Trio of projects get Oanda 150 funding Three projects in Oakville will receive $166,000 through the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program, from the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario. Oakville North-Burlington MP Pam Damoff was at River Oaks Community Centre Thursday, April 20, to make the announcement, along with Mayor Rob Burton. River Oaks Community Centre will receive $128,000 to improve accessibility to its fitness changerooms; another $18,000 will support renovation of the Margot Drive Park playground; and, $20,000 will fund the rehabilitation of the Munns Creek Park playground. These projects are planned for completion by March 31, 2018. "Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program fund ing will ensure that more of our local facilities are inclusive and accessible for everyone to enjoy," said MP Damoff. "While accessibility gets the community through the door, inclusivity creates an atmosphere where everyone is welcome and belongs. Building inclusive communities is the cornerstone of our government' s commitment to foster ing fair and equal opportunities for every Canadian. "One of my goals is to make Halton the most inclusive community in Canada, and projects like these, which allow us to ensure that everyone can get through the door and feel welcome once inside, are another significant step towards achieving that goal," Damoff added. The Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program, part of the Government of Canada' s activities to celebrate Canada' s 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017, provides $300 million over two years for the renovation, expansion and improvement of existing community and cultural infrastructure. "Helping residents lead healthy, active and engaged lives is a key part of our vision to make Oakville the most livable town in Canada," Burton commented in the same media release. "The federal support for the River Oaks Community Centre will help make our facilities more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. This is a fantastic way to celebrate Canada' s 150 th anniversary in a way that will benefit resi dents for years to come," Burton added. co co Oakville North-Burlington MP Pam Damoff announced $166,000 In federal Canada 150 funding for three Oakville projects. Damoff made the announcement alongside Oakville Mayor Rob Burton by a Canada 150 Mural Mosiac that hangs in the the River Oaks Com munity Centre. The mural is comprised of 750 tiles painted by residents depicting scenes and life in Oakville. | Graham Paine/Metroland o A s distinctive as you are Y o u a re unique. Y o u r fa m ily is unique. A s k o u r tru s te d s p e c ia lis ts a b o u t p e rs o n a liz e d o p tio n s fo r lasting re m e m b ra n c e , a n d p re s e rv e th e m e m o ry o f o n e s p e c ia l life fo rever. Chiropody`fi (Foot Care & Custom M ade Orthotics) Sore Feet/Areh/Heel? Ingrown Toenails? Plantar Warts? Hard to Cut Toenails? Corns/Calluses? o 3 Call today to take the first step: 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -1 1 0 0 0 L o o k fo r u s o n F a c e b o o k C a ll Today905-257-5628 Sigvaris Compression Stockings & Custom Made Orthotics Diabetic Foot Care & Nail Surgery n e w p a t i e n t s w e l c o m e Glen Oaks Funeral Home & Cemetery byA rbor M em orial 3 1 6 4 N in th L in e ( 4 0 3 & D u n d a s S t.) , M is s . / O a k v ille , O N A rb o r M e m o ria lln c . Alia Ali Registered Chiropodist Family Owned. Proudly Canadian. 1 www.dundasehiropraetie.eom Trafalgar & D undas, Longo's Plaza