26 'M lt eO r II wJ.-rt Sunday, October 1, 2000 Oakville Beaver Weekend Classified houses for sale C O U N TR Y E state Home 20-min. from 401. 5-bdrms, 2.9 acres, p riv a te sale. N ear G eorg e to w n . U p grades galore. Jan Close. $63jL000. Appt. 519-8533816$ For virtual tour click on; h ttp ://h o m e p a g e .m a c . com/rjthom as/iM ovie Thea te r.h tm l. For q u ic k tim e p la ye r c lic k h ere: -h ttp :// www.apple.com/quick tim e/ download. P R IV A T E : B e autiful Glen A bbey e xe cu tive hom e, form er m odel, 4-bedroom , 2.5 b aths, C /A, s e cu rity, large deck, asking $429,000. Call 847-5961 · Y o u n g p ro fe s s io n a l! · C o up le., tw o inc o m e... s ta rtin g o u t! · S en io r... n ee d in g to jo in a c o m m u n ity ! TheO a k v illeBea v er BONUS! A ll classified ads appear @ W W W . .com Circulation: 845-9742 The site your com m unity clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. Real Estate 100-165 ·Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 400-465 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 L U X U R Y . New 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR, 6 a pp lia nces, stere o. 1-3 baths, hea lth centre, sec u rity . D aily, W eekly, M onthly. From $1295-2995/ m onth. Visa. M asterC ard. AmEx. C all 681 -RENT (7355) L/M Fomifytie-inff/ C U M B E R L A N D V ILLA G E 3270 Prospect S t · 632-2601 3 B edroom s · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basem ent · P layground · P arking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited O A K V IL L E 3-bedroom tow nhouse, 4 appliances, broadloom, garage, finished basement, near schools and transportation. $1,250/mo. Oct. 31. 905-270-2693. LARGE 3-bedroom, Nov. 1st From $11 29./m o. (+ u tili ties). 5 appliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr, B u rlington. (9 0 5 )6 8 1 0070____________________ BURLINGTON large 3-bed room, Bluefield Dr., fridge, stove, la u n d ry, parking, $925/m onth plus u tilitie s . N ovem ber 1st 905-3158363.___________________ L U X U R Y tow nhom e with lake views at 37 Southaven ' Place, O akville, (just E. of B ronte R d.). D e c .1st. $2,600./mo.+ utilities. Avail able fo r in sp e c tio n Fri. O ct.6th. For appt. to view call 9:30am -4:30pm : (416)440-0366, Ext-1 NORTH Burlington, nicely decorated, 3 bedroom flat. 2 app lia n c e s ,C /A , cable, parking, laundry, suit non sm oking couple. $845/ m onth plus half u tilitie s . F irs t & last. 335-4564 leave message S10/MONTH extends your local calling area. Talk for ever.... w henever! S hare savings with reverse calljpg. Ability Tel, since 1994. (905)842-3738, (905)6318202 __________________ 4 Blizzak snow tires, WS15 like new $400. Call 847-0703 A L L new 100% genuine leather sofa, loveseat, chair still packaged. Cost $8,500. Sen $3,500. 416-746-0995 AN TIQ U E Circa 1880's diningroom/kitchen table. Beautiful dark wood, 3 leaves, molded pedestal legs and side grooving. A m ust«ee! $1500 obo 6339110______________________ BABY change table/ dress er. Off white. $100. 905331-8003__________________ B E A U T IF U L baby grand piano. Excellent condition, $2,450. Delivery available. call 905-227-9458__________ BED, Queen black iron ca nopy, orthopedic mattress/ box, s till packaged, Cost $1200. Sacrifice, $525. Can deliver. 416-741-7557 BEDROOM set, 8-pce cherrywood, 4-poster sleigh, chest, tridresser, m irror, nightstands, all dovetail, new, still packaged. Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $3,500. (905)5674042______________________ BEDROOM suites, 5 piece, 2 suites, maple or contemporary 639-2914__________ BEDS, King pillowtop or dou ble orthopedic mattress set, new in plastic. Cost $1500. Sacrifice (King $625) (Double $375.) Can deliver. 