9 | Friday, M arch 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insideH A LTO N .com S H 0 W T I M E The Zacada Circus performed at the South Oakville Centre Monday. Clock wise from top left: Cana Bishop opens the show will several others performers. George Wurthman, 5, and his sister Lottie, 8, take in the show. Jorden Moir showed his juggling skills. Sierra Wilson dazzles the audience, spinning from silk high above the floor. | Graham Paine/Metroland YangAccounting.ca C P A YY@YangAccounting.ca C R A R e-A ssessm en t Let Your Natural Beauty Shine Through At Any Age NON-SURGIGALOFFERS Laser Skin R e ju ven a tio n A cne Treatm ent Laser Hair Removal Photofacial Skin Resurfacing O v e rd u e T a x R e tu rn , A p p e a ls IR S N E W T a x T rea ty f o r C a n a d ia n if ' m j " ' 'H ExperiencedProfessional Services for Individual B usiness &Corporation ( 647) 989-1276 1 1 -1 1 5 5N o rthS e rv ic eR d .W ,O abille (289) 291-3924 Ying (Kimberley) Yang 1 8 thF lo o r, 2S t, C la irA v e .W ,T o ro n to (647) 255-8049 H Need help with house-cleaning? Let us do it for you! D iscover c le a n in g s e rv ic e th a t 's a ffo rd a b le , re lia b le , and co n venient. BBB In jectables: B o to x Fillers/Juvederm S u n rise C lean in g S e rv ice s Call us to d ay fo r a fre e e stim a te ! Skin H e a lth M a n a g e m e n t: Facial Peels Latisse C om prehensive Skin Care Analysis S clerotheropy ZO Skin Health M edical G rade Facials 905-567-1199 Check o ut our curren t s p ecials at: N o n -S u rg ic al B o d y C o n to u rin g Vanquish Exilis www.Sunrise-Cleaning.ca S C h eDr Douglas Grace B.SC. M .D . F.R.C.S.C P lastic, R e c o n s tru c tiv e , & Lase r S u rg e o n Servicing Oakville for over 20 years! G RACE C L IN IC PLASTIC, R ECO N STRUCTIVE & LASER SURGERY · Recurring cleaning. ·One tim e cleaning. ·Spring cleaning. · Post renovation cleaning. · Moving cleaning. n ·G ift certificates. 289 768-2683 |200-481 JOHN ST., BURLINGTON jWWW.GRACECLINIC.CA Vo t e d #1 Fa c i a l and Enjoy your life and le a v e th e cle a n in g to us! * - Co s m e t ic Pl a s t ic Su r g e o n in Oa k v il l e , Bu r l in g t o n and Ha m i l t o n _