Oakville Beaver, 6 Apr 2017, p. 31

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3 1 |Thursday, April 6, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Plan will see revenue lost and gained:Town continued from p.19 enclosure on the boulevard added in 2 0 1 6 and two proposed so far this year, while there were two additional extended patios with enclosure in parking stall implemented in 2 0 1 6 and seven m ore proposed in 2 0 1 7 , so far. For more news, visit insidehalton. com C O N C R E T E halton.ca (j 311 in Y ou fU S s t fr t H a lt o n REGION PUBLIC IN FO R M A TIO N CENTRE Proposed Watermain, Wastewater Main and Wastewater Forcemain Replacement on Birch Hill Lane Town of Oakville PR-3106 BIAs offered feedback The BIAs have provided the Town with feedback from their members on the reduced fees for patios and outdoor displays. They have indicated the reductions have prompted a number of restaurants to consider introducing these furnishings. Since m any stores and restaurants have already begun planning for the summer, the BIAs have asked Council to consider extending the pilot program at this time. If reduced fees for patios and outdoor displays are implemented in the BIAs, there will be lost revenue to the Town, however, a drop in fees may encourage some restaurants and merchants to introduce patios and displays, allowing for the incom e to be recovered, according to a staff report. But there is also a cost associated with the lost revenue ( $ 2 0 per stall, per day) from any parking stalls that are used for patios. If seven patios are erected in parking stalls in 2 0 1 7 , the lost incom e would be approximately $ 1 3 ,4 4 0 for a four-month season. earn c oncrete nmmings Lid · STEPS · WALKWAYS · GARAGE FLOORS Halton Region is planning to replace the Watermain, Wastewater Main and Wastewater Forcemain on Birch Hill Lane from Lakeshore Road to end of the Cul-de-sac. A Public Information Centre will be held for residents who w ant to learn more about the construction project. Please drop in at any time. Project staff will be available to answer your questions. EXPOSED AGGREGATE (Pebble) · DRIVEWAYS · FRENCH CURBS · PATIOS cg ^ ) u u aa l i t y A t I t s B e s t ! C a ll F e rn a n d o F R E E E S T IM A T E S 905-844-5518 1-888-944-5518 ww w.concretetrim m ings.com Date: Tim e: Place: Thursday, April 20,2017 6 - 8 p.m. Halton Region Office, Front Lobby 1075 North Service Road West, Oakville S w im Spas · Hot Tubs · C h em ic als · Covers canadianspacompany.ca j ^ discounted spas · financing plans · wet testing · free parking · family fun % c9 i If you would like to learn more about the project and are unable to attend the Public Information Centre, please contact: 13ft, 16ft, 20ft, SW IM S P A S Try One Out Today! M a r k B a jo r P ro je c t M a n a g e r P u blic W orks 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -6 0 0 0 e x t. 7 6 1 7 m a rk .b a jo r@ h a lto n .c a Building H a lto n a Better 6 PERSON HOT TUB Family Sized & Full Featured Protect your hom e from basem ent flooding W ith ra in y w e a th e r a rriv in g so o n , re s id en ts a re e n c o u ra g e d to ta k e a d v a n ta g e o f H alto n 's E n h a n c e d B a s e m e n t F lo o d in g P re v e n tio n S u b s id y P ro g ra m . This p ro g ra m m a k e s it e a s ie r a n d m o re a ffo rd a b le fo r re s id en ts to ta k e th e n ec e s s a ry steps such as d o w n s p o u t d is c o n n e c tio n s , w e e p in g tile d is c o n n e c tio n s o r s u m p p u m p in s ta lla tio n t h a t can s ig n ific a n tly re d u c e th e risk o f b a s e m e n t GRAND OPENING APRIL 6th - 10th 1283 CORNWALL RD, OAKVILLE L6J 7T5 HAMMOCK CHAIR* `w ithnewacrylic spa purchase, w h ile supplies last Gary Carr Regional Chair flo o d in g . To le a rn m o re a n d fin d o u t w h a t sub sidies y o u m a y be e lig ib le for, v is it h a lto n .c a /b a s e m e n tflo o d in g o r d ia l 3 1 1 . T o g e th e r, w e can p ro te c t o u r c o m m u n ity fro m se v ere w e t w e a th e r a n d k e e p H a lto n a safe a n d g re a t p la c e to live. Meetings at Halton Region, 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakville, L6M 3L1 Visit halton.ca/meetings for full schedule. Apr.11 Apr.12 9:30 a.m. Health & Social Services 9:30 a.m. Planning & Public Works Apr.12 Apr.19 1:30 p.m. Administration & Finance 9:30 a.m. Regional Council ENTER NOW TO WIN FREE canadianspacom pany.ca/sale Please contact us, as soon as possible, if you have any accessibility needs at Halton Region events or meetings.

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