416-7417557______________________ BED S, New- Complete: Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. Call (905)681-9496_____________ C A R P E T . I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902_____________ COMIC collection for sale. X-rnen, Spiderman, Marvel and Silver Surfer #4. 4698402 for prices list._________ D IN IN G R O O M , 14-pce cherrywood, double pedestal table, Chippendale chairs, buffet, hutch, server, all dovetail. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrifice $5,000. (905)567-9459_____________ A P P L IA N C E S : Maytag, fridge & self-clean oven. Both 3 years old and white. Call (905)-510-7220.________ F R E E Estim ates... Got wobbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam? T ire d looking wood finishes?... then call Fields for all furniture repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090 FREE in home estimate of California shutters, blinds, draperies... "Louvered Arched Special" (movable)3ft-$175. 4ft-$200. Glen. (905)330-3211______________ F R IG ID A IR E refrigerator, white, like new, $475. La dies m ountain bike $125. Treadmill $175. 639-1609 FURNITURE, sofas, kitchen chairs, lamps, coffee tables, baskets, dishes... G reat deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service. Burl. W/Th/F12-8pm;Sat-9-5pm; Sun12-4pm. _______________ G AS stove: 24" Prem ier, excellent condition $300. 639-4025_______________ __ H E R IT A G E cherrywood 9 piece diningroom suite. Ma hogany finish, immaculate condition. Asking $3800. 336-1036__________________ H O TTU B R entals W e e kend / W e e kly Rates. In cludes delivery, installation, pick-up, etc. Drake Spa Rentals Inc., (905)6317¥63 * «» - « C VT* h . F Ol HUTCH, ta b le , c h a irs, $17 5., din in g room table , $75., antique copper wash in g m achin e, a ntiq ue victrola- floor model. Dressers, bottles & jars. Marble table top & w hite W estingh ouse stove. 905-827-9520 N EW system , C om pac P3 650, 128 ram 3-D effects, CD burner, software, optical mouse. $3000. value, asking $2,250. 632-5041 O AK china cabinet & side b o a rd - circa 1800's, claw feet, original brass fittings, $2,000/set, obo. 2 burgun dy side chairs, $100/ each. 9 x 12 w ool rugs, $500. Maple antique dining table, $250. (905)469-4331 PIANO- u p rig h t grande, Y o u rg C hang, m odel U121. Polished brown wal nut. $3,500. 905-842-3645 after 6pm________________ SN O W T ire s - 15", 4 bolt p a tte rn ste e l w h eels + Bridgestone Blizzak Tires = $800. (905)337-2462 SOLID wood with light ma ple fin is h , crib , m a ttre ss, d re sse r & chan ge table . $1500. 827-8665__________ STOVE, GE, $200. Wash er, Am ana, $150. A p a rt ment size dryer, Inglis, $75. M ust s e ll, M oving. 3 3 2 6861____________________ SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on deco rator fabrics! Pay no G ST! Love your fu rn itu re ... hate your c o lours? Sofa & matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. C h a irs from $199. Free Estimates. Senior Dis counts. Fields Quality Cus tom U p h o lste rin g , 9-9, (905)632-9090____________ TH E W aterb ed G a lle ry Store C losing Sale. 3350 Fairview Street, Burlington, Everything Must Go. 6395600. 1995 N issan P a thfind er, tan, e x c e lle n t con d itio n , le ath er in te rio r, fully lo ad ed, im m a cu la te . D e aler serviced. Phone included. 99K, h ig h w a y driven. $17 ,500 . P riva te 3 3 2 7949____________________ 1994 Lexus GS, black, gold trim , le a th e r in te rio r, fully loaded. Immaculate. Deal er s e rv ic e d , h ighw a y d r i ven. $ 23 ,500 . P rivate 332-7949________________ 1995 M azda M X3- e x c e l lent condition. Black. Au to m a tic. soun d system . 95,000km. Take over pay ment O B O . 905-339-0147 1996 Sable GS, 4 door wag on, red, 6 cylinder, A/T, A/ C, m any extra s. 1 ow ner, carefully maintained, terrific shape. A sking $10,900. (905)845-0493.