Wednesday September 6, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B3 Three Cantors com ing to S t C uthberfs The Three Cantors, a trio of singing priests, will be in concert at St. Cuthbert's Anglican Church, Maple Grove and Oakhill Drives, next week on Tuesday Seplf? 12th. Bill Cliff, David Pickett and Peter Wall, had never met but all had pro fessional voice training, shared a desire to become Anglican priests. Cliff studied music in high school and at the University of Western Ontario. Pickett studied piano, violin and voice, sang in church choirs and com peted in music festivals. His career is divided between the priesthood and choirs. Wall holds a degree in voice per formance from the University of Toronto, and is a frequent soloist and has performed with the Canadian Opera Company among several other choirs and orchestras. They eventually became acquaint ed, discovered their mutual interest in music and started singing together for fun. In 1977, they came to the atten tion of other Anglicans who were planning a concert to raise money for charity. The Three Cantors have per formed at more than 30 churches across Ontario. All three are bari tones, and their repertoire includes Broadway, contemporary and sacred music. They sing to raise funds for the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), a fund that has been in existence for more than 30 years and has raised and administered over $7.5 million for emergency and relief work across Canada and abroad. The Three Cantors have raised more than $100,000 from their con certs and sales of two CDs. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $15, available at the St. Cuthbert's Church office, 844-6200; Leslie Music Supply, 198 Speers Rd., 844-3109; Good Books, 114 Thomas St., 844-3102; and Flippance & Carr, Bronte Village Mall, 827-1580. The Three Cantors, from left, Peter Wall, David Pickett and Bill Cliff, will be in concert at St. Cuthbert's Church on Sept. 12th, 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $15. COM M UNITY UPDATE Please forward announcements fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Onk L6K 3S4; call 8453824 Ext. 250, email to or Fax 337-5567, BEFORE NOON Monday to be included. Women's Centre, H opedale Mall, Ste. 210, has free one-on-one budget counselling. Call for onehour consultation, 847-5520. Learn the language o f d eaf Canadians. Registration continues this week for Canadian Hearing Society's classes in American Sign Language in M ississauga and Milton this fall. Call Gail Kerr, 6080271 or TTY 608-1691, or email gkeer@ Oakville Lifecare Centre long term care facility holds 7th annual Bike-A-Thon to raise funds for res idents activities. Sept. 9th, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cyclists go on 50-kilometre ride from Lifecare Centre south to Lakeshore and west to Burlington Bay and back. To sponsor a rider, call Anthony Blanco, activity direc tor, at 845-9933 Ext. 12. VON Alzheimer Services offer ing free information series for fam ily caregivers, eight consecutive Wednesdays, Sept. 20th to Nov. 8th, at VON Halton, 2370 Speers Rd., 7 to 9 p.m. Call 847-9559. Halton's 10th annual Take Back the Night Walk Coronation Park, Sept. 21st at 6 p.m., walk west along L akeshore to B ronte and · back. L akeshore will be closed between Third Line and East Street for this event. Speaker: Debbie Mahaffy, local performers. Bring non-perishable food items for food bank. Call Niki at 825-3622. Minor Oaks Hockey Association to purchase ice time for play-offs, pro vide trophies and sponsor hockey teams. Money or unsold items must be picked up Sept. 9th between 8:30 to 11 a.m. only - anything not picked up considered a donations. Call Debbie Scott, 825-3572 or Mary Hanna, 338-7619. