BEAVER | Thursday, M arch 2 , 2 0 1 7 | 8 P IC -A -D E L I W W e e k ly S p e c ia ls : T h u rsd a y N ights: D o m e stic Pint & 1 lb of W ings $999 D a ily s p e c ia l: La rg e 3 item P iz z a Dine In & P ick up only Fe aturin g Best M ontreal S m o k e d S a n d w ic h e s All D a y B reakfast. $999 w w w .insideH A LTO N .com | OAKVILLE Hours: Monday - Saturday 7 am -1 am Closed Sundays. 670 Fourth Line (9 0 5 ) 339-1905 Ontario Labour Minister and Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn made an announcement about improving public transit in Oakville last week. Flynn, second from right, was joined by, from left, Barry Cole, director of Oakville Transit, Ward 1 Councillor Sean O'Meara, Oakville Mayor Rob Burton, and Ward 6 Councillor Tom Adams. | Riziero Vertolli/Metroland Voted Best Accountant by Oakville Beaver R eaders for 10 Consecutive Years Officials look to future of transit by Marta Marychuk Oakville Beaver Staff · A ccounting · A uditing · Taxation Ricky Wong CPA, CA, MBA, B. Eng For more information please check our website 1 2 0 0 S p e e rs R d ., U n i t 3 2 , O a k v ille , O n t . L 6 L 2 X 4 (905) 845 -1408 | Fax (905) 845 - With both a municipal and provincial election in the offing in 2018, local officials were looking past it all in making transit funding announcements. Beginning in 2019, the Province of Ontario will incrementally double the amount of gas tax funding for Oakville Transit over the next four years, says Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn. For every litre of gas sold, Ontario currently provides two cents to municipalities to help fund public transit. Flynn made the announcement Friday (Feb. 24) at a press conference at Oakville Transit -- see Looking on p.18 MARTINSONS VAN HOUTTE, OVER 200 FLAVOURS TIMOTHY'S, ...AND MORE! WHILE SUPPLIES LAST KOFFEE K O R N E R OAKVILLE MIX AND MATCH I OVER 500 FLAVOURS WWW.KOFFEEKORNEROAKVILLE.COM Ei^ebrSe/w iceond W oM C m R epak CASES OF 24 $ 13.9 9 ! S t0 R E G T sT O T i0 N F E E S :. S^t AGES K WELCOME e W ii ipc qfi fction of guitars. N O R T HSER V IC ER O A DW 240 NORTH SERVICE RD W O A KVILLE, ONT L6M2G2 DORVAL CROSSING E (WINNERS PLAZA) G u it a r W o rld 905.257.3110 · 380 Dundas St. E. at Trafalgar Road in Longo's Plaza ® YAMAHA HMMB