Oakville Beaver Sun., Sept. 17, 2000 Page 30 Sunday, September 17, 2000 BONUS! A ll classified ads appear @ w w « . oakvillebeaver.com The site your com m unity clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. Real Estate 1 0 0 -1 6 5 'R entals 1 7 0 -1 9 6 'L eisu re Living 2 0 0 -2 6 5 · M erchandise3 0 0 -3 7 5 'A u t o 4 0 0 4 6 5 "Help Wanted 5 0 0 -5 9 9 - Announcements 6 0 0 -6 7 5 'Services 7 0 0 -8 0 0 houses for sale EXCLUSIVE for the disc riminating buyer! Absolut ely gorgeous ` Branthaven bilevel bungalow. 4 bed rooms, gracious entrance, bright open-concept with decking overlooking land scaped gardens. Impeccaby maintained. $485,000. David H am nett or Brian Smith, Assoc. Brokers for confid e n tial view ing. Hearth & Home Realty Inc. (905)-333-5000__________ ONLY $173,900. Just List ed. Open House, Sun. 2-4, 1043 H avendale Blvd. Tyandaga area, backing on to park, 3+1 bedroom semi. Many updates, 5 a p p l iances, C/A, F/P, 6.2% mortgage available. Call Nick Uhac, Sales Rep., Royal LePage State Realty, (905)561-2232____________ OPEN House, 2174 Park way Drive, B u rlington. Sept. 17 2-4pm. Spacious detached 3+1 bedroom bungalow. Attached ga rage. New custom kitchen, fully finished basement with workshop & office. Many features. Call 905-331-8100 BRAND New Bungaloft. .. 1882sq.ft. 3-bedrooms. Be the firs t to move in .... $260,000. Includes appl iances. Near allamenities... 3 m inutes to M apleview ·»Mall. Simon Jackson Evgs: (905)338-1783; Days (905) 849-4700________________ FOR Sale or for Rent! 2600 sq.ft Headon Forest area. 4+2 bedrooms, 3.5 bath rooms, inlaw suite. Double garage, c/a, c/v. Asking $260,000. (905)335-6383 industrial/ commercial space IN D U STR IAL space for rent. 3,000sq ft., of rear space (50x60ft) @ 4084 Fairview St.. Burlington. Zoned MXG (mixed use). Can be split in half. 20ft. celings. (2) large overhead doors & (2) offices. Call Paul, Gravelle Woodwork ing 905-632-1056 for par ticulars apartments & flats for rent ALDERSHOT basem ent apartment- newly renovat ed, non-smoker, utilities & laundry included. $720/mo. October 1st. Call (905)6306579 condominiums torrent "THE Palace' 1-bedroom, solarium . 5 appliances, stunning view of bay & escarpment. Pool, security. No pets, no sm oking. $950/m o. incl. O c t.1st. L.Davies R.E., (905)3334347 | ) U | houses for rent QUIET non-smoking reno vated main floor 3-bedroom bungalow. Guelph Line/ Upper Middle. Utilities in cluded. $1,200/mo. (905)331-6071________________ TYANDAGA Executive 4bedroom with den, double garage. 2 fireplaces, all ap pliances, Jacuzzi, lawn sprinkler system. Available end of October. $2400/mo. References. Non-smokers. (905)333-5506, Ext.50 NEAR Bronte H arbour charming 2-storey home, steps from lake, 3 bed rooms. livingroom, dining room, den, office, laundry room, enclosed sun porch, 2 baths, 4 appliances, per fect for w orking couple. $1700 plus utilities. Avail able approximately Oct. 1. Call 827-6283 evgs. 8277800 days._______________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy. or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Assoc. Broker, (905)6395258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor TOP of House- East End Burlington, close to QEW. 2 bedroom s, a/c, pool. Female preferred. $1000/ mo. Call Norm (905)6323772____________________ EAST Burlington, new 3bedroom semi, 1-1/2 baths, garage. 4 appliances, $1800./mo.+ utilities. Oct. 1st. Active Management. (905)333-5506, Ext.55 STOP Looking! Need a home to rent in the $1500$3000 range? Call me! (905)333-1706, E xt.70. Kathy Murray, Sales Repre sentative, Active Properties Inc. BURLINGTON- 4 bedroom house. Immediate. $1,400 mo. + utilities. 