Oakville Beaver Sun., Sept. 17, 2000 Page 27 Sunday, S eptem ber 17, 2000 O akville B eaver W e e k e n d 2 7 Employment Opportunities T o P l a c e Y o u r A d C a l l 632-4440 o r F ax 632-8165 Mo n . - F r i .. 8:30-6 pm Managers in Training & H AN DLEX Handlex is a ground handling company, p a rt o f Group Transat and specializes in airport representation, baggage handling and aircraft cleaning services. Fiber-Optic W ireless Internet Sales Representative B ro a d b a n d In te rn e t A c c e s s C o m p a n y servicing O akville and Burlington fo r fiber optic and w ireless hi-speed bandw idth solutions. Q ualified individuals will have m inim um 5 years corporate sales experi ence. R esponsibilities to include develop m ent of new territory and interaction with technology departm ent heads. Salary / C om m ission 50K -90K pending J qualifications. FIT Sales /Associates We have big shoes to n i l In our Oakville, Mississauga, Woodbrldge, Ancaster t Burlington Stores. T h e S hoe c o m p a n y is a C an a d ian success s to ry in th e h ig h ly c o m p e titiv e re ta il fa sh io n in d u s try w ith o v e r 30 stores across th e c o u n try . The a tm o s p h e re is frie n d ly a n d fu n k y , w e also have a knack fo r a ttra c tin g th e v e ry best. Ramp Service Agents Your responsibilites w ill include loading and unloading aircraft, baggage handling and airside driving. System s Adm inistrator required w ith extensive know ledge of linux, fre e BSD and A pache Server. F am iliarity of PHP, Java and Pert script ing preferred. Q ualified individuals will be required to understand TC P /IP networks, C isco routers and switches. S alary - 40K -50K pending qualifications. Cabin Service Agents You w ill be responsible for aircraft cabin grooming, restocking and supplying the cabin material as well as airside driving. For both positions, all candidates must have a valid G2 driver's license and must be available to w ork on a 24 hours/7days a week schedule for a minimum o f 20 hours per week. We offer a good benefits package. If you are interested, please forward a detailed resume, by September 29,2000, by fax to: Human Resources Department You know what they say about big shoes . . . lots of ' sole"! A nd th a t's ju s t w h a t w e re lookin g fo r. P eo p le w ith big personalities. P eo ple w h o a re o u tg o in g , e nthusiastic a n d a p p ro a c h a b le . P eo ple w h o have a m in d f o r m erch a n d is in g a n d a fla re fo r fash io n. P eo ple w h o w a n t m o re fr o m life. Internet Program m er E xperienced program m er required for PHP, HTML, XM L program m ing. Q ualified individuals m ust have a m inim um of 4 years work experience program m ing in a team environm ent. Strong com m unication skills and the ability to schedule project m ilestones a definite asset. S alary -50K-90K pending qualifications. P le a s e s u b m it re s u m e b y fa x in c lu d in g r e fe re n c e s to : H u m a n R e s o u rc e s T ap In te rn e t A c c e s s L im ite d . 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -7 3 7 9 . We ask a lot o f our people, but we give a lot too. W e o f fe r e x c e lle n t tra in in g , a c o m p e titiv e (non-com m ission) salary, o u ts ta n d in g b e n e fits an d s u p e rb o p p o rtu n itie s to a d van ce y o u r c a re e r quickly. You also g e t a g re a t s ta ff d isc o u n t on all th e lates t fo o tw e a r an d accessories. N o w le t's s e e if y o u 'v e g o t th e s tu ff to fill o u r s h o e s . P le a s e a p p ly in p e rs o n a t o u r B u rlin g to n S to re (B ra n t S t. & Q .E .W .) o n T u e s d a y , S e p te m b e r 1 9 th b e tw e e n 1 0 a .m . a n d 7 p .m . If y o u 're u n a b le to a tte n d , p le a s e s e n d y o u r re s u m e to : T h e S h o e C o m p a n y , A tte n tio n : D ire c to r o f R e c ru itin g Fax: (4 1 6 ) 6 3 8 -3 8 4 7 . E -m a il: ttra c y @ to w n s h o e s .c o m We thank all those who apply; however, we will only be contacting candidates selected for an interview. Handlex, (905) 676-9738. We are an e qual o p p o rtu n ity em ployer. >ULSUS GROUP INC M E D IC A L M E D IA SALES Pulsus Group, Canada's premier publisher ol peer review medical journals, is seeking two candidates to join our advertising sales team. The Ideal candidate will: / / / / / / / / / / CAFETYCARJT N EW C A R E E R ? Th is Could Be Yo u r Answ er The person we are seeking does not need specific qualifications but rather be able to demonstrate a stable history with a personal or business background that indicates persistence and determination. This is a full time position. Working from our Burlington office the individual's role is to totally manage and service a base of long established clients by phone. The ability to develop new business is also important. SafetyCare is an award winning world leader in the growth area of Workplace Health and Safety with opportunities for individuals to achieve success under the umbrella of a safe, secure and sucessful international company. We offer a basic salary, plus commissions and health benefits, w ith potential firs t year earnings of $30,000.