www.insideHALTON.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, January 26, 2017 |8 For more news, visit insidehalton.com G > OAKVI LLE o akville.ca D o w n t o w n C o n s tr u c tio n U p d a te Re becca St D e t o u r r o u te Randa St Lakeshore Road Bridge Closure End of January to December 2017 As part of the Lakeshore Road Reconstruction and Streetscape Project, the town is reconstructing the Lakeshore Road Bridge over Sixteen Mile Creek. From late January to December 2017, the bridge will be closed to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. A detour route around the bridge will be provided via Kerr, Rebecca and Navy streets. Please note that Navy Street is now a tw o-w ay street between Lakeshore and Rebecca/Randall. L a k e s h o r e Rd W L a k e s h o re Rd E B r id g e c lo s e d January-Deccm r 2017 D e t o u r ro * :: We appreciate your patience during construction and want to remind you that all businesses along Lakeshore Road on either side of the bridge, as well as the library, the theatre and Centennial Pool remain open and accessible during construction. Once complete, the new bridge will include two travel lanes and bikes lanes. There will also be a wider pedestrian sidewalk with a barrier wall to separate the sidewalk and vehicular traffic. New pedestrian railings and lookouts will be included as well as LED lighting. The Lakeshore Road approaches to the bridge between Navy Street and Forsythe Street will also be reconstructed For more inform ation For details about these projects, please visit oakville.ca We will post additional information online as the projects progress. You can also contact Serv/ceOakville at 905-845-6601. FREE P.A. Day Skate Join us Friday, February 3 · River Oaks Community Centre, 2400 Sixth Line from 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. · Sixteen Mile Sports Complex, 3070 Neyagawa Boulevard from 2 to 5 p.m. Skate and helmet rentals are available during Boston Pizza skates. $6 skates l $3 helmet l $7 combo rental Capacity restrictions apply. Visit oakville.ca for details. Sp or)sored by DUNDAS & NEYAGAWA P u b lic m e e tin g Future use of Oakville Museum Coach House Thursday, February 2, 2017 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. 6:30 p.m. - Coach House view ing (meet in Museum lobby at 8 Navy Street) 7-9 p.m. - Public Meeting In 2016 Oakville Museum undertook a consultant-led study to identify potential new uses for the Coach House on the grounds of Erchless Estate. The 117-yearold heritage building has had many roles over the years, including its most recent use as a storage facility. Now that the Museum has access to storage facilities at Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre, there is an exciting opportunity to identify a new role for the building. Join us at a public meeting on February 2, 2017 to view the Coach House, learn about the recommendations in the consultant's report and provide your feedback. RSVP by emailing oakvillemuseum@oakville.ca. If you have any accessibility needs, please let us know by contacting Lyne Mainville at 905-845-6601, ext. 5004 (TTY: 905-338-4200), lyne.mainville@oakville.ca or by filling out the accessible online feedback form on oakville.ca. For more information about the Coach House, visit oakville.ca and search "museum."