www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, May 1 8 , 2 0 1 7 | 18 Nearly half of vehicles fail police Oakville commercial vehicle blitz V o te d B e s t A c c o u n ta n t b y O a k v ille B e a v e r R e a d e r s fo r 1 0 C o n s e c u tiv e Y e a r s R ic k y W o n g CPA, CA, M B A , B. E n g · Accounting · Auditing · Taxation For more information please check our website w w w .r i c k y w o n g .c a 1200 Speers Rd., Unit 32, Oakville, Ont. L6L 2X4 ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 - 1 4 0 8 |F a x ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 - 5 9 3 1 1 r i c k y @ r i c k y w o n g . c a P IC -A -D E LI ^ W e e k ly S p e c ia ls : T h u rs d a y N ig h ts : D o m e s tic Pint & 1 lb of W in g s $99 9 D a ily s p e c ia l: L a rg e 3 item P iz z a D in e In & P ick u p o n ly F e a tu rin g B est M o n tre a l S m o k e d S a n d w ic h e s A ll D a y B re a k fa s t. Hours: M on d ay - Saturday 7 a m -1 a m Closed Sundays. $99 9 670 Fourth Line (905) 339-1905 Almost half of commercial m otor vehicles in spected by Halton police failed its latest safety blitz. According to statistics released by the Halton Regional Police Service' s (HRPS) Oakville District Response Unit, 4 7 per cent of 8 0 vehicles inspect ed Tuesday, May 9 and Friday, May 12 failed the safety blitz. Issues cited by police for the vehicle failures dealt with brakes, tires and others, resulting in 165 provincial offence notices given out, seven sets of license plates seized and 16 bylaw infrac tions during the two-day initiative. The campaign was co-ordinated and executed in partnership with Peel and Waterloo Regional Police Services, Ontario Provincial Police and Town of Oakville. The goal was to ensure commercial m otor ve hicles in operation on Oakville roads were mechanically-sound and complied with provincial requirements, according to police. "W e recognize there are many trucks on area roads and that some will operate for a consider able am ount of time without ever having an in dependent inspection done," said Sgt. Gus Bistas, of the Oakville District Response Unit, in a media release. "The results of this blitz remind us that our work in the realm of commercial m otor vehicle safety is ongoing and that we m ust remain vigi- lant in our education and enforcement efforts." The Oakville blitz and others are part of Halton police' s broader community-focused policing ef forts that incorporates the four pillars of its Com munity Safety and Well-being plan: Emergency Response, Risk Intervention, Prevention, and Social Development. More information on Halton police' s safety and well-being efforts can be found at wwwhaltonpolice.ca. Anyone with information pertain ing to vehicle safety is asked to contact police at 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -4 7 7 7 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222 8 4 7 7 (TIPS), through the web at wwwhaltoncrimestoppers.ca or by texting "Tip 2 0 1 " with your message to 2 7 4 6 3 7 (crimes). . . . M O S T F L E X i B L E T V P /\C \< J\O ^S YOURSHOW S ON N E T F L I X F U L L Y IN T E G R A T E S * T H E 0>O $ /MONTH FOR 6 MONTHS 4KPICTURE QUfcLXTM S W IT C H TO O U R U N L IM IT E D T R IO 4 0 TV CHANNELS OF YOUR CHOICE TiVo® PVR U NLIM ITED INTERNET HOME PHONE ASK US ABOUT 4K TV EXPERIENCE THE BEST NOW THAT' S ((())) coGeco Switch on amazing The current regular price is $183.89 per m onth. A vailable w here technology perm its. Taxes not included. C ertain conditions app ly. © 2017 T iV o In c. A ll rights reserved. T iV o and the T iV o logo are registered tradem arks of T iV o In c. or its subsidiaries w orldw ide. A4Ktelevision an d T iV o 4K P V Rare required to w atch 4K .