331-9085 BUNGALOW. Beautiful 5bedroom home, 2 baths, 5 appliances, double garage, inground pool, private yard. Lakeshore near 4th Line. Immediate. $2200/mo. 1413-585-0049____________ SPRAW LING executive ranch near lake includes appliances. Non-smoker, no pets, credit reference. Avail able November 1st. $2200/ mo + utilities. Marg Morren 333-3500 Fam/fylie-in^ / CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3 2 7 0 P r o s p e c t S t. · 6 3 2 -2 6 0 1 BEDROOM set. 8-pce cherrywood. 4 -poster sleigh, chest, tridresser, m irror, nightstands, all dovetail, new, still packaged. Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $3,500. (905)567-4042___________ BEDS, King pillow top or double orthopedic mattress set, new in plastic. Cost $1500. S acrifice (King $625) (Double $375.) Can deliver. 416-741-7557 BEDS, New- Com plete: Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. Call (905) 681-9496________________ BUFFET and hutch, 6 chairs, chesterfield, love seat, 2 single beds. 3 35 7944____________________ CARPET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. 639-2902 C ARPETS, H undreds of Colours/ styles, Including 'Stainmaster". Will do L/RD/R for $319. includes un derpad/ installation. 905510-0589.________________ DIAMOND ring set- 18 kar at white gold. .52 karat cen tre stone. $3500/obo. (905)634-4605, after 6pm. DININGROOM set- 14 piece, solid Cherrywood, 92` double pedestal table, 8 C hippendale chairs, lighted hutch, buffet & server, all Dove-tail & metal glide drawers. New, still boxed. Cost $14,500., sacrifice $6000. (905)3045883.____________________ DININGROOM set- 6 chairs, solid 5ft., oval table in excellent condition with single pedestal. $500. 905319-3625________________ DININGROOM, 14-pce cherryw ood, double pedestal table, Chippendale chairs, buffet, hutch, server, all dovetail. Still in boxes. C ost $14,000. Sacrifice $5,000. (905)567-9459 DOREL Turnabout, infant carseat, 2 bases, extra cov er, $70, Graco fu ll size stroller, $275 new, asking $200, both like new. 3314583____________________ ELECTRIC scooter. 1993 Flyer, Excellent condition. $1100. Call 338-1677 after 5pm__________________ FREE E stim ates... Got wobbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam? Tired looking wood finishes?... then call Fields fo r all furniture repairs and custom wood refinish in g , 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090___________ FREE in home estimate of California shutters, blinds, drap e ries... ` Louvered Arched Special" (movable)3ft-$175. 4ft-$200. Glen. (905)330-3211.___________ FURNITURE, sofas, kitchen chairs, lamps, coffee tables, baskets, dishes... Great deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burl. W/Th/F12-8pm ;Sat-9-5pm ; Sun12-4pm. _______________ KING bed- pillow-top, or thopedic m attress, box spring and frame. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. Sell $675. (905)971-1777. MATTRESSES - 1 single spring mattress, like new. 1 queen futon, like new. Ask ing $50 each. (905)8258660.____________________ MOVING: excellent condi tion- 1-yr. old, floral couch, loveseat. d ining/ coffee/ end tables, wall unit. 3198096.____________________ QU ALITY furniture- love seats, sofa & end tables, Rockston coffee & end tables, misc. 333-3818 STAIRGLIDE- straight 14 riser in good condition. $1200/obo. (905)844-5450 Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/Speers/QEW Bachelor from $689* 1- Bdiw from 8 7 7 9 ' 2- Bdrm from $899* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Liz: (905) 845-9502 '(2 % disc, included) STOP Looking Burlington! L.T. Greenwin Property M anagement has two buildings with suites avail able for Sept./ Oct. occu pancy. 