Sunday, September 17, 2000 Oakville Beaver Weekend 15 Aheartfelt thanks tosupporters ofVfellspring We couldn't have done it without you! Any major project, if it is to be successful, requires strong commitment, exceptional lead ership, a sense of team spirit, and a generous amount of cooperation and patience. When the undertaking is a charitable one and all of the resources have to come from outside the charitable organization in question, these same qualities must be present to an almost unrealisticVxtent. Wellspring Halton-Peel would never have come to be if a small army of people had not decided that it should happen and that they would help to make it happen. There were those-who made donations when it was just the glimmer of an idea. There were those who built the house that Wellspring Halton-Peel calls home and those who made the land avail able to build it on. There were those who gave gifts of goods and services to fill the house and made it warm and welcoming. There were those who committed the precious gift of their time, energy and talent so that support could be provided and programs delivered. And, there were those who offered to lead the charge and set the wheels in motion to make it all happen. We wish here to thank all of these wonderful individuals for their support, past, present and We also owe a tremendous debt of thanks to all the donors who helped to make this possible who unfortunately are too numerous to mention individually. Special thanks to our founding patrons: Zeller Family Foundation, Petro-Canada, Zonta Club, SmithKline Beecham Pharma, M ack Trucks Canada Inc., Royal Bank Group, Astra Zeneca, IVI Checkmate Ltd., Laidlaw Inc., Imperial Oil, Shoppers Drug Mart, The Hays Family, Bank of Montreal, The J.W. McConnell PHOTO BY PETER C. McCUSKER Family Foundation, The Wellspring Founding Committee: Front row (1-r) Sandy Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation, Farley, Mayor Ann Mulvale (Chair) Victoria Shipp, The V. Jackman Foundation, Frances Rustom. Second row; Liz Thomson, Lottie The Bank of Nova Scotia, R. Grant, Carole Thompson, Pat Atkinson, Anne Day. Rear; Howard Webster Foundation, Siep Nyholt, Audrey Williamson and Pat Arch. MDS Inc., The Fleck Family Foundation, The Lawson future. We couldn't have done it without you: Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Labatt, The Henry · Mayor Ann Mulvale N.R. Jackman Foundation, Canadian · Wellspring Founding Committee Imperial Bank of Commerce, The Henry · Mattamy Homes, Metrontario Group W hite Kinnear Foundation and the J.P. and the many contractors and suppliers who supported their work. Bickell Foundation. PHOTOS (above and inside) BY BARRIE ERSKINE On Septem ber 21, 1999, the official groundbreaking took place for W ellspring, north on Sixth Line. Now, just one year later, W ellspring will be celebrating their Grand Opening on Septem ber 21, 2000. N A T U R A L A F F I N I T Y // . TH E ATTACHABLE BREAST FORM TH A T G IVES YOU FREEDO M OF CHO ICE. ' O n c e a g a in A M O E N A m e e ts th e n e e d s o f w o m e n a fte r b re a s t s u rg e ry w ith a n e w a tta c h a b le b re a s t fo rm - N a tu r a l A ffin ity . w o n d e rfu l W i t h A f f i n i t y 's s m o o t h t r a n s i t i o n a n d s e c u r e f i t , s e e h o w y o u 'll lo o k in s ilk y lin g e r ie a n d s o f t c lin g y s w e a te r s . D o n 't t a k e o u r w o r d f o r i t , c o m e a n d s e e f o r y o u r s e l f . N a t u r a l A f f i n i t y ju s t m a y b e th e p e rfe c t c h o ic e f o r y o u ·e 's Mastectomy B R A S(905)454-5710 w w w .d ia n n e sm a ste c to m y .c o m P R O S T H E S E S The Safe Choice For Post-Breast Surgery Women