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 7 Oakville Seniors' Centre, 263 Kerr, is hosting an Open House from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Find out about fall program s, upcoming trips, special events and try out some of the classes and talk to the instructors. BBQ Lunch. activity room. Cost: $3 per person per class. Call 815-0862. Wear leather sole shoes only. SATURDAYSEFTEMBER 9 Oakville Museum at Erchless, 8 Navy St., holds annual Appraisal Day, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Have antiques appraised by Richard Browne and Carl Booth, $15 per item. Appraisals on first come, first serve basis (no coins, stamps, furs or jewelry). Call 338-4400. Invitation To T h e N ew Wave In R e tire m e n t L iving SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 10 Historical Walking Tours of Old Oakville, Navy to Reynolds south o f Robinson, on Sept. 10th and 17th. Tour guides are long-time and life-long residents who are his torians with Oakville Historical Society. Walking tours begins 2 p.m. for 1.5 hour, starting at soci ety's office and archives, 110 King St. Tickets $10, special rates for children. Reservations required, call 844-2695. Each walk includes tea afterwards, and brochures. -W O O D SID E- Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr St., 1 to 4 p.m. Cost: $20. Halton Central Chapter BN1 -- the Business Referral Organization, meets every Thursday at the Dynasi Restaurant, 399 D undas Street West. Breakfasts are held at 7 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. and visitors are wel come. For information or a reserva tion to attend call Marion at 6319352. Vaishno Devi Temple Seniors holds 5th annual Seniors Day, beginning with Puja/Service 2:30 p.m. with A charya Surendra Sharma Shastri, head priest. Guests o f honour include M PP Cam Jackson, Minister o f Tourism, and C. M. Bhandari, Consul General for India, among others. Guest wel come at 4 p.m., followed by Preeti Bhoj in the auditorium at 5:30 p.m., all at Vaishno Devi Temple, 3259 Regional Rd. 25. Call 632-8529 or the temple, 825-4202. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 8 Oakville Minor Hockey MOMS annual Skate & Equipment Sale, 6:30 to 10 p.m., Kinoak Arena, W arm inster o ff Rebecca. Equipment drop-off Sept. 6th or 7th, 6:30 to 10 p.m. Cash only, fundraiser to support minor hockey - to purchase ice time for play-offs, provide trophies and sponsor hock ey teams. Money or unsold items m ust be picked up Sept. 9th between 8:30 to 11 a.m. only - any thing not picked up considered a donation. Call Debbie Scott, 8253572 or Mary Hanna, 338-7619. -----M EW S----A Project o f The Rotary C lub o f O a k v ille Mattamy Homes Ride fo r the Y Motorcycle Poker Run, proceeds to It's Your Move capital campaign. Registration: 9 to 10:30 a.m., coffee and donuts. Barbecue 1 p.m. Awards and prizes. Cost: $15 per rider, $10 per passenger. Start/finish at Oakville YMCA, 410 Rebecca. Call 847-8944. Oakville's 1st Life Lease Community 30 Distinct Garden Homes - Designed With You In m ind proudly sponsored by The Rotary Club of Oakville September is Arthritis Month. Arthritis strikes four million men, women and children o f all ages, it's C anada's no. 1 chronic disease. The Halton-Peel Arthritis Society needs volunteer canvassers for residential campaign. Call 905-712-2281. Become a Red Cross First Aid Instructor, Sept. 8th, 6 to 10 p.m., Sept. 9th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sept. 10th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Must be 18 and have valid Stand First Aid or equivalent. Call 845-5241. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 11 Oakville Horticultural Society meets at Knox Presbyterian Church, Dunn at Lakeshore, 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker: Jack Kent, owner operator of The Potting Shed in Cayuga, with slide/talk on cultural require ments, landscaping, and newer vari eties o f hostas and ornamental grasses. Meetings second Monday o f each month. New members wel come, $15 family and $12 single. VYWJV Network - Women With Wings, women's support and net working group for women in busi ness, and women going into busi ness or planning to, 7 to 9 p.m., Quality Hotel, 954 Bronte at QEW. Call Sheri Stewart, 849-5552. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 6 Wellspring invites the public to its centre at 2545 Sixth Line north o f Glenashton Boulevard, barbecue and facility tours, on Community Day, 12 to 6:30 p.m. O akville Trafalgar Lions Club barbecue from 12 to 2 p.m., and 5 to 6:30 p.m., proceeds to Wellspring. Wheelchair accessible, plenty of free parking. Call Wellspring at 257-1988. La Leche League invites moth ers and expectant mothers interest ed in breastfeeding meetings on first Wednesday o f each month at 8 p.m. Share our experience and informa tion. Children welcome. Call Celine 844-5910 or Tricia 257-3715. Halton Helping Hands holds Year 2000 general m eeting, as guests o f The K ensington, 25 L akeshore