Oakville Beaver, 5 May 2017, p. 22

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Yardener,, LANDSCAPE M AINTENANCE $25 - $30 Weekly Lawn cut & Trim M ost city lot Th e ! m e tro la n d m e d ia · * Connected to your community® sizes £ o NO Contract - Monthly Payments WSIB! INSURED! REGISTERED! C a ll R O N 2 8 9 - 9 9 3 - 2 4 5 5 w w w .y a r d e n e r .c a ~LA W N ~ L E A F ~ SN O W ~ classifieds w o rk o p o lis TM /./jf& n e W S c c , com s Business Opportunities Domestic Help Available CLEANING LADY, experienced, reliable, detail oriented, excellent references, bi-weekly, weekly. Competitive rates. Just a few new openings left. Please call today Sofia: 905-278-0915, 416-857-8544. Articles Wanted Articles Wanted ^ ^ B e a v e r. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINE: PAYMENT: Tuesday at 11 a.m. for Thursday edition. Visa, MasterCard, Thursday at 10 a.m. for Friday edition. Am erican Express by phone For display advertising, please or cash or cheque in person at allow fo r an additional day. 5046 Mainway, Unit 2, Burlington f c fiprk L o c a lW o r k c a EMAIL: classifieds@metroland.com I PHONE: 905-527-5555 · 1-800-263-6480 I FAX: 905-526-6779 · 1-866-299-1499 TELEPHONE HOuRs: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. MOVING TO Burlington from Richmond Hill, apartment desired. g Mature gentleman with impeccable references. Enjoys home repairs, golf and curling. Around $800./month. Please call Jim, 647-588-8174. "D Apartments for Rent Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad the first day it appears to ensure it's accurate. Metroland will not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. Cancellations must be made by telephone. Call: 905-527-5555 or 1-800-263-6480 Email: classifieds@ m etroland.com Articles Under $100 BIKE, LADIES, 26" cruis er, must see, aluminum frame. $95. 905-635-1830 BIKE. MENS 26" Raleigh. Front shocks. Excellent condition. $90. 905-634-9624 CABLE HOIST Puller, 2 ton, not ct, never used $50, 905-844-9138 CART /STAND for micro wave or other, wood. $40. 289-442-1891 CHAIR, LEATHER, by Artesano (columbia), wooden frame. $70. 905-878-9173 CHINA DOLL, 7" Bone China doll English ladies Limited Edition. $40. 289-442-1891 CHINA DOLL, Macken zie. $40. 289-442-1891 CHINA, GIBSON, Cups and Plates. $40 289-442-1891 CHINA PLATES mugs, white with pine/ berry design, Gibson, 18 pcs. $40. 289-442-1891 Chr ystal VAse , Large, $25. 289-442-1891 COFFEE TABLE Roxton solid maple approx. 24x60. $100. 905-465-0148 COLLECTABLE PLATES by Kevin Daniels: the Blue Jan also The cardi nal, 8 1/4" diameter with certificate of authen ticity. 2 for $25. 905-335-3380 CORELLE TEAPOT. Ex cellent condition. White with green leaf. Can send pictures. $12. 905-465-0507 Articles Under $100 DOG CAGE, Fiberglass Large, for German Sheppard size, 4' by 3'. $80. Call 905-681-9496. DRYER, ELECTRIC full size, Energy guide, ex cellent condition, $100. 289-337-1328 EGG BASKETS, antique (4), $20 each, 905-849-7661 ELECTRIC La WNMOWER with bag. Used once. $100 call 519-731-2170 ENTRY HANDLE sets and passage door knobs. door hinges, brass. $100. 905-315-1555 fire Ex t in g u is h e r , antique copper $85 905-849-7661 Business Opportunities BEST CASH PAID We Make House Calls W E B U Y IT A L L ! China, Silver, Crystal, Coins, Gold & Costum e Jewellery, Art, Doultons Swarovski, Antiques, Collectibles, Downsizing & Estate Experts Call A ppraisers: John/D arcie/K rista CUM BERLAND V iLLA G E Tow nhom e $ 1 3 5 0 / m p lu s u t i l i t i e s T O W n h O m e (With Garage) $ 1 4 5 0 / m p lu s u t i l i t i e s C lo s e to B u rlin g to n M all, S c h o o ls & T ra n s it ·4 appls.