-$40,000. If you are interested in a career change, please call Ed Aasman to discuss this opportunity in more detail telephone: (905) 631-6070 ·be a results-driven, self-motivated, detail oriented, team player ·have a successful track record in sales with emphasis on new business development ·have a degree in science, business or marketing ·have knowledge ot the pharmaceutical and/ or advertising industries The position: ^ OFFICE ASSISTANT Position involving A/R & A/P for a company located in central Burlington. Requirements: · ACCPAC exp (prefer ACCPAC lor Windows) · A/R, A/P experience · Excellent verbal/ written command of the English language · MS WORD/ EXCEL competent · Must enjoy multi-tasking. Please forward resumes B o x1 7 8 7 , c/o The Post, 2321 Fairview Street., Burlington, ON L7R 2E3 IGA OPPORTUNITIES PRODUCE MANAGER & BAKERY MANAGER Immediate full-time employment for an experienced Produce and an experienced Bakery Manager for Oakville area IGA store. Must have 2 years experience and knowledge o f inventory, ordering, scheduling and aggressive merchandising techniques. Ability to increase sales, strong customer service, good interpersonal communication and leadership skills. As a 7-day a week operation, your flexibility and availability are required. Interested applicants should forward a resume/application, in confidence to: ·account Representative, Toronto Region ·responsible lor sales related lo medical journal advertising and internet opportunities ·offers opportunity for advancement Pulsus Group is a dynamic, last-paced, growing company located In Oakville. Ontario. The right candidate will be offered a competitive compensation package (salary plus commission) and a comprehensive benefits program. Please send a copy of your resume and a covering letter by September 30, 2000 to: PULSUS GROUP INC 2902 South Sheridan Way, Oakville, ON L6J 7L6 Fax 905-829-4799 Website: www.pulsus.com No telephone inquiries please -only those selected tor an interview will be contacted. TRAVEL COUNSELORS (EXPERIENCED) Required full & part-time for both Cruise and Non-Cruise Divisions. For appt. call Heather at 842-8650 or send resume to: Danieli Corns In c ., a g lo b a l le a d e r a m o n g s u p p lie rs o f a v a rie d ra n g e o f te c h n ic a l s e rv ic e s f o r th e ir o n , s te e l, a n d a lu m in u m Heather's Travel House, 635 Fourth Line Oakville, Ont. L6L5W4 Mr. Ed Morgan 240 Leighland Avenue Oakville, ON L6H 3H6 Fax # 905-845-5662 No phone calls please We are an equal opportunity employer. We thank all applicants, however, only those selected fo r an interview will be contacted. J O IN O U R H A P P Y T E A M H E R E a fT im H o rto n , S e c o n d C u p P iz z a P iz z a & H a r v e y s ! Various positions, Mon. through Sat. F/T & P/T hours suitable for parents with young children! We otter competitive wages and benefits. We will train! PEP COMES T( BURLINGTOI PEP is an 8-Wk Personal Employment Program for PEOPLE with DISABILITIES - R E C R U IT IN G A N D IN T E R V IE W IN G B E G IN S S E P T . 1 8 T H - P R O G R A M S T A R T S O C T . 10TH A program to help peeple w ith disabilities find and keep meaningful employment Labour Market Information & Job Exploration Resumes and Cover Letters Interview Skills and Dealing with Disclosure Work Readiness and Job Seeking in d u s trie s , h a s a lo n g h is to r y o f s u c c e s s fu l p ro je c ts on b e h a lf o f c lie n ts a ro u n d th e w o rld . W e r e q u ir e an a m b itio u s p ro fe s s io n a l to jo in o u r C o st C o n tro l te a m im m e d ia te ly . PROJECT COST CONTROL You w ill be responsible fo r th e costing fun ctio ns to r p ro jects executed by D anieli Corns In c. and associated com panies. Invo lvin g a g re a t deal o f te a m w o rk , you w ill liaise w ith a ll offices both in Canada and th e U nited S tates, in te g ra te w ith o th e r d ep artm en ts su ch as p urcha sin g, e s tim a tin g /s c h e d u lin g , p ro je c t m a n a g e m e n t, and accounting. Your 3-5 ye ars o f p ro je c t costing experience, recognized A ccounting ce rtific a te , up-todate co m p ute r skills (including W ord & Excel), a b ility to m e e t deadlines, as w e ll as e xcellen t com m unication skills make you o u r ideal candidate. File # : CC2000A W e o ffe r a co m p etitive com pensation package and a positive w o rk e n viron m e n t. In te re s te d a pp lica n ts should fo rw a rd a re su m e, along w ith s a la ry e xpe ctatio ns, by S eptem ber 24"', 2000, to : Cynthia Jones, Human Resources/Payroll Manager, H O U SE M A N A G E R - (F /T ) The Halton Recovery House is a non-profit long-term residential treatment facility for men. The ideal can didate will have the following: Ability to work in a flexible environment, valid driver license, responsible for overall kitchen operation including menu planning, preparation, inventory control and purchasing. Co-or dinates the inside & outside house cleaning duties. Teaches the residence life skills including housekeep ing. budgeting & self-presentation. Chauffeuring of residence to appointments and arranging for the reg ular maintenance of HRH and the vehicle. Please submit resumes by Sept 25th, 2000 Halton Recovery House, General Delivery Hornby, Ontario LOP 1E0 APPLY IN PERSON OR CALL: Luke or Mary-Lou, M-F, 9am-5pm, at Danieli Corus Inc., 5063 N orth Service Road, Burlington, O ntario Fax: (905) 332-5667. E -m a il: c y n th ia .jo n e s @ c o ru s g ro u p .c o m L7L 5H6. Beaver Foods (a Cara Co.), at Sheridan College Cafeteria · Oakville 1430 Trafalgar Road N. · (905) 844-8532 d a n ie li T H E F U T U R E Corus I N M E T A L LIMITED ENROLMENT · For Booking or Information Call Karla: 1-800-350-8361 JOINTLY FUNDED BY: The M in istry o l Community and Social Services. Employment Supports and An Equal Opportune Employer. Thank you for your interest. Only those applicants under consideration wtN be contacted. M c -- . C anada