Oakville Beaver, 9 Mar 2017, p. 24

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www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, March 9, 2017 | 24 Call: 289-293-0661 email: mmarychuk@oakvillebeaver.com Community Update Branch 4 8 6 , 79 Jones St., every Thursday at noon. Lunch is free to veterans, $ 6 for guests. J o b F a ir, 9 a.m .-noon. at Goodwill - The Amity Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2 3 8 7 Trafalgar Rd. - Unit B5. Free. Call 9 0 5 -2 5 7 8856. Halton G reen S creen s Unlocking the C age, the fight for legal protection for ani mals. Dr. Jackie Prime, founder of Prime Earth Education, is the speaker, 7 p.m ., Film .Ca Cinema, 171 Speers Rd. FRIDAY MARCH 1 0 F ish F ry , Bronte Legion, Branch 4 8 6 , 79 Jones St., $ 1 0 , Fridays 5-8 p.m. Karaoke is free 7 :3 0 -1 1 :3 0 p.m. Music (free) will be provided from 7-11 p.m. All welcome. Branch 114 of the Royal Canadian Legion holds a fis h and chip d in n er with coleslaw and bread/butter, $ 1 0 , 4 :3 0 p.m ., 3 6 Upper Middle Rd. MONDAY MARCH 13 H am ilton Naturalists Club presents Al ways Looking Up. Free. 7 :3 0 p.m. Royal Bo tanical Gardens, 6 8 0 Plains Rd, Burlington. Contact brontreg@cogeco.ca or 9 0 5 -6 3 7 7136. M onday evening legal clinic at the W om en' s Centre, 6 :3 0 -8 :3 0 p.m. Call 9 0 5 -8 4 7 5 5 2 0 to register. C o ffee and Conversation at the W om en' s Centre, Monday mornings 10 a.m-noon. Saving Circle from 1-2 p.m. No fee. Call 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -5 5 2 0 . TUESDAY MARCH 1 4 C elebrate R ecovery , a support and recov ery program runs every Tuesday evening in Oakville. Email judytravisa49@gm ail.com The Electronic Technology C lub meets 7 p.m. at the Colborne Centre to talk about the Oakville Library System: eResources and seniors' services. Cost $5 at the door. Four-w eek Self-esteem W orkshop , The W om en's Centre, runs until March 21. E x plore your self-worth and boost your self esteem. No fee. Call 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -5 5 2 0 . Acclaim H ealth A lzheim er support group for family members of persons with demen "Connected to yo u r Community " tia, 7-9 p.m ., in east Oakville. Call 9 0 5 8 4 7 -9 5 5 9 for more information and to reg ister. W ED N ESD A Y MARCH 15 Targeting resum es and cover letters , 10:30 a.m .-noon, Oakville Career Centre, 2 3 8 7 Trafalgar Rd., Unit B5. Free. Call 9 0 5 2 5 7 -8 8 5 6 . O akville Historical Society annual gener al meeting at St. Joh n ' s United Church, Ran dall and Dunn Street, Oakville. Potluck sup per 6:3 0 , business meeting 7 :3 0 p.m. Call 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -2 6 9 5 or www.oakvillehistory.org. Interview Skills, 10 a.m .-noon . at Good will - The Amity Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2 3 8 7 Trafalgar Rd. - Unit B5. Free. Call 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -8 8 5 6 . Oakville-M ississauga Prostate C a n cer Support G roup meets third Wednesday of the m onth, 7 p.m. at Wellspring Birming ham Gilgan House, 2 5 4 5 Sixth Line. Free. Call 9 0 5 -6 9 1 -5 1 0 0 or walter.eadie@cogeco. ca. Forw ard announcem ents o f non-profit lo cal events f o r Community Update to the Oakville Beaver, 5 0 4 6 Mainway, Unit 2 , B urlington, ON, L 7 L 5 Z 1 ; em ail mm arychuk@oakvillebeaver.com o r call 2 8 9 - 2 9 3 0 6 6 1 . Free. THURSDAY M ARCH 9 C odependent N o M ore at the W om en' s Centre, 10 a.m .