BEAVER | Thursday, M arch 2 , 2 0 1 7 | 12 F rie n d s o f th e L ib ra ry n e w P o p -U p B o o k S a le ta k e s p la c e o n w e e k e n d he Friends of the Oakville Public Li brary (FO L) is excited to be holding its first-ever Pop-Up Book Sale this week end -- on March 4-5. The sale will take place in the audito rium of the Oakville Public Library's Central Branch at Lakeshore Road and Navy Street, and will offer a wide selection of books and T DVDs for all age groups and interests. This Pop-Up Book Sale is a great opportu nity for book enthusiasts to stock up on items for their personal collections. New or gently-used books for sale All items on sale are either new or gentlyused, are in great condition, and cost no more w w w .insideH A LTO N .com | OAKVILLE G ran d O p en in g O ffer d in n e r f a r 4 4 sp rin g rolls S e s a m e ch icken S w e e t & S o u r C hicken C h ic k e n C hop S u e y B eef w ith B roccoli C h ic k e n Fried R ice than $2 each. Custom ers also have the option to pur chase a bag full of books for only $10. The Pop-Up Book Sale is a new initiative of the FOL, piggybacking off its annual spring and fall book sales. More than $500,000 has been raised from past sales and used to support various library services, including events like Battle of the Books and Write2Xpress. The FO L has held more than 20 book sales to date, and has seen hundreds of thousands of items sold to members of the community. u tJ U k * Pop-Up Book Sale is new While the Pop-up Book Sale is this week end, the community can expect the FOL 2017 Book Sale spring edition to run May 3-7, with the 2017 Fall Book Sale running from Nov. 8-12. The first day of each sale is a special `Friends Only' night for individuals who are registered FO L Members. Community members have the opportuni ty to become a FO L Member by signing up at the library and paying the annual fee of $10. Becoming an FO L Member allows you to Lim itted Tim e O ffer NOW OPEN! D IN G -H A O S Z E C H U A N C U IS IN E 360 Dundas St. E, @ Trafalgar Rd. (just behind Longo's) gain early and exclusive access to the annual spring and fall book sales, and supports both the Oakville Public Library and your com mu nity. Individuals who are unable to attend any FO L sale have the option of purchasing items from the `Friendly Finds' bookshelves located at all branches. Meanwhile, the Friends of the Oakville Public Library is excited to pilot this new pop-up book sale initiative within the com munity, and hopes to plan additional pop-up sales throughout the year. -- submitted by the Oakville Public Library Dine-in |Take-out |Delivery 6 4 7 - 984 -3 8 38 · 9 0 5 - 257-1333 p G > OAKVILLE · · · · · · · · Biggar Farm (4243 Sixth Line) Bronte Bluffs (35 West River Street) Bronte Harbour (3014 Lakeshore Road West) Bowbeer Farmstead (1086 Burnhamthorpe Road East) Glen Abbey / Raydor Estate (1333 Dorval Drive) Hilton Farm (2031 North Service Road West) McMichael Farm (3367 Dundas Street West) Remnant Farmstead (3451 Tremaine Road) Phase One of the project identified several properties as having the potential to be a CHL. The town is now in Phase Two which is about doing detailed research and assessment on the eight properties, identified by Council on February 26, 2016, to move forward with first. Your feedback will help form the basis on whether to proceed to Council with any protection measures in Phase Three of the project, such as Official Plan policies or designation under the Ontario Heritage Act. For more information visit C u ltu ra l H e rita g e La n d scap e P ro je ct O pen H o u se D r o p in . L e a r n m o r e . Sh are w h at y o u kn ow ! M arch 7, 2 0 1 7 fro m 1 2 2 5 T r a fa lg a r R o a d 7 - 9 p .m . T o w n H a ll, S o u t h A t r iu m We want to hear from you! If you w ant to learn more and have valuable information to share on these properties join us on March 7! Bring your information with you, or record your comments at the open house. Protecting and preserving our heritage is a key priority for the Town of Oakville. This includes cultural landscapes and natural heritage features, as well as buildings. The town is hosting an open house to gather information from the public regarding eight high priority properties that have the potential to be protected as a Cultural Heritage Landscape (CHL): Accessibility requirements? If you have any accessibility needs, please let us know by March 2 by contacting SerwceOakville at 905-845-6601 (TTY: 905-338-4200), email, or by filling out the accessible feedback form. What's this project about? The town adopted the Cultural Heritage Landscapes Strategy in January 2014 to determine how the town will identify and conserve cultural heritage landscapes that may warrant recognition and ultimately some form of protection, preservation and management. annual electricity consumption for street lights by an estimated 40 to 50 per cent and result in significant hydro and maintenance savings. Phase two of the project is starting this spring and will involve upgrading all the town's decorative street light fixtures to LED. Join us on March 9, 2017 for an opportunity to learn more about this project, view photos and some samples of the recommended light fixtures, ask questions and provide feedback. Please note that LED fixture styles are subject to availability and new fixtures may not match your existing neighbourhood street light style. Where a Open House - LED Street Ligh t Conversion Project, Phase Two D ecorative Fixtu res Thursday, March 9, 2017, 6-8 p.m. Town HaM, South Atrium 1225 Trafalgar Road The Town of Oakville is in the process of upgrading street lights to high-efficiency light emitting diodes (LEDs). LED street lights use less energy and last four times longer than high pressure sodium light bulbs. The new lighting system will reduce the town's similar fixture style is not available, residents and property owners are invited to provide feedback on options that will be displayed at the open house. If you have any accessibility needs, please let us know by contacting SerwceOakville at 905-845-6601 (TTY: 905-338-4200), or by filling out the accessible online feedback form on For more information about the project, visit and search "LED Street Light Conversion Project" or contact Martin Maguire at 905-845-6601, ext. 3304 or