured, ESA#7011197. 18 years experience. Evenings / weekend appointments available. Seniors Discount. Competitive pricing. Call Titan at 905-616-1333, mturner @titangeneral.com Best Rates/ Flat rates in Ontario. Local or long Distance. Free Es timates. Family Owned Business. 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Free Estimates. Call Peter 905-330-8476 PROFESSIONAL PAINT ERS. 20 years experi H o n o u r th e m e m o r y o f a L O V E D O N E ... P la c e a n In M e m o r ia m i" ,h e c ,a s m e d s - iT V , Reliable handyman available for odd jobs, painting, trim work, caulking, minor plumbing and much more, indoors or out! Call Dave 289-795-2371 HANDYMAN COMPLETE . (T |^ V Bathroom/ Kitchen renos, Painting, Drywall/ General Repairs, Hardwood/ Tiling, etc. Small or Large Jobs. Call Cristian: 647-281-2084. ence. Interior/ exterior painting. Wall/ ceiling preparation, wallpaper removal. Great prices for quality work. Quick, clean and reliable! **free estimates** 416-841-8421 RIVER OAKS Painting, 30 years experience in terior-exterior painting. I suggest Benjamin Moore paints. For a free esti mate and references. Please call Mark Durie 905-257-3102. Heating & Cooling STEVE'S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Fireplaces, Duct Work, Gas Piping Best Prices in Town! 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