505 Locust St., (905)333-9008 & 511 Guelph Line. (905)6379725____________________ A 2-bedroom unit available N ov.1st. $890. includes heat, hydro & parking. Quiet building on Bronte Rd. by the lake. Close to everything. (905)827-6783 FRESHLY Decorated: 2&3 Bedrooms- some 2-level! Oct./Nov. Low-rise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios. (Bur lington); 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0015, 1460 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0016___________ BURLINGTON Downtown, spacious 2-bedroom apt. Clean quiet building. Available Nov. 1st. $790/mo. (905)336-6690. GEORGIAN Apartments. Oct./Nov. 1.2&3 Bedrooms. H eat/ hydro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm 3 Bedrooms · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited * » > * * * > NEW Renovations- 3-bed room tow nhouse m aiso nettes. 1 parking. Nov ember. Starting $900./mo.+ utilities. North Burlington. (905)319-9104___________ OAKVILLE- 2&3 Bedroom tow nhouses a vailable Nov. 1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336____________ BURLINGTON: Luxury 3 & 4 bedroom townhouses with family room and 3 applianc es. 1300 & 1600 sq. ft. plus basement, fenced in backyard. $1100 and $1200 plus utilities, parking $40, (905) 639-0950. BURLINGTON: 2 -be d room from $926/m o.+ u tilitie s , N ov.1st. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. 333-1190._________ EXECUTIVE Condo townhouse, North Oakville, 2300 sq.ft., 3-bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, fam ilyroom , 5 ap pliances. fireplace, air, ga rage. Sept. 1st. $1675/mo.+ utilities. Trafalgar Property Management, Warren Hill, (905)338-1130 items under $100. A IR W A L K E R - $80/obo. 315-9033________________ B A B Y C R IB , all w hite, wood. $40 (905)335-4714 Call after 6pm BEANIE baby- (Maple) call Becky (9 05 )8 7 6-4 2 2 1. (905)510-4032___________ BOMBAY black headboard. Full cast iron. $100. 905631- 7004________________ DOLOMITE top of the line w alker, with wheels and carrier. $100,335-6971 FIREWOOD (Free)- Maple. Call (905)338-9554_______ KENMORE portable dish washer, almond, excellent condition, $100. 338-6223 KENMORE self clean stove, alm ond, excellent condition, $100, 338-6223 KENMORE stove hood fan. almond, $50. 338-6223 LOVE seat and chair, grey/ blue tones, 632-8526 PEREGO high ch air on wheels. $60. 335-6971 PRESSURE treated tree house. You remove for $75. 632- 9933________________ ROCKING chair, solid wood with spindles, good condi tion,. $75. Call 631-5145 SINGLE pedestal metal desk, excellent condition $45 (905)336-5954_______ STOVE, Beaum ark a l mond, good condition, $75. Call 332-5325.___________ TUB chair, beige fabric with wood fram e, good condition, $40. 631-5145 TV stereo stand, black $50. Call 681-8898____________ WEDDING dress Crinoline $60 obo. Excellent condi tion. Dry cleaned. 6 3 2 8067____________________ WISHING well, extra large $100. 