^ Eat-in Kitchen · Basement · Parking 1 ,2 & 3 Bedroom Oakville starting from $975 190 Kerr Street 905-845-1777 392 Pine Street 905-337-0910 1265 Sixth Line 905-842-8960 www.livehere.ca 3270 Prospect Street, Burlington BE YOUR OWN BOSS It's everyone's dream, but we're the company that makes that dream a reality. We're Primerica, one of North America's largest financial services marketing organizations and we're looking for people who want to put themselves in charge. Want to know more about our tried-andtrue success system? Call Ralph Stephen Ellis: Mobile 416-844-8650 or Regional Office, 96 Rankin St, Upper Level, Waterloo, ON, N2V 2B6 1-519-747-3636 Lost & Found 905 - 632-2601 Houses for Rent APPLEBY MALL, Burlington Towers 3 bedroom semi, 1.5 NEWLY RENOVATED bathrooms, rec room, 1 & 2 bedroom large lot, $1375./month. Available July BURLINGTON MALL, Located close to the Lake. Indoor pool, sauna 3 bedroom semi, 1.5 bathrooms, rec room, and fitness centre. $1390./month. Utilities included! BRANT/PLAINS ROAD, 905-639-8583 3 bedroom Bungalow, Please visit us at den or 4th bedroom, 2 www.facebook.com/ full baths, $1385/month. burlingtontowers Albert McDonagh Ltd. BURLINGTONUPPER facing Bur lin g to n Real Estate Brokerage, Middle/ Walkers. 2 bed Mall. 1 & 2 bedroom. 905-632-5690. room corner unit in quiet Brand new kitchens. small building, bay win Seniors discount. Call Condos for Rent dows, overlooks treed Bob 905-639-8009 or courtyard. $1500/mo. + Don 905-681-8115 utilities. Available July 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath 1st. 905-320-2277. Houses for Rent ground floor in desirable north Office/ Business Space Burlington Commu for Rent/ Wanted 3 BEDROOM detached nity, all appliances bungalow, Flamborough, and 2 parking spots Available June 1, MEDICAL SPACE included, $1800+/ $1500+, parking, Available Immediately. month, 905-616-3370 647-780-6123, ask for Newly constructed, or 289-888-1738 Peter. 1,500 sq. ft., St. Catharines. Adjoins WELL MAINTINED 3 established Pharmacy. bedroom main floor only 4 consulting rooms ensuite laundry, 4th Line plus office and recep and Speers, $1600+ tion. Plenty of park 50% utilities. No smok ing. 905-682-6979 or ing, no pets. Call sololade@gmail.com 416-457-2884. APPLEBY MALL. 3 Bed LOST: GOLD coin on room condominium, 1.5 chain, in the area of baths, rec room, parking Speers Movie Theatre. included. $1360/month. Reward. 905-845-7736 GUELPH LINE/HOME DEPOT 4 bedrooms, 1.5 LOST-VOLKSW AGON baths, rec room, garage, KEY holder and leather fenced yard. tail, lost at Mapleview $ 1 3 5 0 / m o n t h . Mall in front of dollarastore, reward. Albert McDonagh Ltd. ma Real Estate Brokerage, 905-635-1424 905-632-5690. A Domestic Rooms for Rent and > Help Wanted Wanted IMMEDIATELY LIVELY, RESPONSIBLE active female with a zest for life required for daughter with learning disability but highlyfunctional. Burlington Mon-Fri. 9 a.m.-? $22./hr. Must have driver's lic., be bondable. References & police check required. Call 905-635-2805 EXCELLENT PRICES!!! 30 Years Experience. Cleaning Offices or Homes. Make your home Domestic or office sparkle! Oak Help Wanted ville, Burlington, FlamboReliable. IN-HOME HELP for rough. senior lady in Downtown G u a r a n t e e d . 905-690-7778 Oakville. Serve meals, assist walking, light housework. 3 days per GIRL FRIDAY for you! week, afternoons, occa Cleaning, laundry, sional weekends. Back chauffeuring etc. ground check. 12 years experience! 