13, 2 0 1 7 | 14 Voting online a survey topic lo w e r fo o d p r i c e s ' continued from p.13 In January, Pollara Strategic Insights conducted a 20-minute phone survey, where a random sample of 8 0 5 residents was asked for feedback about their community. In addition to the phone analysis, 4 0 0 online surveys were completed and 2 8 ideas were generated on the Town' s idea forum on www oakville.ca. During a presentation to Council Monday, April 3, Craig W orden, executive vice-president of Public Affairs for Pollara Strategic Insights, discussed the Town' s "consistently high" marks in overall satisfaction. "Oakville residents continue to express high satisfaction with their municipal government, the services it provides and the town attributes that it manages," said W orden. The survey indicates that with eight in 10 residents satisfied (three in 10 very satisfied) that' s a decline from findings in 2 0 1 5 and 2013. As well, m en (3 3 per cent) are more likely than w om en (2 5 per cent) and those aged 3 5 5 4 (8 5 per cent) m ore than those over 55 (7 8 per cent) to be very satisfied with the Town' s governance levels. Conducted earlier this year, residents were asked to rate specific Town services, as well as key attributes of it. Overall satisfaction with important aspects was at 8 5 per cent, while overall approval with Town services was at 8 9 per cent. H A PPY EASTER! * YELLOW POTATOES product Ontario, Canada no. 1 grade 1 t j | FoodInnd · TROPICANA ORANGE JUICE 2.63 L Selected Varieties COOK'S PORTION HAMS 10 LB BAG COOKED or RAW SHRIMP ARMSTRONG CHEESE BARS 400-450 G Selected Varieties NESTLE NATURAL SPRING WATER 1 8 x 5 0 0 ML 300 G 36/45 count per lb, frozen crevettes S A V E 2 .0 0 FLYER PRICES EFFECTIVE IN ONTARIO STORES ONLY. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2017, 2017 TO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2017. (excluding: Geraldton, Kenora & Thunder BayO ntario) HAVE A SAFE & HAPPY HOLIDAY! See instore o r o nline fo r holiday hours. n n o frills x a C o la n g e lo 'sN o F rills V a nS p a ll'sN o F rills 1 2 5C ro ss 1 3 9 5A b b e yw o o d A ve n u e D rive O A K V iLL E j i r il Ji The highest levels of satisfaction with town attributes were feelings of belonging and safety (9 5 per cent), overall appearance of the com m unity (88 per cent), and information provided to residents (8 4 per cent). The survey also indicated 10 of 12 services received satisfaction ratings exceeding 8 0 per cent; with parks and green spaces (9 3 per cent), library services (88 per cent) and recreation fields and facilities (88 per cent) were the top three. Approval of winter road and sidewalk maintenance went up this year to 81 per cent, up from 7 4 per cent in the 201 5 . To assist the Town with prioritizing policies and plans, residents were asked to identify on which priority they would most like to see the Town focus. Residents indicated managing and controlling growth in Oakville (6 2 per cent) and the town' s natural environment (5 8 per cent) were the main priorities. Ease of travelling, and governing and managing the Town, tied at third (4 5 per cent), followed by recreation and cultural programs (4 2 per cent) and econom ic growth (4 1 per cent). W h en thinking of ease of travelling around town, residents first and foremost want the Town to add and widen roads and bridges (29 per cent). www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, April % QEW I bF _ see Town on p.15 H a lt o n W o m e n 's P la c e Healthy Relationships · Healthy Communities O pen H ouse SUNDAY, APRIL 3 0 · 1-4 PM Investing in keeping women and children safe 905-332-78921905-878-8555 Halton Women's Place is the ONLY women's shelter in the Region. Assisting abused women and their children 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. C H A R T W E L L O A K V IL L E To find out more about our programs and services or how to donate, visit 180 Oak Park Blvd., Oakville 2 8 9-6 4 4 -2 96 0 · CHARTWELL.COM www.haltonwomensplace.com n # @