Oakville Beaver, 10 Mar 2017, p. 16

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www.insideHALTON.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Friday, March 10, 2017 |16 March Break fun for the whole family M arch B reak is a w e e k o f freedom fo r the kids and one th a t can incite panic in parents w on d e rin g w h a t to do fo r five, or nine w h ole days, dep en din g how you look a t it. Fear not parents. There is plenty to do th is year. M arch is th e m onth fo r all th in g s m aple at M oun tsbe rg's M aple Town, Crawford Lake's S w e e t W ater S e a so n , Bronte C re ek's M aple S yrup Festival and W estfield H eritage V il lage's M aple S yrup Festival. Each location H ave a S afe & arch E n jo y a b le M Y v + r-.,. B reak Business Manager M IK E G A L L A G H E R President JO E R E D S H A W LOCAL: international union bf operating engineers 2245 Speers Road, Oakville offers a va riety o f m aple-them ed activities, m any o f w hich are edible. O a kville Public Library's W oodside Branch will h o st a Preschool D ance Party on Satur day, M arch 11 from 11 to 1 1:30 a.m . This special s to ry tim e th a t fo c u s e s on m usic and m ovem en t give s children aged 2 to 4 th e chance to sh ake th e ir sillie s out. Call 9 0 5-8 1 5 -2 0 42 fo r m ore inform ation. V ariou s branches o f th e O akville Public Library will h o st an a s s o rtm e n t o f activities fo r children o f all a ges. V is it op l.o n .ca fo r a com plete listing o f events, tim e s, locations and co sts. The O akville M useum is h o sting da ily ac tivitie s from 8 :3 0 a.m . to 4 :3 0 p.m . V is it O a kville .ca /m u se u m fo r th e com plete list ing o f a rt-b ased activities, including Prehis toric Pictures, Im p re ssion ism , M odern A rt and m ore. On M onday, M arch 13, M oon M ou se - a Lightwire Thea tre production su itable for children aged 5 to 10 ta ke s th e sta g e at th e O a kville C entre fo r th e Perform ing A rts a t 1 and 7 p.m . Th is c o sm ic adventure celebrate s differen ces a s M arvin th e M ouse se e k s popularity rather than being a " loser and g e e k " a s he's been labeled. V is it oakvillecen tre.ca fo r tickets. Y M C A o f O akville offers day and overnight cam p op tion s th a t m ay still have availability. Children will enjoy day trip s, centre and out door a ctivities. V is it ym ca o fo a kville .o rg fo r m ore inform ation. If yo u 're up fo r so m e day trips, D isn ey On Ice presen ts P a ss p o rt to A dven tu re at Ham ilton's FirstO ntario Centre. Th is fun-filled ice production runs from Thursday, M arch 16 through Sunday, M arch 19. Join M ickey and M innie a s th e y travel to fo u r tim e le ss w orld s. Niagara Parks has recen tly unveiled a new exh ib it called N orthern O w ls a t th e But terfly C on servatory. Running until Sunday, April 23, th e exhibition includ es a variety o f sp e c im e n s and live d em os on Saturday, Continued on page 17 Maple syrup production with these special Maple150 events A Taste of Maple March 18 & 19 C ra w fo rd Lake Maple SOS (Save Our Syrup) M ay 6 (pre-registration required) M o untsberg M ountsberg Conservation Area C ra w fo rd Lake Conservation Area Weekends February 25-April 2 , 10am-4pm Daily During March Break March 1 3 -1 7 ,10am-4pm For more details visit us online conservationhalton.ca 905.854.2276 mtsberg@hrca.on.ca First Harvest: Celebrating Ontario's Sweet Water E x h ib it O p e n s March 18 C ra w fo rd Lake Chainsaw Carving March 25 & A p ril 1 M o u n tsb e rg Conservation 13 V #m ap lem o m en t Halton

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