www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, April 2 7 , 2 0 1 7 | 38 More trees to be planted June 17 continued from p.35 · P a tie n t C o u n s ellin g · C o m p le te D ia b e tic C are Voted Oakville's · H o m e V is its · C o n s u lta tio n s · F ree R X D e liv e ry DE RANGO PHARMACY INC 4 7 8 Dundas S treet W est 19 0 5 - 2 5 7 - 9 7 3 7 ! Canada Post Fabio De Rango Pharmacist/Owner Favourite Pharmacist & Pharmacy DE RANGO PHARMACY INC 2 5 0 1 Third Line 19 0 5 - 4 6 5 - 3 0 0 0 Open 2 4 hours 17 Days a W eek w w w .s h o p p e r s d r u g m a r t.c a Discover Hearing Excellence An award winning clinic that listens to you Our goal is to simplify your life and make hearing effortless. Come and try the latest in Hearing Aid technology. Experience first hand, hearing devices that lets you hear what you want to hear, even in the most complex listening environment. 50% O FF on Hearing Aids v * j i |p P u rch aseaselectedH e a rin gA id& g e tth e2 n da th a lfp ric ef i l l Ju n e30, 2017 H E A R I N G CO M E &EXPERIENCE TH E DIFFEREN CE EXCELLENCE Call TODAY & book your appointment 647 . 492. 9021 Oakville Bronte Village 1 0 0 Bronte Road, Unit 6 Common buckthorn is a highly-invasive shrub that has become a prominent part of Oakville' s urban landscape. Known for its ability to out-compete native plants and degrade wildlife habitat, this tree is classified as a noxious weed under Ontario' s Weed Control Act. Oakvillegreen will host another tree planting event on June 17 at Millstone Park, off Pine Glen Rd., from 10 a.m.-noon. To find more about Oakvillegreen' s programs and events, visit oakvillegreen.org. Oakvillegreen is a not-for-profit community organization founded in 1999. It strives to make Oakville a living city with enhanced natural diversity and healthier greenspaces and to reconnect people to the natural environment in their neighbourhood and across their community to increase their awareness of the importance of nature and move them to action to protect, enhance and restore Oakville' s natural environment. Oakvillegreen' s programs are funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. As the leading grantmaking foundation in Canada, the Ontario Trillium Foundation strengthens the capacity of the voluntary sector through investments in community-based initiatives. An agency of the Government of Ontario, OTF builds healthy and vibrant communities. Volunteers with Oakvillegreen Conservation Association helped plant 840 native trees at Nipigon Trail and Pelee Woods on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22 | Oakvillegreen photo ,n*MeHB(ton.com IHWHlWII, ·" w * ® m in a ® r ° * W *rtut flfeMnr h a p p e n in g d o w n th e s tre e t? 1 G e t t h e l a t e s t lo c a l n e w s , e v e n t s , a n d s h o p p in g in fo r m a tio n w h e n y o u n e e d it - a n y tim e , a n y w h e n 'si'owinjrf.o, d,irar fleeing | ,,n9crash andi < mfo!,ce andetcanim'l S U lj l,n '1 1 'ikedown by `"'"orinjuries.Theg ln s id e H a lto n .c o m TopSTO R IEs metrolandmedia · * C on n e cte d to y o u r co m m u n ity 6