Three types of criminal activity comprise hate-related occurrence stats continued from p.12 collaboration with Statistics Canada, developed guidelines for reporting hate crimes, as well as a framework for a consistent definition of a hate crime. The guidelines define hate crime as a criminal violation motivated by hate, based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, skin colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation or any other similar factor. A suspected hate crime is a criminal offence against a person or property with reasonable suspicion that it is motivated by hate/bias/or prejudice, and it cannot be proven to be solely motivated by hate. A hate/bias incident involves behaviour that, though motivated by bias against a victim' s race, religion, ethnic/national origin, gender, age, disability or sexual orientation, is not a recognized criminal act. Hostile speech or other disrespectful or discriminatory behaviour may be motivated by bias, but is not necessarily criminal in nature. They become crimes only when they directly incite others to commit violence against identifiable groups or if they place a potential victim or group in fear of their safety. The three types of acts comprise the hate-related occurrences statistics, as reported by police. 1 9 | Thursday, March 9, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Seeking four schools that champion mental health Halton Families for Families is a com munity collaborative that aims to en gage parents and families impacted by a child or youth with a mental illness and connect them to support by facili tating different events and activities. The organization is out to celebrate schools that have been mental health champions. Nominations are being accepted for a Halton school that has shown an outstanding commitment to engage, support and collaborate with families whose child is impacted by mental illness. The 2016/2017 Halton Families for Families Community Champion award recognizes the commitment of schools in creating an environment of well- be ing and understanding that creates a positive outcome for youths. Criteria for the nomination is for a school to have shown outstanding commitment to engaging, supporting and working with families to ensure the success of the children/youth; and shown to be of tremendous benefit in the lives of the children/youth and the families by inspiring, motivating, en couraging and positively impacting mental health for the children/youth. Four awards will be given out to one elementary and one secondary school in the Halton District School Board and Halton Catholic District School Board. Nominations should be based on the current school year' s experience. Deadline to submit a Halton Families for Families - Community Champion nomination is May 1. Winners will be announced May 30, acknowledged on the Halton Families for Families web site and with awards presented in June. You can submit a nomination through or via email at (include subject line: Community Champion Nomina tion 2017). Call 905-875-2575, ext. 232 for information. METROLINX An agency of the Government of Ontario Notice of Public Meeting #1 Burloak Drive Grade Separation Project Transit Project Assessment Process The Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) is now home to nearly 7 million people and heading towards 10 million by 2041. Metrolinx, an agency of the Province of Ontario, is bringing more transit and more connections to more places within the GTHA. As we grow, our transit system needs to grow too. Every community transit project big or small plays a vital role in shaping the regional transportation plan. We want to share our plans and get your feedback. The Project Metrolinx is completing a Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) to grade separate Burloak Drive in the City of Burlington and Town of Oakville, within the Region of Halton. This project will enhance safety, on time performance and operational flexibility/reliability and is part of the RER Transportation Plan which will enable more frequent train service along the Lakeshore West Rail Corridor. The project will include the construction of an underpass (road under rail) at the Burloak Drive rail crossing. The Process Metrolinx will assess the environmental impacts of this transit project by undertaking an Environmental Assessment following the TPAP, as prescribed in Ontario Regulation 2 3 1 /0 8 made under the Environmental Assessment Act. As part of the TPAP, an Environmental Project Report (EPR) is being prepared. Your participation is an important part of this process. You are invited to attend the Public Meeting listed below. The Metrolinx study team and Town of Oakville and City of Burlington staff will be on hand to answer questions and receive your comments. Date: Time: Location: * Thursday, March 30, 2017 6:30 p.m. - 8 :30 p.m. Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre 2302 Bridge Road, Oakville, ON L6L 3L5 This location is accessible. Comments Invited For more information, or to be added to the study's mailing list, please contact: Georgina Collymore Senior Advisor, Environmental Assessment Communications & Community Relations Metrolinx 20 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M5J 2W3 tel: 416-202-4921 e-mail: website: Metrolinx is working to provide residents and businesses in the GTHA with a transportation system that is modern, efficient and integrated. Find out more about Metrolinx's Regional Transportation Plan for the GTHA, as well as GO Transit, PRESTO and Union Pearson Express at w w w .m . All personal information included in a submission - such as name, address, telephone number and property location - is collected, maintained and disclosed by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change for the purpose of transparency and consultation. The information is collected under the authority of the Environmental Assessment Act or is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public as described in s. 37 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information you submit will become part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential. For more information, please contact Georgina Collymore (contact information above) or the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Freedom of Information and Privacy Coordinator at 416-327-1434. This N otice fir s t published on M arch 9, 2 0 1 7 . Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez composer le 416 869-3200 ou le 1 888 438-6646.