Public board using newvideos to explain math performance by Tim W hitnell Metroland West Media 9 | Thursday, April 13, 2 0 1 7 | It' s an important num bers game. The Halton District School Board (HDSB) is producing a three-part video series to show parents/guardians how their kids' schools engage elementary and secondary students in m ath instruction. The educational videos are in response to the Ontario Ministry of Education' s release of the Renewed Math Strategy. The first video, Beyond The Numbers: Understanding the Renewed Math Strategy, outlines m athematics in the board, as well as the objectives of the remaining videos. The second part, to be released in late May, will show "m ath instruction in action and innovative teaching in the classroom ." The final video, to be released in September, will provide supports, resources and practical ideas to help support m ath instruction at home. The first video, at almost five minutes, notes activities like hom e budgeting, cooking and planning a trip include aspects of math. "It' s rare to find an occupation that doesn't use m ath in some way, " Tina Salmini, superintendent of School Program Services-Elementary, says in the video, offering examples like an electrician, animator and photographer. Ontario' s education ministry introduced the Early Years to Grade 12 Renewed Math Strategy to support the provincial goal of having at least 75 per cent of elementary students achieve Level 3 or higher on provincial assessments in reading, writing and math. A focus has been aligning m ath instruction w ith the board' s new Multi-Year Plan, released in September 2 0 1 6 . It sets targets for students, staff and the system to be achieved by 2020 . W hile student achievement in the Halton public board continues to surpass that of the province, based on results released by the Ontario Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQ A O ), there is still w ork to be done. "The Renewed Math Strategy is a response to provincial EQAO results in m athematics, which suggests a greater focus on m ath teaching and learning is needed for students in O ntario," said Salmini. "This is a partnership between teachers and parents," she added. "W e need to think of it in this context: we all know the value of reading to our children at night, so w e also need to find ways to include m ath in various ways at hom e with that daily routine." The HDSB notes the m ost recent EQAO results show that students within the board continue to exceed provincial average scores. To view the first part of the board' s three-part m ath video series, go to It's Tim e To Get E xcited ! Our Floor Model M IX N M A TCH SA LE is back! OAKVILLE BEAVER | MILTON 238 Main Street, East · 9 0 5 .8 7 8 .4 6 0 6 MISSISSAUGA 2150 Burnhamthorpe Road · 9 0 5 .5 4 2 .0 4 8 1 H O U R S : M o n d a y -W e d n e s d a y 1 0 a m - 6 p m · T h u rs d a y - F ra id a y 1 0 a m - 8 p m * S a tu r d a y 9 a m - 6 p m · S u n d a y 1 1 a m - 5 p m 12' x 24' Inground Kidney Shape Pool FREE INSTALLATION*!! Above Ground pools FREE INSTALLATION*!! 13' Swim Spa 15' Round $2,799 18' Round $2,999 12' X 20' Oval $3,999 Many more sizes available FREE INSTALLATION*!! Hot Tubs $19,995 pool Liners** 12'X24' Inground $999 1 4 'X 2 8 ' $ 1199 1 6 X 3 2 ' $ 1399 2 7 * 9 9 9 INSTALLED Vinyl or Fiberglass Available From 1 8 'X 3 6 ' $ 1599 $4,995 Other sizes available at similar savings. 504 IR O Q U O IS S H O R E R O A D , U N IT # 1, O A K V IL L E , O N L6H 3K4 LEISUREINDUSTRIES *Restrictions apply check in-store for details, not applicable on prior sales. Products may not be exactly as shown. **Installation Available 905-815-5252