1 1 | Thursday, April 2 0 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Forty-five locations confirmed for clean up this weekend continued from p.9 They also produce a large map highlighting the cleanup sites, which is on display at all municipal facilities including: libraries, recreation centres and Town Hall. Halton Region' s Waste Management Department sponsors two garbage trucks, one to pick up metal and another to pick up garbage. Pitch-In Canada provides bags. Since 1992, there have been a total of 133 location coordinators. There are six new coordinators in 2017. Some locations lasted for only one year, while others have been ongoing almost since the start. Last spring, a record number of 47 nature sites were cleaned up. More than 4,600 kilograms of garbage and scrap metal were trucked away after being picked up by more than 1,500 enthusiastic volunteers. For anyone w ho wants to help clean up a new location on Saturday, April 22, in the morning, call OCCPEHR a 905- SALES PERIOD | APRIL 2 0 -2 6 , 2017 2 WEEKS OF SAVINGS! PARTY ON "We look forward to everyone pitching in as our local environment truly needs your attention and support. Help clean up a park, trail, ravine, green space, woodlot or lakefront near to where you live. There are 45 locations throughout Oakville now confirmed for clean up. ALEXIA BACKYARD LOUNGER Choose from red, 1 P § ( black or cobalt blue. · Y Selection mayvary bystore. r ALL 2017 PATIO SETS & COLLECTIONS ON SALE M ATU BA PVC DECK STORAGE BOX £ 85 gal. W ater resistant, lockable. LOUNGE po^ ^ V n Reg. $179.99 3.0 seat or sofa. Great fo r the park, beach, concert o ra n y th in g outdoors. Stephen D ankow ich executive director O akville C om m unity C entre for Peace, E cology and H um an R ights ALLSUNBRELLA O U TD O O R PILLOWS & CUSHIO NS From M A D E LIN E 15"R IM PLANTER SO PH IA 12"SPRING PLANTER 849-5501 or e-mail the organization at info@ oakvillepeacecentre.org. For more information about OCCPEHR, visit: oakvillepeacecentre.org. Reg. $69.99 r IM E T O PLANT! Reg. $39.99 CO N CR ETE ·gam ALL , FRUIT TREES, ^ SHADE TREES, ROSES, SHRUBS, VINES and EVERGREENS P L A N T W IS E l GET T H e 4 H BEST RESULTS W ITH TERRA. M IRACLE G RO W Q U IC K START A TR ANSPLA NT ff FERTILIZER Reg $12.99 ea. oncrete G · DRIVEWAYS · FRENCH CURBS · PATIOS ALL TERRA M U LC H Choose from natural, black or red. $4.99 each o r TERRA PLUS 3 GARDEN SOIL $3.99 each or nmmings Lid · STEPS · WALKWAYS · GARAGE FLOORS EXPOSED AGGREGATE (P ebble) , SAVE 2 0 % TERRA Essentials not included. 1 0 f o r $4 5 Reg $6.99 ea. 1 0 f o r $3 5 Reg $4.99 ea. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Sat - Wed 9 am - 6 pm | Thurs - Fri 9 am - 8 pm HAMILTON 340 Hwy 20 R.R. 1 East of Upper Centennial (905) 692-6900 BURLINGTON Hwy 5 East of Brant St. (905) 332-3222 MILTON Britannia Rd. West of Trafalgar (905) 876-4000 WATERDOWN Hwy 6 & 5th Concession East (905) 689-1999 VAUGHAN Keele St. North of Kirby Side Rd. (905) 832-6955 A ll item s w h ile q u a ntitie s last, subject to ava ila b ility. Category offers exclude " TERRA E ssentials". [ W h e r e ter m ] ualityAt Its Best! < 5 ^u C a ll F e r n a n d o 905-844-5518 1-888-944-5518 www.concretetrimmings.com FREE ESTIMATES c o lo u r liv e s ! www.facebook.com/YourTERRA/ www.terragreenhouses.com