416-450-1110 or Servicing seniors and lgwrightis@cogeco.ca executives. Reliable, \ competent help. Domestic Help Louha Christine Available 905-634-4871 or 00 EUROPEAN Cleaning 289-400-9621 lady will clean your house or office. Low prices. Free estimates. Seniors Services Call Marta, 647-609-8097 9 0 5 -3 3 1 -2 4 7 7 w w w .tjtr a d e r s .c o m in q u ir ie s @ tjtr a d e r s .c o m ALL TEAK furniture wanted, antiques, watch es, paintings, silver dol lars, gold, sterling silver, Doultons, jewelry, Swarovski figurines, old toys, musical instru ments. We buy it all. 905-979-4447. BUYING - BASEBALL & Hockey Cards before 1975. Call 416-994-4023. Paying Top dollar$$$ BUYING DANISH Teak, Scandinavian furniture, Rosewood & Retro + Vintage Lighting. Call 905-407-9753. PAY WE FOR GOLF BALLS Pay $0.10 to $0.24 Purchase per ball. long all year 416-889-9365 PeterMIN QTY NO NO MAX OR Articles Under $100 BATTERIES, AUTOMO TIVE 12 volt, Napa Leg end, maintenance free. $80 for both. 905-689-8911 A OPPORTUNITY GAZEBO CANOPY 10'x10' $40. jldk_r@hotmail.com GLASS BOWL, cut, 9" Victorian on brass and marble stand, $30. GLASS VASE. Green with see-through lines. Can send pic. Excellent cond. $8. 905-465-0507 GLASSES, GUCCI clear lens. $25. 289-442-1891 HEADBOARD, KING size, Solid Oak. $85 . 905-842-0109 HUMIDIFIER, FURNACE mount, 12 gallon, brand new. $99. 905-845-8006 JACKET, MEN'S suede, brown, large. $40. 905-845-8006 JELLY PAN, antique, brass, 905-849-7661 targe $70, WOK ANTIQUES WANTED Victorian furniture, teak, china, coin collections, toys, watches, gold, silver, costume jewelry, sterling silver flatware, teacups, cast garden urns, Royal Doultons, Lladro, Swarovski, Moorcroft, Waterford, Shelley, Much Much More! We will assist in ESTATE CLEARING DOWN-SIZING Avoid Costly Auction Fees will make FREE house calls and CASH offers on QUALITY ITEMS. Please call text KATHY 905-920-9137 silverspoon174 @gmail.com Licensed. Business. ADDED TOUCH Domes tic Services. Residential house cleaning services. Bi-weekly, weekly, one time, move in, move out cleans available. Profes sional and hardworking. Excellent references. Call now for a complimentary estimate, Angela 647-607-9866. NEEDED CAREGIVER NEEDEDSENIOR WITH DISABILITY. Provide personal care, Assist in transfer, bathing and personal hygiene, housekeeping. Compan ionship, administer bed side and personal care. Prepare and serve nutri tious meal, feeding as sist in activities and appointments. 40 hrs/ wk/ $16.72/hr. Email: Ms. Vicky at beyond caregiving@ gm ail.com . 905-617-0007 C la s s ifie d ^ find us online at yourclassifieds.ca S E L L I find us online at 90^ 632.4440 y °urclassifieds-ca BEVELLED MIRROR, large sized wall mirror, gorgeous, $30. DESK, STUDENT, maple 289-442-1891 with shelf, 24" , one Cenchair. $75. BIKE, GIRLS 20" 5 speed co CCM. Hand brakes & 905-878-9173 Shifter. Like New. $65. DRILL PRESS, 5 speed. 905-634-9624 $15. 416-450-1107 KONICA 35MM SLR camera. Great condition for the photoist. $75. Call or Text 416-617-5213 LIGHT FIXTURES, for all house white and 2 exotic 5ft white. $100. 905-315-1555 C H O O S E FR O M THESE O P T IO N S M o m s.. Not all superheroes wear capes! Show her you CARE! ^ Tell your mother how much you love her with a Special Mother's Day Announcement! ^ H appy M o th e r's Day B everly Hill! Thanks for everything you do for us every single day, you truly are the World's Best Mom, and we love you so much! - Your Trisha-bear and loving hubby Tom DO UBLE Thanks for everything you do for me every single day, you truly are the World's Best Mom, and I love you so much! - Your Trisha-bear You're an unbelievable mother to our daughter, and I'm so thankful and love you more and more every day. - Love, Tom Includes extra larg e SINGLE SIZE WITH PHOTO OR G R AP H IC Includes space for heading and up to 30 words. ONLY $ 2 9 .9 9 5 0 words. ONLY $39.9 | 1 -8 0 0 -2 6 3 -6 4 8 0 metrolandmedia · * Connected to your community® PUBLISHING THE WEEK OF MAY 8,2017. For Publishing Dates, Deadlines and Additional Information Please Email or Call: c la s s i f ie d s @ m e t r o l a n d . c o m

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