W,, 6:30 p.m. The Raging Grannies entertain at 7 p.m. followed by brief business meeting. Speaker: Halton Region chair Joyce Savoline who faces first time elec tion for her position. Call 844-0252 or 878-6403 by Aug. 30th. Wine tasting with Alex Eberspeacher at 50 Plus Lifestyle and Travel Show, Sept. 8th and 9th, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 255 Front St. W,, Toronto, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Also Antique Identification Clinic, Travel Video Theatre, G ood Health Forum, Forever Beautiful Pavilion, enter tainment by Toronto All-Star Big Band, Second Career Workshops, computer and Internet workshops, and Forever Young columnist P. J. Wade hosts the Retirement Housing Forum. Door prize: luxury cruise. Call Cathryn Oliver, 815-0017. Sept. 8th is last day to register for Separation and Divorce Seminars, Thursdays 7:30 to 10 p.m. Topics: letting go, law, anger, grief, self-esteem, children, intima cy, sexuality, and trust., 338-9879. Wednesday Sept. 27th at 7:00 p.m. Sir John Colborne Centre 1565 Old Lakeshore Road, Oakville D on't Miss It. The long wait is over. Only 3 0 Homes! Bronte Horticultural Society, 7:30 p.m., Bronte Harbour Yacht Club (across from Walton Church). Speaker B em t Duddek, bonsai. Also launch of group's 75th anniversary book, The Story of Bronte Horticultural Society. New members welcome. Call 827-5807. Optimist Club first meeting of new season, 7:15 p.m., at Halton Regional Police Safety Village, 1151, Bronte Rd. Speaker: Ron Binkle from K-W Teen Challenge. For details call (905) 338-1657 today. Toronto Junction 100th year Millennium Reunion Bash for those who lived, attended school or played in area as children, at Sunny side Pavilion, 1755 Lakeshore Blvd. W. Reception 6:30 p.m., gala dinner, 7:30 p.m. Entertainm ent by Down Child Blues Band and Midtown to 2 a.m. Call Donny Travolo, 905-897-9555 or Gene Wamick, 416-377-3564. FALL REGISTRATION ^ O A K V IL L E Equipment fo r Oakville Minor Hockey MOMS annual Skate & Equipment Sale can be brought to Kinoak A rena on Sept. 6th or 7th between 6:30 and 10 p.m. Sale on Sept. 8th, 6:30 to 10 p.m ., at Kinoak. Cash only, fundraiser for AFAF Association Femmes d 'Affaires Francophones dinner conference. La Costa Restaurant, 2273 Royal Windsor, 6 to 9 p.m. Topic: Bronte Butterfly Project. Tickets $20 ($30 non-members), call Rita Holmes, 822-3677. B eaver Seniors Beginners, Line Dancing fo r every Friday in September, 10:30 a.m., at Queen's Avenue Retirement Residence, in Entertainment NEWS & SPORTS Three Fanes a Week f oy_ s t u d i o te a m Scrip tu ra l pi&c&s ferplort T o c r e a te . and FancHonal p o T + e r /j properties, a*A possb/li+ies o£ claq / Kids, teens and adult classes are taught by skilled potters and ceramic artists in a bright, clean and fully equipped studio. 8 week sessions begin September 16, 2000 c _ . . Programs available for schools, community groups and P A . days. Birthday Parties are one `^ /U o rV £ C o ngratu lations to th e m em bers o f th e M u tu a l Interests Bargaining Team, w inners o f th e 2 0 0 0 President's Aw ard fo r E xce lle nce in th e W orkplace. The c o n trib u tio n o f all Hydro One em ployees gives us a pow erful advantage in a new, dyn a m ic m arke tplace. The P resident's Award acknowledges th e outsta n d in g effo rts of those w h o w e n t beyond th e ir orig in a l objectives. Through a groundbreaking non-adversarial strategy em plo yed d u rin g th e H ydro One/Power W orkers' Union negotiations, th is team reached a new agreem ent ahead o f sched ule, and no m ed ia to r or a rb itra to r was needed. For over 1 0 0 years w e've been th e com pany th a t c o n n e cts O ntario to th e e le c tric ity it needs to live, w ork and play. Through these in c re d ib ly high standards o f perform ance as recognized by th e P resident's Award, we c o n tin u e to support our goal to becom e th e n u m b e r one energy delivery com pany in N orth A m erica th is century. ., W o U V C * ' o f o u r s p e c ia ltie s Call for details and registration: Back Row - Myles D'Arcey, Keith McDonell Middle Row - Paul Reece. Debbie Carey. Bruce Henderson. Cathy Treacy. Jo-Anne Gibson. Mel Hyatt Front Row - Don MacKinnon, Steve Strome 338-1358 Z^S ` RobfkScn S-f. (owe- block soi<-fk o £ Utk&skonz., e-art O rffcv/te. Tra-ZalqaC) C O N N E C T IN G AT T H E S P E E D OF L IF E '-