(0 D o u b le y o u r d a t a . 6GB of data for only $35/month, plus a $0 ZTE phone - don't miss out! c n CL CD CD ^ $35 F O R 10 M ONTHS. O =r ro co IO o j -- <a r a ~ · f ^ > > £ C D m · 6 G B of data* · Unlim ited C an ad a/U .S. talk · Unlim ited glo b al text, picture and vid e o m e ssa g in g £ OFFER ENDS SOON. ® ' (J) Freedom O a k v ille S m a rt C e n tre 261 O a k W a lk D rive Unit J 2 , O a k v ille 289 .291.3261 W a lke rs Lin e 3505 U p p e r M id d le R o ad B u rlin gto n 289 .427.5260 A p p le b y V illa g e 5111 N e w Stre e t B u rlin g to n 905 .635.0584 $ 0 ZTE Grand X 4 on MyTab fre e d o m m o b ile .c a C l CD = C > q o o FREE sories ($30 value) With any new activation on a $40+ Pay After plan. Must activate at stores listed. Offer ends soon or while quantities last. o Learn more at freedommobile.ca. The Smartphone 45 LTE plan, $100 service credit offer, and $99 MyTab Bonus offer on the ZTE Grand X 4 are all available for a limited time and are subject to change or cancellation without notice. *6GB of data includes 3GB of bonus data per month. Bonus 3GB will only be applied to the plan until January31, 2018. To be eligible for the $100 service credit, you must activate a new Pay Before or Pay After line on an "Eligible Plan" (Smartphone 45 LTE, Everywhere 45, or Everywhere 55 plan). A $10 monthly credit will be applied to your account for up to 10 months to a maximum of $100. The credits will start to be applied to your account as a top-up before tax on your 2nd top-up date (for Pay Before customers) or as a bill adjustment before tax on your 2nd bill (for Pay After customers). To be eligible for the $99 MyTab Bonus offer, you must activate a new service or upgrade your phone to a ZTE Grand X 4 on MyTab and sign up on an Eligible Plan. MyTab terms and conditions apply. In addition, a downgrade fee of up to $99 will be charged if you switch to any plan other than an Eligible Plan within 24 months of activation or upgrade. The amount of the downgrade fee will be prorated based on the number of months left in the 24 month term. These offers may not be combined with any other in-market offer, with some exceptions. Additional terms and conditions apply. ZTE and ZTE Grand X 4 are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZTE Corporation. Screen image simulated. The Freedom Mobile name and logos and other words, titles, phrases, marks, logos, icons, graphics are trademarks of, or are used under license by, Freedom Mobile Inc. YOUTH SUMMER OUTDOOR HOUSE LEAGUE S P O T! PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING NEW U4-U6 START TIMES! USE LEAGUE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM O A K V ILLE SOCCERCLUB PRO ViDESflayers And Their TEAM s wITH one scheduled game and one training SESSIO NPERW EEK!