___________ 1997 Buick Riviera, all op tio n s excep t m oon roof. 60.000K , ce rtifie d . 6349114 or 336-3921_________ 1997 Amethyst Chrysler In tre p id - 47K. P olygua rd W heels/ C hipguard. P ris tine condition. Single retir ee owner. $14,000. 6391803____________________ 1998 S a turn SC 15 speed- A ir, c ru ise , pow er windows, tilt, alarm, keyless e n try. A M /FM /C D A sking $12,000. 849-7669________ E X E C U T IV E ow ned & op erated 1996 Intrepid- Fully loaded, platinum silver, all m aintena nce, ve rifia b le & certified. $10,500. Please ca ll 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -4 4 2 0 a fte r 6pm to view. 1999 P o n tia c S u n fire -- Assume rem aining 2yrs of 3yr lease. Green, 2-door, m oonroof; lo ts of options. Take ad va n ta g e GM em ployee d isco u n t, $2 0 6 ./ mos. E xce lle nt condition. $500. down OBO, must sell. 1-800-526-4858 -ext.4999. 631-0384 ^ condom inium s for rent YOU DESERVE A 1-BEDROOM APT f c j at BURLINGTON TOWERS Bvl 2< 53 Bedrooms Also Available E a sy ac c ess to Q E W C lo se to G O s ta tio n EXCELLENT S ta rte r--- Burlington- sm all com plex. Stunning end unit. Large U R, kitchen including stove, dishwasher, bathroom, rec. room- all newly renovated. C e ra m ic ,/ h ardw ood th ro u g h o u t- G as fu rn a ce , air, P riva te fe n ce d yard. $11 8,90 0. 2101H M eadow bro ok, 3 32 -91 43 Open House 2pm-4pm Sunday 2 in "G R A N D E Regency" G or geous penthouse 1-bedroom w ith balcony, panoram ic views, 5 appliances, marble, whirlpool tub. No pets, no sm oking. N o v.1st. $1200/ mo. inclusive. Call L.Davies R.E., (905)333-4347 houses for rent 4-bedroom with Pool south/ west Florida, Country setting (941)426-6587 items under $100. 25" console colour TV with converter. $50. obo Call 681-8898_________________ 4-PCE livingroom suite, beige tweed, Colonial style. $100 634-9372__________ CD'S classical and country approx. 40. $60./all 6391013______________________ C O LU M B IA Bugaboo Bomber ski jacket- Ladies XL. Purple blue with pink, includes fleece. $85.OBO. 905-637-2700______________ C O W B O Y boots- Men's, Size 8-1/2 $40. 639-1013 DRYER- M cC lary heavy duty. 4yrs. old. asking $100. obo. 634-1558 FISHER Price kitchen, great condition $45. firm. 637-5923_________________ FRIDGE- average size- al mond. Good second hand. $50- 639-1013_____________ FUTO N and stand- $50. 847-3482__________________ GRACO Open top 3 speed baby swing, $75. used 5 weeks. 332-6002___________ G RAC O Pack 'n Go p la y pen- barely used. $70. 332-6002__________________ KARATE suit, plus sparring boots, gloves, helmet, suit 58 year old $50. 632-8655 L IT T L E Tikes easel, 2sided, red, excellent condi tion, used by 1 child $35. 639-8197_________________ L IT T L E Tikes workshop with tools, great condition $45 firm, 637-5923_________ PEREG O stro ller with toy bar- approx. 4yrs. old. Asking $75. 681-2994__________ PING Pong table, collapsible, net, paddles. Fine condition. $99. Will deliver. (905)8497681 ___________________ QUEEN bed frame- Center support, heavy gauge, rug roller. $60.631-3316 S IN G L E bed, m attress & boxspring, excellent condition, $40. (905)632-7362 S P E A K E R S , Advent II. good condition with stands. $50.639-6028 ___________ S T O V E , GE. Medallion, $100. Very good condition. Phone 331-5917___________ STOVE- self-cleaning, elec tric, works well. $75. OBO. 639-1013__________________ SUPER Nintendo system, 2 controllers, 8 games $75. 632-8655__________________ T E N T , eight man canvas tent $40 obo 637-5923 T R U C K cap - fiberglass, fits average size truck, $100. OBO. 639-1013 VCR- 4 head H.Q., like new, $75. OBO 639-1013 W IN E demijohn, (set of 4) $100. 