5 | Friday, M a rc h 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insideH A LT O N .com Halton police services board out to Let Your improve sex assault investigations Natural Beauty by Nathan Howes Oakville Beaver Staff Oakville Mayor Rob Burton is optimistic a recently-launched Halton Regional Police Services Board review of sexual assault cases in Halton will see Halton lead the way in how police in Ontario conduct such investigations. Following media coverage of Halton and other police services' handling of sexual assault cases, and after Halton police service' s own investigation, the local board has now initiated its own review into the matter. A high rate (30 per cent) of `unfounded' sexual assaults in Halton was recendy revealed in a Globe and Mail report, which prompted an internal police audit of the handling of sexual assault cases in Halton in the year 2 0f6. The Province then stepped in and asked all Ontario police services boards, including that in Halton, to conduct their own reviews. The direction was given in a letter from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services to the boards. The intent is for the board and police to work with community and justice partners to ensure victims of sexual assault are provided "a timely and dignified response, the best support possible from our police service, and that the process is comprehensive, fair and respectful." Shine Through At Any A g e NON-SURGICAL OFFERS Laser Skin Rejuvenation Acne Treatment Laser H air Removal Photofacial Skin Resurfacing Injectables: * Botox * Fillers/Juvederm Skin Health Management: Facial Peels * Latisse Comprehensive Skin Care Analysis Sclerotheropy ZO Skin Health M edical Grade Facials Non-Surgical Body Contouring * Vanquish * Exilis Oakville Mayor Rob Burton Burton, who chairs the Halton police services board, hopes the review and eventual report will result in a "world-leading" approach on the issue, he said Thursday, March 23 at the board' s monthly meeting. "Rather than copying somebody else, we will build on everybody else and have a Halton solution. People will talk about the Halton model. That is our goal," said Burton. The Halton review will be led by Julie S C h - G RA CE C L IN IC PLASTIC, RECONSTRUCTIVE & LASER SURGERY Dr Douglas Grace B.SC. M .D . F.R.C.S.C Plastic, Reconstructive, & Laser Surgeon 2 8 9 7 6 8 - 2 6 8 3 | 2 0 0 - 4 8 1 JOHN ST., BURLINGTON | 'W WW.GRACECLINIC.CA Voted #1 Facial and C osmetic P lastic S urgeon in O akville, Burlington and Hamilton see Report on p.8 V I m Proud N om inee o f the 2015 O akville A w ards fo r B usiness E xcellence P FREE : : INSTALLATION : ON CABINETRY ON NEW PURCHASES ONLY Purchase $5,000 or more before taxes. Please see showroom for details. -v o ffer ends m a r c h 31 /1 7 T h in k in g R S o f e t ir in g . . . o m e d a y ? T a lk . L e t 's Visit our website to sign up for a free consultation. C u s to m m a d e K itc h e n a n d B a th r o o m C a b in e tr y | C lo s e t S y s t e m s E n te r ta in m e n t U n its | B a s e m e n t R e n o v a tio n s | Full R e n o s a n d M o re ! C reate Your D ream Look 1 0 0 % C an ad ian M a d e C abinetry Q uality C raftsm ansh ip 2 0 + Years E xperience Visit our 6 0 0 0 sqft Design C entre Call us for a FREE in H o m e Consultation U n its 2 -3 3 3 3 W y e c ro ft Rd, O a kville T 9 0 5 .8 4 4 .3 3 3 2 F 9 0 5 .8 4 4 .3 3 3 4 w w w .a ro m a k itc h e n s .c a | in fo @ a ro m a k itch e n s.ca P e te r W a ts o n M B A , CFP, R.F.P., C IM , FC S I J e n n ife r W a ts o n B.A. 2 2 0 R a n d a ll S tre e t, D o w n to w n O a k v ille 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -2 1 0 0 p e te rw a ts o n in v e s tm e n ts .c o m