F e b ru a ry 1 6 , 2 0 1 7 | Truth and reconciliation to be achieved through art by M arta Marychuk O akville Beaver S ta ff 20 ^ This is the start of a discussion. The power of art will be playing a large part. It won't be government and it won't be soldiers who decide our future. It will be the arts. OAKVILLE BEAVER | T h u rsd a y, The road to truth and reconciliation is paved with poetry, song and sharing in Oakville. "It w on ' t be government and it w on't be soldiers w ho decide our future," said Chief Stacey LaForme, of the Mississaugas of the N ew Credit First Nation. "ft will be the arts." LaForme made the comments to a group of about 150 people Monday night, during a community discussion on truth and 99 Susan Aglukark Inukperform er, O akville resident Chief Stacey LaForme M ississaugas of the N ewCredit reconciliation at MacLachlan College. Oakville is on treaty lands of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation, DJ ";; 5 :K £ "& » < * . Z GES WELCOME a 3 5 iw b Susan Aglukark part of the Anishinaabe Nation. The Indigenous Education Advisory Committee of the Halton Catholic and District School Boards, YMCA of Oakville, Oakville Community Foundation, Town of Oakville, and a number of local independent schools and businesses have been collaborating on local projects, such as the community discussion, to incorporate the values of reconciliation. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was established in 2008, as a component of the tndian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement to investigate and report on what happened in Indian Residential Schools. Between the 1870s and 1996, more than 150,000 First Nations, Inuit and Metis children were sent to residential schools across the country, where they were banned from using their own languages and often subjected to physical and sexual abuse. see Damage on p.24 w w w .in s id e H A L T O N .c o m | SSSSbSS E p e T rS nV i(Z J< In te re ste d in le a rn in g m ore a b o u t Life in s u ra n c e o p tio n s? Geared Towards Families Young Couples Small Business Owners W M C m Repair G gviiars u it a r W o r ld L i f e N ig h t W it h E R I C G R U S C Y K Tuesday, March 7 · 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM -- State Farm Agent 905.257.3110 · theguitarw orldoakville.com 3 8 0 D u n d a s S t. E. at Trafalgar Road in Longo's Plaza '-- ^'7 The Oakville Club 56 Water Street, Oakville Free Parking Appetizers will be Served! estate Farm --1 # YAMAHA To sign up please Call Michele at 905-257-6556 or email Michele@gtainsuranceshop.com P e te r c o m p a re d a n d S A V E D c a r in s u r a n c e th e q u o te s A u to S h o w ! $ 7 0 0 ... o ff to How much could you SAVE? In s u r a n c e H o tlin e c o m