631-0506 or 336-3524 S i 185 M agnificent Indoor P ool & Fitness Centre · U tilities & Parking Included · Fantastic Location! I TO VIEW CALL (905) 6 3 9 - 8 5 8 3 B R IC K Bungalow , 3 Bed rooms,available now Close to R ebecca St. $1,100. (905)825-2901____________ FU RN ISH ED 3 bed rooms, 2 bathrooms. West O a kville area, nea r Lake available O ctober to April. (905)827-3868____________ T Y A N D A G A Executive 4bedroom with den, double garage, 2 fireplaces, all ap plia n c e s , Jacuzzi, lawn sprinkler system. Available end of October. $2400/mo. References. Non-smokers. (905)333-5506, Ext.50 O A K V IL L E - 3 bedroom , family room, finished base ment broadloomed; 2 bath rooms plus ensuite/ jacuzzi in m aster. 2 car garage. 3 appliances. 2 F/P. Nov. 1st. $1,800./+utilities. A/C 905271-1212________________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or c reative finan cing availab le to fa c ilita te pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Assoc. B roker, (905)6395258 Re/Max Escarpm ent Realty Inc., Realtor STO P Loo king! Need a home to rent.in the $1500$3000 range? C all me! (9 05)333-1706 , E xt.70. Kathy Murray, Sales Repre sentative, Active Properties Inc. " LARG E 3 plus 2 bedroom house $1450 plus utilities, large backyard, close to all conveniences, 681-6771 E A S T B u rlin g to n , new 3bedroom semi, 1-1/2 baths, garage, 4 app lia nces, $ 12 00./m o .+ u tilitie s . O c t.1st. A ctive M anage m ent. (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -5 5 0 6 , Ext. 55___________________ EAST Oakville, 4-bedroom 2-sto re y, C /A , w a lk-out deck, fenced yard, eat-in k itchen , des ira b le fam ily neighbou rho od. $1500/ mo.+; Also, cozy bachelor basem ent, laundry, se p a rate entrance, kitchen, bath, $550/m o. + . O ct.15th (905)849-7818 BURLINGTON I A P A R T M E N T S R A R E Find! 1 40 0.s q .ft. D ram atic 1 flo o r plan w/ palladium windows, french doors to deck. Gas F/P, 3 bedroom , 2 b aths, 5 a p pliances, F reshly painted. 5.9% assum able mortgage available. Burlington. 9.05921-8495________________ WE specialize in Condomini um Sales & R e nta ls. C all Linda Davies Real E state Ltd., Realtor, (905)333-4347 I lots & acreages TAKE over 20 acres in propV e ro u s West Texas. Assume $150.00 mo. pay. Balance $9995. Call 1-800-875-6568 A IR M I L E S · A IR M IL E S BASEM EN T apartment, 3rd Line/ Rebecca area. $675./ m onth in clusive. Parking. S u it sin g le pe rso n . Nons m o k e r/ pets. 9 0 5 -8 2 5 9544____________________ D O W N T O W N B u rlin g to n one bed roo m u p s ta irs apartment. $650/month all inclusive. Non-smoker Immediate. 637-9167________ COMPLETE main level of 3 bedroom bungalow in quiet B u rlin g to n core. 3 b e d room s, ' air, a pp lia nces. Large yard,- hardw ood flo o rs , no p e ts / sm oking. Credit check, $1375 in clu sive. Rocco 905-934-4640 ev e n in g or 631-5600 weekdays O A K V IL L E Place Area- 2bedroom, small building, near all am e n itie s . $915/m o. O c t.1st. H eat, hot w a ter, parking included (905)8471138.____________________ 1,2&3 Bedroom Suites avail able. QEW/ Trafalgar Road. Indoor pool. From $875/mo. (905)844-1106 Waterdown 50 & 75 John St. W. Large 1 ,2 ,3 Bdrms All Renovated New appliances, etc Walk to everything Util. incl. from $695 (905) 690-4454 (905) 689-1647 BRONTE. -Furnished room p riv a te hom e, share bath and k itc h e n . S u it Nonsmoker female. $450./mon. Oct. 15th. 847-3482 G E O R G IA N A p artm ents. Oct./Nov. 1.2&3 Bedrooms. Heat/ hydro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456. M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm________________ G H E N T A ve., B u rlington: Spacious, clean, 2-bedroom, fridge, stove, parking. Newly renovated. C e ntral, quiet. December 1. $740/mo. Jeff days (905)333-3720._______ L A R G E b rig h t 2-bedroom base m en t a pa rtm e nt, Bronte. Private