Oakville Beaver, 28 Jun 2000, C1

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Wednesday, June 28, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Parade and Multicultural Festival at Coronation Park A P arad e w ill precede the M ulticultural Festival at C o ro n a tio n P ark h o sted by the H alton M u lticu ltu ral C ouncil. As in the past, the en ter tainm ent w ill feature the m usic and dances and other p er form ances from v arious cultures. T he parade w ill start from th e H o p e d ale M all at 11:00 a.m . and end at C oronation P ark w hile the en tertain m en t at the park com m ences at 12 noon w ith the official opening cerem onies at 1:00 p.m . D iverse cu ltu ral groups will jo in the parade. G reat foods from various eth nic groups will be available, am ong them F ilip in o , P ortu g uese, C aribbean, Latin A m erican, etc. T h e O ak v ille P o rtu g u ese F olklore G roup will be am ong the p ro m in en t p erfo rm ers at C a n a d a 's birthday party. The G rupo F o lclo rico P o rtugues de O akville, consisting o f forty in d iv id u als ranging from the ages o f three to over 50, is so p rou d to perform the folk dances o f the various regions o f P ortu g al. T hey perform live m usic th at is sup plied by th e group. T h eir attractiv e co stum es, know n as trajos, are im port ed from P o rtu g al and rep resen t the region o f V iana Do C astelo. L ast y ea r the group hosted the P ortugal Pavilion o f U n ited W ay o f O a k v ille 's C arousel o f N ations for w hich it got rave review s and received the B est Pavilion aw ard. T h e acclaim ed B aham as N ational Youth C hoir will show case th eir nativ e m usic and dances. T he group has perfo rm ed in several countries around the w orld including F rance w here they gave p erform ances at the historic N otre D am e C ath ed ral, the S aint P aul C hurch, and C ham p de M ars. T h ey w ere w ell re c e iv e d by a u d ien c es in L uxem bourg, S co tlan d , U nited S tates, U .K ., and several m ore. T he M in ister o f C ulture o f the R ussian F ederation heaped praise on the group after having hosted the choir fo r several p e rfo r m ances in R ussia. H aving sung in 17 lan gu ag es, the ch o ir is truly international. T he H alton M u lticu ltu ral C ouncil is excited and anxious to see and h ear this ex c e lle n t am b assad o r o f B aham as. T he C lub F ilipino of O akville is sponsoring a m arch in g band. H aw aiian and Tahitian dances will be brought in by S io n y 's dance com pany. C ulture P h ilip p in es w ill be rushing to C oronation P ark fo r th e ir show after appearing at the C H IN Picnic earlier in The O akville Portuguese Folklore Group will present the folk dances o f the various the day. regions of Portugal on Canada Day at Coronation Park. The picture shows the group per T he O a k v ille Sikh forming in one of the numerous events they participated in. C u ltu ral A sso ciatio n will present their B hangra group that was a hit last year C uban C abaret Show w ill entertain those w ho ap p reciate with their folk dance and they are bringing another hot exotic dances. T his group o f p ro fessional dan cers have perform ed at v arious p laces and they are alw ays w ell Punjabi troupe from U.K. for this occasion. T he C aribbean A ssociation o f H alton will sponsor received. O ther L atin A m erican groups are th e A lian za M exicana, C aribbean entertainm ent. H rvatsko Prelo - a C roatian dance ensem ble, will be C lub C aribe C olom bia, and E cu a d o r's H uairapungo. T he H alton M u lticu ltu ral C o u n cil is urging everybody back and bring their colourful dances and costum es. Tyrsa U krainian D ance G roup will also be as colourful. to jo in them at the C anada Day P arade and enjoy the great The lively m usic and dances o f Latin A m erica will be food, m u lticu ltu ra l en tertain m e n t, and fam ily fu n at heard and seen at the park. The sizzling hot num bers o f the C oronation P ark on Saturday, July 1. LONG WEEKEND Canada boasts som e of the most beautiful rugged terrain On earth... O ver 40 BBQs on display! Visit us before y o u ^ buy! m Room Air Conditioners ·A A lo rfa * Broil Kang. iScedCocigripIs 40,000 B T U#542-n stores. 1 great location! Meray Motors & Collision lim ited STORE HOURS Mcn-Thurv 830600 Fri 8:30 - 900, Sun 11-00-500 O O S H ) CANADA DAY, JULY 1 Q EW & D orval Drive, O akville 845-6623 v v w w .m e ra y m o to rs.m e rc e d e s-b e n z .c a 490 Speers Rd. Oakville · 8 4 4 -49 85 · www.bbqgasgrill.com

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