49 |Thursday, April 27, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com To Advertise in this section call JENNIFER GOULD 2 8 9 -2 9 3 -0 6 8 3 jgould@ oakvillebeaver.com APPLIANCE REPAIR PAINTING CONTRACTORS LAWN CARE f D A N N Y 'S APPLIAN CE SERVICE EXPERT REPAIR & INSTALLATION TO CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONER & ALL MAJOR APPLIANCES CU STO M PA IN TIN G by King Concepts Inc. Interior and Exterior Cabinet Refacing C olour Consultants Servicing Oakville for over 20 years. Free Estimates. you grow we mow Book Your Spring Clean Up Today!!! N o w B o o k in g P r o fe s s io n a l W e e k ly L a w n M a in te n a n ce P ro g ra m s Leaf & Debris Removal, Garden W eeding & Edging, Soil & Sod Installation, Mulching, Planting Air Conditioners · Stoves · Fridges Dishwashers · Washers · Dryers REASONABLE RATES 90 DAY W ARRANTY 31 YEARS IN BUSINESS NO SERVICE CHARGE WITH REPAIR 905- 827-9559 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Iawnbros905@gmail.com Reader's Selection Diamond Award Winner 4 years in a row 9 0 5 -4 6 6 -6 1 0 6 WOOD N' FLOOR Helping you get things done. · 5" - 6 " Seamless Gutters · Soffit / Fascia · Gutter Guard · Window/ DoorCaulking · Roofing / Repairs Chimney Rebuild / Repair Window Sill Repair Garage Doors Attic Insulation Porch Columns PAINTING ..painting your home like it's our own · Interior/Exterior · Residential/ Commercial · Flawless Repairs · Wallpaper Removal · Professional Work · 30 years experience PAINT ALL Professional Installation & Service O P T IM IZ E Y O U R H O M E 'S C U R B A P P E A L W IT H Q U A L IT Y R E S ID E N T IA L D R IV E W A Y P A V IN G S E R V IC E S P arking Lot Paving | In te rlo c k in g | C on cre te NO D E P O S IT R E Q U IR E D - G U A R A N T E E D P A Y U P O N C O M P L E T IO N Vince Capobianco · email: vince@ westviewpaving.com w w w .w e s tv ie w p a v in g .c o m We install all kinds of wood and laminate floors "Refinish Your Wood Floor, Stairs and Railings Like New" W e a r e licen sed , in su re d se rv in g O ak v ille resid en ts sin ce 1 9 9 0 '/ 289-772-7908 OAKVILLE B e s t of We will beat every written quote! Call K A Z 905-338-1881 2017 O: 905 333-8900 · C : 416 989-5712 - M ike 905-822-9338 Free estim ates. A ffo rd a b le prices! Fully Insured WSIB. www.woodnfloor.ca CONCRETE C A I N C A U U LL KK B N GG 50 Years Strong The Caulking and Fire Stopping Specialist Since 1961 O ur Services Include: 4 Free Estimates 4 Inspection and Consulting Services 4 Interior and Exterior caulking o Windows o Doors o Bathrooms o Countertops o Pools o Patios' ^ W e w illtu rn y o u r d re a m s in to r e a lit y C · Exposed Aggregate · Plain Concrete · Patios/Walkways · Driveways · Sealer · Basement & Garage Floors · OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE TRADE · Bonded & Insured · LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED FREE ESTIMATE · 905.693.2364 4 Residential Firestopping 4 Fully Insured Y o u r L o c a l C a u lk in g C o n t r a c t o r Tel: (S p www.concreteazores.ca · concreteazoresltd2@gmail.com 9 0 5 -65 9 -3 3 6 7 F a x : 905-659-1195 emaildrams@beverlycaulking.com · www.beverlycaulking.com GARAGE DOORS m ie w to u rjH o m e iim p ro u e m e n tsiR a g e s online a t INSIDEHALTON.COM Replace Old Deck B o a r d s _____ with New Hand Selected Boards Replace Railings/Steps All Screws, No Nails W ill Inspect Support Structure & Repair if Required TOM Mc CLATCH IE 905-335-2657 Sales and Installation of Garage doors & A utom atic Openers. Repairs and A djustm ent To all m akes. Highly qualified. Reasonable Rates 5stepsto viewing H om eIm provem entspages: C L IC K on "Print Editions" 3. Locate "The Oakville Beaver" 4. C L IC K on "Who Does It" 5. C L IC K on the latest edition & view this very page digitally! 1. www.insidehalton.com 2. Serving the Homeowners of Oakville, Burlington & Milton since 1988 GARAGE DOORS Referrals Available Upon Request Oakville Based C a ll P e t e r ---- (289) 259-5944 OAKVILLE'S ONLY TOTAL MARKET NEWSPAPER, REACHING 53,000 HOMES!