-noon. No fee. Call 9 0 5 .8 4 7 .5 5 2 0 to register. Netw orking C lub every Thursday in March 1 0 -1 1 :4 5 a.m. at Goodwill - The Amity Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2 3 8 7 Trafalgar Rd. - Unit B5. Free. Call 9 0 5 -2 5 7 8 856. L ife Skills W orkshop , the W om en' s Cen tre, 10 a.m .- noon. No fee. Register at 9 0 5 8 4 7 -5 5 2 0 . O akville Toastm asters , 7 p.m ., holds a club launch meeting, 7 p.m ., Joshua' s Creek Arenas, 1663 North Service Rd. E. Regis ter at ghow 08@ gm ail.com . Join as charter members. Veterans' L uncheon, Bronte Legion, AVOID DRAGGING YOUR FAMILY THROUGH DIVORCE COURT. Lower the emotional damage on everyone now, before it's too late. M E D IA T IO N Choose the civilized way to separate. Stop fighting, start moving forward. Save thousands .. and stay out of court. E-mail: dawn@cornerstone-mediation.com or call: Beat cash emergencies with a Cash Advance. Available in-store, online, and wherever you're reading this ad. 2460 Neyagawa Blvd 905-257-1917 198 Speers Rd 905-338-6000 For details, visit us at: 9 0 5 -5 6 7 -6 8 3 3 Dawn is an Accredited Family Mediator with psychology and a Masters in Law from Osgoode with a specialization in Alternative Dispute Dawn has been mediating fam ilies full tim e a degree in Hall Law School, Resolution. since 2000. We can help. CORNERSTONE MEDIATION 447 SPEERS RD, UNIT 5, OAKVILLE, ON MONEY MART® is a registe re d service m a rk of N ational M oney M a rt C om pany. © 2 0 1 5 N ational M oney M a rt C om pany. A ll rig h ts reserved. Welcome to KKT Orthopedic Spine Center! We are a new innovative tre a tm e n t ce n te r fo r su ffe re rs of back, neck and other chro n ic pain. KKT is a non-invasive, painless and fa s t tre a tm e n t option w h ich uses lo w freq uency sound w a ves to co rre ct th e position of th e spine w h ich results in pain relief, im proved stren gth and m o b ility and m ay avoid th e need fo r su rg e ry or prolonged use o f m edication. KKT is sc ie n tific a lly proven, FDA and Health Canada approved and utilized in the tre a tm e n t of m any acute and chro n ic cond itions such as: B a ck pain, Headaches, N eck Pain, B ulging Discs, H erniated Discs, S ciatica, O steoarthritis, W hiplash, Scoliosis, Knee pain, Hip pain, Healed Vertebral Fractures and Facet Syndrom e. We fix th e cause of th e problem s th a t you are suffering from , w e d o n 't ju s t tre a t the pain. KKT has been safely applied 4 5 0 ,0 0 0 + tim e s over 15 years and n o w has 24 centers across 11 countries. We are pleased to inform you th a t th e in ventor of th is n e w technology, Dr. Aslam Khan, is cu rre n tly based o u t of our new clin ic in S treetsville M ississauga. Our team looks fo rw a rd to providing th is tre a tm e n t option to reside nts in M ississauga and surro unding areas. KKT is the solution people are seeking. Let us help stop yo u r pain from taking aw ay th e th in g s you love to do in life, and put an end to needless suffering. 2376 Parkhaven Blvd, Oakville Please visit our website www.kktspine.com to learn more. We invite you to visit us at our new location 370 Queen Street South. For more information please call 905-285-0005 or email toronto@kktspinetreatment.com. 905-257-5880 maximekitchens.ca

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