www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, April 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 114 E v ery w eek we sh ow case y o u t h s in o u r c o m m u n i t y SEND US YOUR NEWS: If you are a youth and you have a story or photo to share, we'll do our hest to publish it on this p a g e . Email it to ahlackhurn@ oakvilleheaver. com , along with your nam e and a brief paragraph about why you want to share it with our readers. A S T A R S T O P S B Y Junior High ' " *Jl i . k w P L L i n | submitted photos Internationally-famous, humble at home, Oakville's Eric Monkman - who recently became an Internet sensation, received an invitation to visit the students at Dearcroft Montessori School in Oakville after being spotted walking in town, by a local resident who knows Monkman's mother. Monkman visited the school earlier this week to take part in a trivia challenge with students in Grades 5, 6 , 7 and 8. Here, Monkman is pictured with the students. While visiting, the Oakville resident shared share stories of his recent life adventures, including meeting English physicist Stephen Hawking, who is the director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge. Monkman gained international fame for leading a four-member team from Cambridge's Wolfson College to the semi-finals of University Challenge - a popular British game show. Working for Individuals and Small Businesses Knowledge+ S tr a te g y b i n d LAWYERS O U R F IR S T P A S S IO N N ew ·A d d itio n s · C ottages · Interiors · Landscape PERSONAL INJURY COM M ERCIAL LITIGATION l L P EM PLOYM ENT LAW&WSIB 1-888-880-7080 KELLYSINGHLAW.COM 1100 B urlo ak D rive, S uite 604, B urlington, O N L7L 6B 2