632-8526 IS your job fun? Do you earn great money? Start your Pampered Chef busi ness with only $150. We fully train/ provide every thing to earn a great in come and to love your job. No inventory, deliveries, quotas, call Cybille Hamil ton (905J-631-2355 ·Young professional! · Couple., two Income... starting out! · Senior... needing to join a community! YOU DESERVE A 1-BEDROOM APT at BURLINGTON TOWERS k 2 & 3 Bedrooms Also Available TRAVEL ONLY Operate your own home-based travel business! Let us show you how. Lobby booth #2 Halton Job & Career Fair 2000 UNIQUE internet based global opportunity FREE intro Wednesday Sept. 20, 7:30p.m. Oakville Central Library 338-9808_________ $$ Government Funds $$. Grants and loans informa tion to start and expand your business or farm. 1800-505-8866. Easy access to QEW Close to GO station M agnificent Indoor P ool & Fitness Centre · U tilities & Parking Included · Fantastic Location! | TO VIEW CALL (905) 639-8583 ^BURLINGTON filp s R PJTOWERS U U h 3 a P A R T M E N T s g A IR M ILE S · A IR M ILE S 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted LO E J* · · · · BURLINGTON- spacious end unit, priva te fenced yard, finished basement, ceram ic, hardw ood, air. New bath & kitchen, +more. $123,900. (905)332-9143 BURLINGTON- Adult luxury townhome. 3 bedroom. 3.5 baths, garage, tennis, .sw im m ing, finished base ment, $189,900. 905 3311684 MORTGAGES: Low rates 1st, 2nd, self employed, debt consolidation, bank turn-dow ns. R ichard Mortgate Financial (905)336-9966 2 BEDROOMS GARDEN SUITE All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths Indoor pool & saunas Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access B U R L IN G TO N S Q U A R E (905 )6 39 -46 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm BURLINGTON. 383 St. Paul S treet:'2-bedroom , $749./mo. 3-bedroom,$829. /mo. Includes heat, hydro, parking. For appointment, 634-6903. Well- maintained by Jordan & Geisel OAKVILLE Place Area- 2bedroom, small building, near all am enities. $915 /mo. Immediate. Heat, hot water, parking included (905)847-1138.___________ HEADON/ Upper Middle. 1bedroom lower duplex on Cul-de-sac, $800/mo. in cludes utilities. Suit one. Immediate. (905)827-5542 RIVER Oaks furnished room, private home, share bathroom . $400/m onth. Non-smoker. Immediate. First & last 257-0032 SHARE house. $400/mo. includes utilities. Laundry, patio. Upper M lddle/8th Line. Im m ediate. Near Sheridan. (905)616-8439; (905)465-0396___________ B U RLINGTON- 2 rooms $425 & 525. cable, utilities, parking, kitchen/ laundry included. Near QEW. Suit young professionals. (905)681-7929.___________ FURNISHED room, upscale townhouse in core, private s ittin g room and powder room. Shared kitchen, laundry, shower. Suit profe ssio n al non sm oking fem ale. R efer ence. Im m ediate. $500. 631-1957________________ FURNISHED room in ex ecutive home. Well main tained and clean Respon sible Individual . $425/all in clusive. Trafalgar/Upper Middle.(905) 338-5956. PRIVATE (apartm ent for sale). ` Grande Regency". Maple Crossing Blvd. Im maculate condition 2-bed rooms, 2-bathrooms, eat-in kitchen, L-shaped living/ dining room, solarium , security building. For more information call 681-3190. "THE OAKS" Best layout. 2 bedroom, den, eat-in kitch en. Seperate D/R, L/R, bal cony, in-suite laundry. 1.5 baths, indoor parking, im mediate possession. By appointm ent only (905)278-9562________________ PINEDALE Estate ` Geor gian m o de l' C ondo for Sale- 2 bedroom. 2 bath, b ea u tifu lly decorated. $169,000. For appointment please call 631-2972 SPACIOUS nicely decorat ed 2-bedroom co-op condo in desira b le dow ntow n B urlington location. $87,500. Call (9 0 5 )6 3 4 7099.____________________ OPEN HOUSE: Sun.Sept. 17th 2-4 p.m. 4140 Foxwood Dr. Unit 802, 2-bedroom ground level condo. $129,900. 