| Thursday, May 4 , 2 0 1 7 | 18 Kidney transplant patients share storie s at OTMH forum by M arta Marychuk Oakville Beaver Staff sK S & < fees 5 S 5 S S S j5 " ss S S sp S 'e S rsp L G U IT A R W O R L D 905.257.3110 · theguitarworldoakville.com 38 0 D u n d as St. E. at Trafalgar Road in Longo's Plaza Dr. Maurice Druck is not your typical kidney transplant recipient. A cardiologist at Credit Valley Hospital, Druck is used to caring for patients. But this time, he was a patient. As a result of kidney faiiure, Druck was undergoing dialysis, which made it difficult for him to practise medicine. He was used to treating patients. But dialysis restricted his cardiac clinic time, to only two times a week. "Even though dialysis is doing its job, you don't feel well," said Druck. "Kidney disease is insidious. It creeps up on you." Druck was on dialysis for five months, when his wife tested positive as a kidney donor. On a Monday, Druck said he had his last dialysis treatment. The next day, he went into surgery. By the following Nick Muffitt | submitted photo Sunday, Druck went home. Druck shared his experience with about 65 people Tuesday, April 25, during a kidney transplant information night presented by Halton Healthcare' s Nephrology Program at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH), with Trillium Health Partners, in the Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network (LHIN). Druck had frequent follow up visits to his doctor, blood tests on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. "But life is changed," said Druck. "You can' t imagine." Meaghan McCarthy, 27, was in nursing school when she started feeling tired and run down. She brushed off the symptoms, thinking it was the stress and pressure of school. "I brushed off the symptoms." Her symptoms got worse, so she went to the hospital. The hospital wouldn't let her leave. Following a biopsy, McCarthy learned that she had a rare form of cancer. McCarthy was sent to St. Michael' s Hospital in Toronto for specialized care, but her health was getting worse. In the meantime, her brother, 31, was identified as a kidney donor. see Awkward on p.20 w w w .insideH A LTO N .com | OAKVILLE BEAVER y ·· W U m C a n a d ia n CA N CER CHAN GES E V E R Y T H IN G . SO C A N YO U . Join your co m m un ity and make a positive im pact against cancer. R e la y fo r Life O a k v i l l e C o r o n a tio n P a r k - J u n e 16, 2017 R e g is te r t o d a y ! r e l a y f o r l i f e .c a