entrance, parking. $995/m o. Immediate. First/last. 847-0997. BRONTE-ON-THE-LAKE: im m aculate, 1-bdrm, s in gle executive, all inclusive: cable, parking, brand new a p p lia n c e s . $ 1 ,2 5 0 ./m o. Evenings (905)827-2266. B U R LIN G T O N Downtown, spacious newly decorated 2-b e d ro o m apt. C lean quiet b u ild in g . A v a ila ble Nov. 1st. $756/mo. (905) 336-6690._______________ BURLINGTON: 2-bedroom apartment in low rise, im maculate. No pets. $650 in c lu s iv e . N ovem ber 1st. 637-0944 1-BEDROO M Suites am ong re fin e d te n a n ts in lu x u ry b u ild in g clo se to B u rlington M all. C all "The Princess", (905)639-8009 L A K E F R O N T B u rlington! Large clean 1 & 2 bedroom apartments available Nov/ Dec. 1st. 2338 Lakeshore Rd. Call (905)681-8938. O LD E O a k v ille - duplex, clean and quiet 1-bedroom. N ear h o s p ita l, GO, and s h op ping. R e ference s. (905)844-9340 2359 LA K ES H O R E, Bronte, approx. 900 sq. ft. base m en t, cu sto m e r parking in Tront. High v is ib ility . P o ssession plus lease n e g o tia b le . 8273571 DOWNTOWN O akville, 2bedroom, 2 bathroom, 5 ap pliance s, und erground parking rec room $1400 in c lu s iv e . Dec. 1. Paul 842-0675________________ BU RLO AK / Lakeshorefu rn is h e d room w /kitchen privileges. Suit male nonsm oker. $550/m o. in c lu sive. 631-5884 evgs. W A L K E R S /N E W - $475/ mo. Parking, cable, laundry/ kitchen privileges included. Responsible working adult. Oct.1. first/last. (905)3333895; (905)510-3895. U PPE R M id d le / Dorval. V ery nice, clean, quiet home, c/air, use of facilities. Immediate. $450/mo. inclu sive. D o n't m iss out! (905)825-0806.__________ BEAUTIFUL, bright, sunny, spacious bedroom/den with priv a te bathroom . Share k itchen & la undry. Pool, parking. Suit mature working female. Nov. 1. $485 inclusive. First & last. 632-3645 B U R L IN G T O N large fu r nished room, quiet home, downtown, male, private en tran ce, vacan t, $350/m o. (9 05)632-1333 (905)6321804___________________ BURLINGTON, Francis Rd. Private master bedroom, well furnished, use of all facilities, free cable. $400./mo. 632 4694, _______________ BURLINGTON, Francis Rd. Private master bedroom, well furnished, use of all facilities, free cable. $400./mo. 632 4694. W AN TED All-China, Silver, C ry s ta l, cam era 7 aud io equ ip m e n t, sew ing m a c h in e s ... D o ulton, M oorcroft,Q uilts, Glass, W atch es, dolls, paintings, collecti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477____________ P A IN T IN G S , A n tiques W anted: F urniture, Glass, China, S ilve r Ring Boxes, A d dison ra d io s, E states purchased. Karl (905)681 -- 6939-Burlington.___________ ANTIQUES Wanted: dining rooms, bedroom suites, indi vidual pieces including religi ous articles, lamps, silver, china, etc. (905)639-3639 I firewood G U A R A N T E E D dry 100% hardw ood. "O n ta rio 's la r gest F ire w o o d re ta il. M arc's Q u a lity Firew ood, (905)-257-6366 I pets, supplies L A B / C O L L IE cro ss, pup, male, 7 months, neutered, all shots, needs room to run. $100. 319-6268 1989 Dodge Shadow, blue, 180K, $1,000. obo. Phone 631-5218 $$ G overnm ent Funds $$. Grants and loans in form a tio n to s ta rt and expand your business or farm . 1800-505-8866. O A K V IL L E : 190 K err, at Rebecca. Renovated, large suites. W alk to everything. 1&2 bedroom s from $795. (905)845-1777 O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Drive: 2-bedroom, Nov. 1st, 3-b e d ro o m , O c t.1st.; (905)844-9006; 205 Queen M ary D rive: 3-bedroom , O c t.1st; U tilitie s included. (905)844-9670 ___________ 2-BEDRO O M A p a rt m ents $790. (U tilitie s in c lu d e d ). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open11-8pm. 639-5761 C A N A D IA N A . Q uiet, w e ll maintained lakefront building. Very spacious 1&3-bedrooms available December. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)632-5486____________ F R E SH LY Decorated: 2&3 B e d ro o m s - som e 2-le v e l! Oct./Nov. Low-rise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios. (Bur lin g to n ). 1440 Tyan daga P ark Dr. (9 0 5 )3 3 6 -0 0 1 5 ; 1460 Tyan daga P ark Dr. (905)336-0016;___________ D O W N T O W N B u rlin g to n . 1,2&3 Bdrm Apts Available O ct./N ov. Freshly painted, some with new kitchen cabi netry! Well maintained, quiet building. W alk to shopping, H o spital, Lake! C all (905) 637-0321_________________ 1-BEDROO M base m en t apartment, quiet area. Quiet m ain flo o r te n a n ts . Fully furnished, utilities included. Yard, patio & laundry facili tie s . C lose to O ak v ille Place. .Immediate. $795.(416) 201-6982, leave message, j 1992 T h u nderbird- E xce l le nt run n in g c o n d itio n . $ 4,400 OBO as is. 3360131 leave message 1995 N issan P a thfind er, black, chrome wheels, a/c, new rubber, 5-speed, am/fm cassette, 148K (highway), w ell m a in ta in e d $11 ,500 firm. 338-7897 1989 P o n tia c G rand Am, running condition, good en gine, new Rainforce tires, needs body work, as is, $300 842-8159 1990 M azda MVP LX. 3L. V6, Beige, loaded. A1. Etested. Certified. Won't Last! $4,395. (905)634-9875 BASEMENT 1-bedroom, on C entennial Drive, B u rlin g ton. S e parate entra n ce , newly carpeted, bus route, Oct 1st No parking. 3367426____________________ B A C H E LO R ap a rtm e n t in North O a k v ille hom e. N o v .1st. $ 5 7 5 ./ mo. S uit sin g le C h ris tia n , non smoker 842-1537.________ UPGRADED 1&2 Bdrm Apts with scenic views available at tw o prim e dow ntow n Burlington locations. Beau tiful grounds. Professionally m anaged. 478 Pearl St. (905)632-1643; 477 Elizabeth St., (905)634-9374 S P A C IO U S 1 bedroom basement apartment, seperate entrance, monitored se curity system, large kitchen/ fa m ily room . C /vac, A/C fridge and stove. No laundry. No pets. Non-sm oker, s in gles only please, available immediately or Nov. 1 $795. inclusive (905)849-8451 12 year old home. (River Oaks) DECEMBER 1ST 2-bedroom $975. 1.5 baths, Lakeshore/ Appleby. 639-3301________ E X E C U T IV E fu rn is h e d 1bedroom. Residential garden s e ttin g , ce n tra l O a kville . Separate entrance, parking, near bus route, fireplace, ful ly equipped. Immediate. Call evenings 6pm -8 p m ,\(9 0 5 ) W 9-997J O A K V ILLE - 2&3 Bedroom tow nh ouses a v ailab le Nov.1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336 3-Bdrm 2 -Level Townhomes 2418Glenmod School D r., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement P E A R L Jam C oncert tic k ets. Thursday, October 5. 4 tickets. 844-0969. I cars for sale 1988 ACURA Legend $1,000/obo . co n ta ct Rick Hipkiss, Westend Motors of O a kville Ltd. (9 0 5 )8 4 2 6895 __________________ 1986 C A D IL L A C 5L F leetw ood , da rk m e ta llic blue, beautiful car and re cently used as wedding car for bride. $3000 obo. Call (905)842-1808 after 6pm. 1989 Corolla, 4-door, auto, air, cruise, tape, well main tained, good condition new tires 194K. $3600 332>-3517 I shared accommodation Call 6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 B U R L IN G T O N : share 2bedroom apartm ent, suit working non-smoker, 25-40. Neat, responsible. Nov. 1st. $575 + parking. 632-1524. P R O F E S S IO N A L fem ale seeks same to share con do. N. B u rlington. C/A, washer & dryer, dishwash er, $45 0-5 50 + u tilitie s . Available Nov. 1st. Refer ences required. 9 0 5 -3 3 6 - ··.v -n ifw .M NEW Renovations- 3-bed room tow nh ouse m a is o nettes. 1 parking. November. Starting $900./mo.+ utilities. North Burlington,. (905)3199104 9904 1000'S of yards of carpet for sale. Call Scott (905)6392200 v " '