331-2331 WE specialize in Condo minium Sales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Estate Ltd., Realtor, (905) 333-4347________________ K U ] lots & acreages TAKE over 20 acres in properous West Texas. Assume $150.00 mo. pay. Balance $9995. Call 1-800875-6568________________ LARGE 3-bedroom apart ment in clean 5-storey building, Central Oakville. November 1. $985/month plus parking. Call 3 3 7 0497 or 845-8812.________ KERR/ Lakeshore. 3-bed room lower, separate court yard entrance, interlock walkway, very large rooms, brand new carpet, laundry room, parking. $1,000/mo.+ hydro. (905)845-0711 WHITE Oaks. 2-bedroom basement. Immediate. Suit Sheridan student, Laundry, appliances. $800/month. Jane 844-0017___________ 2-BEDROO M A p a rt ments $790. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 O A K V IL LE Lakeshore/ Kerr Bright, spacious 2bedroom, (above stores), 4 appliances, parking. Oct. 1st. $995/mo+ hydro. (905)842-3196____________ LARGE 2-bedroom apart ment, blocks away from downtown Oakville. Pool. Available Oct. 1st. $11507 mo. inclusive. Lots of sen iors! (905)844-1934 FURNISHED 1 bedroom basement apartment. Suit 1 quiet male. $600. Nonsmoker, no pets. 637-2637 UPGRADED 1&2 Bdrm Apts with scenic views a vailable at two prim e downtown Burlington loc ations. Beautiful grounds. Professionally managed. 478 Pearl St. (905)6321643; 477 Elizabeth St., (905)634-9374___________ BRONTE, main flo o r of bungalow, 3-bedroom s, appliances, share laundry, large driveway, yard, quiet street. Near schools/ bus/ shopping, $995/mo. +part utilities. Nov. 1st. (905)6698980 x330 (weekdays) leave message; (416)3033797 weekends. GUELPH Line/ Third. 2bedroom apartment avail able Sept. 15, w/parking. $875/m o. +hydro. Call R.Solwicki (905)632-6252; (905)541-9777.___________ BURLINGTON Lakeshore. near Burloak. 2-bedroom.+ den, 1-1/2 balconies, lake view s. N o v .1st. $1250. /mo.+ parking. (905)6393301____________________ CAN ADI AN A.Q uiet, well m aintained lakefront building. Very spacious 2&3-bedroom s available October. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)6325486____________________ D O R V A L/ Lakeshore 2 bedroom basement- Sep erate entrance, share laundry, non-smoker, $980 /mo. inclusive. Immediate. 905-339-3666____________ EXCELLENT location near Brant/ Lakeshore. 1 bed room, quiet building, avail able Nov 1st, $680/mo. + hydro. (905)662-8558 'k'Cf'kft'k BEAUTIFUL, N^ivly Reno vated 1,2&3 Bedroom Apartments. Some with lake views! R efurbished, P restigious Burlington Highrise. Immediate. From $875./mo (905)637-6701 BURLINGTON- 2-bedroom basement apartment, sepa rate entrance, livingroom, kitchen, bathroom. Cable, A/C, a ir cleaner, 1-car parking, immediately. $800/ inclusive. Non-smokers. No pets. (905)332-5974 , BU RLINGTON/ H am il to n - Clean 1-bedroom, fridge, stove, new wood floor, parking. Oct. 1st. rea sonable. Call (905)5223362________________ _ _ BURLINGTON, near Lake. Im m aculate 2-bedroom , $725/mo. +hydro. Low-rise, quiet building. Oct. 1st. No pets. 681-6915.________ SHERWOOD Heights, 2bedroom basement apart ment, separate entrance, laundry, fridge, stove. Nonsmoker preferred. No pets. October 1. 829-0183 1.2&3 Bedroom Suites available. QEW/Trafalgar Road. Indoor pool. From $875/mo. (905)844-1106 2 bedroom apartm ent in small building on Plains Rd. A vailable O ctober 15th. $850/m o. Hydro not included. 336-7742_______ 2-BEDROOM apartm ent 110 South Foster Park, Oakville. Utilities included except hydro. Oct. 1st. (905)849-8411,6pm-8pm. LUXURY. New 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR, 6 appliances, stereo, 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Daily, Weekly, M onthly. From $1295-2995/ month. Visa. MasterCard, AmEx. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M ^ condominiums torrent BURLINGTONThe Palace. 1-bedroom, 5 appliances, underground parking, storage locker. $900/mo. utilities included. Oct. 1st. (905)520-1483 HIGHRISE 2-bedroom , Burlington, walk downtown, all amenities, pool, tennis, etc. $1075. includes park ing & utilities. (905)3335506, Ext. 51_____________ GLEN Abbey. 2-bedrooms, mainfloor, a/c, well-main tained low rise building, woodburning fireplace, 5 appliances, freshly cleaned carpets, Oct.1., $1150/mo. ^utilities. (905)726-2296. NORTH O a k v ille - very bright, 3 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, spacious backyard, 4 appliances. (9 05)8275252, after 6pm. AMD450- 128 ram, 8GB, 8MB video, 40XCD, 56K, 1Sin m onitor, keyboard, speakers, mouse, WIN 98. $900. 905-842-3360 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418 Glenwood S chool Dr., B urlington LARGE 3-bedroom to share. NorthShore/nFrancis $450/mo. inclusive, 1/2 the phone Available Sept. 25th Dan Q (905)631-9357 LARGE bedroom with cable & laundry, backs onto green space in River Oaks RecC entre. 331-8799, leave message.________________ NORTHEAST Oakville, 4bedroom condo. Laundry, cable, $550/mo. Mature fe male, non-smoker. Walk to Sheridan College, on bus route, 842-5313.__________ G U ELPH/ Hwy#5 large semi, c/air, fireplace, park ing, $400/mo. +utilities. Im mediate. First/ last. Refer ences. 335-2504. I items under $100. 25" console colour TV with converter. $80. Call 6818898 m shared accommodation S10/MONTH extends your local calling area. Talk for ever.... whenever! Share savings with reverse call ing. Ability Tel. since 1994. (905)842-3738, (905)6318202____________________ A LL new 100% genuine leather sofa, loveseat, chair still packaged. Cost $8,500. Sell $3,500. 416-746-0995 ANTIQUE cherry wood 9 piece dining room suite, immaculate. Asking $3800. Occasional tables and plant stands (905)336-1036 ANTIQUE diningroom set 4 pee. plus 6 refinished chairs, good co nd itio n, $5,000 obo. 469-9709. BEAU TIFUL baby grand piano. Excellent condition. $2,450. Delivery available. call 905-227-9458_________ BED, Queen black iron ca nopy, orthopedic mattress/ box, still packaged, Cost $1200. Sacrifice, $525. Can deliver. 416-741-7557 Downtown Burlington 2&3 Bdrm Acts Available Oct./Nov, Freshly painted, some with new kit. cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shop ping, Hospital & Lake! Call (905) 637-0321 BFPONTE-ON-THE-LAKE: immaculate. 1 -bdrm, sin gle executive, all inclusive: cable, parking, brand new appliances. $1,2 50 ./mo. Evenings (905)827-2266. All The Advantages of Condo Living (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Call 6 3 9 - 9 2 1 2 1BDRM + DEN & 2BDRM SUITES $14507month- Bronte-bythe-lake. 3 bedroom gar w/solarium! Rec. fac., den townhome. 2 baths, 24-hr security & more. sundeck, attached garage, Mapleview area! laundry off kitchen, lots of cupboards, new windows, Immediate & October nicely decorated. 4 ap ® 416-390-6279® BRONTE Harbour Club Condominium, 2-bedrooms, large livingroom / d ining room, Jacuzzi. 2-car under ground parking.Overlooking Bronte Creek. $1725./mo. Oct. 1st. (905)844-1586 ^ industrial /commercial space pliances. Broadloom , hardwood, ceramics. Ref erences required. No pets allowed. (905)-847-5502 N.E. Oakville: 3-bedroom, backing onto park, 5 ap pliances, air, November 1. $1400 plus utilities. 2576811 INEXPENSIVE warehouse space for lease. 1200' heated. 1000' unheated. Third L ine/ Speers. Joe U«yk. 905.845*7597.. .