3 1 1Thursday May 2 5 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com ___ Five quick tips for sun safety this summer needs. The new Banana Boat Dry Balance Sunscreen Lotion and Banana Boat Sport for Kids Sunscreen Lotion Spray are great everyday options for keeping your skin protected, both offering broad spectrum UVA and UVB protection. Find more everyday sun protection tips at www. bananaboat.ca. (NC) Advertorial Summertime brings longer days, warmer weather sunlight when the sun's rays are strongest at mid-day. 4. Keep sunscreen on hand and make applica and the need for a sun safety refresher. Keeping your During these hours, seek shade or use an umbrella tion a habit. Don't rely on one bottle of sunscreen to entire family sun safe while outdoors is the key to and be sure to wear sunscreen, a hat and light, pro protect your family all summer long. Keep sunscreen making this summer your best one yet. tective clothing. handy anywhere that you may need to apply - in your 1. The sun doesn't discriminate. Sunscreen should 3. Remember the golf ball rule. Adults should apmedicine cabinet, your car, your beach bag, on the be applied even when you're not in direct sunlight. ply 30 millilitres, or a golf ball-sized amount, of sun kitchen counter, and your kids' summer sports bags. 2. Minimize exposure. Try to limit exposure to direct screen. Remember to reapply every two hours. 5. Select a sunscreen that meets your everyday SEPARATION A N D D IVO R C EW ITH O U T BIG LAWYER FEESA ND COURT COSTS. "W ith o u t D a w n at C o rn e rs to n e M e d ia tio n w e w o u ld p ro b a b ly be s p e n d in g a ll o u r RSP's on le g a l fe e s . D a w n w a s e ffic ie n t an d e x p e rie n c e d , sh e had a w a y o f m a k in g us fe e l c o m fo rta b le a n d p la n so w e are a b le to c o -p a re n t now in a w a y th a t is best fo r o u r c h ild re n !" Everyone deserves the best possible future after separation. E-m ail: Summer S.C. Fine Art Day Camps C rackpot Studio: June 26 - 30 W hole Foods M arket: July 4 - 2 8 PicARTso Course: 10-Teens Kandinsky Course: 5 -1 2 yrs ( 2014 ) www.dawnangela.com www.cornerstone-mediation.com or call: dawn@cornerstone-mediation.com 905-567-6833 416.917.2772 artist@dawnangela.com OAKVILLE i l s f ACADEMY i J i l l IKJT G O LF AND H O C K E Y CAM P $449.99 + HST/W EEK (A G E S 6-12) The most popular summer camp is back for its 9th season with even more weeks! Start off the day with cool mornings at Vic Hadfields Fam ily Golf & Learning Centre and end the day on the cool refreshing ice during the hot afternoons. On ice skill development with Top Professional Hockey Instructors includes: power skating, edge work, puck control, different styles and shooting techniques, along with races, skill competitions, shootouts and a 3 on 3 game. Weeks offered : Ju ly 10th, Ju ly 17th, Ju ly 24th, Ju ly 31st, August 14th, August 21st LEA R N TO S K A T E CAMP (A G E S 3-7) $250.00 + HST/W EEK Learn to Skate Summ er Cam p is a great w ay to spend a hot week in the summer! Children will enjoy spending 1.5 hours on the ice participating in both a skating lesson and other fun and interactive on ice gam es and activities. After a nutrition break (please send a snack), children will be engaged in a variety of activities , crafts and energy burning time in the dryland fitness area. Weeks offered: Ju ly 10th- Ju ly 14th and A ugust 14th- A ugust 18th 1:00-4:00PM *LIM ITED S P A C E AVA ILABLE* PU R E D EVELO PM EN T H O C K E Y CAM P $399.99 + HST/W EEK (A G E S 6-12) Based on our most popular and S O LD OUT PA Day Clinics, Christm as and March Break Cam ps; this cam p is a development camp that is offered each week in the summer. The camp will consist of 3 hours of on ice instruction, 1 hour for lunch, 1.5 hours of Dryland/ Turf and 1 hour of ice time to finish the day! This cam p will help improve their skating, puck handling, passing and shooting skills. The Dryland/Turf portion will be a mixture of dryland drills (quick feet, plyometrics, etc.) and fun gam es (soccer, soccer baseball, ball hockey and relay races). HO U SE LE A G U E P R E SE A S O N PR EP/SH O O TIN G CAM P $279.99 + HST/W EEK This is a perfect cam p to prep the players for their upcoming season. This camp incorporates 45 minutes of shooting: working on technique and quick releases AND 45 minutes of power skating, puck control and stick handling, flow drill and of course lots of fun and gam es! 7.5 hours of IN T E N S E , HIG H T E M P O TRAINING!!! AUGUST 21ST-AUGUST 25TH 2007-2009 5:30-7:00P M 2004-2006 7:00-8:30P M Register NOW for som e Skill Developing Fun!!! Weeks Offered: Ju ly 10th, Ju ly 17th, Ju ly 24th, Ju ly 31st, August 8th (4 day camp) August 14th, August 21st and August 28th . AUGUST 28TH- SEPTEMBER 1ST 2007-2009 5:30-7:00PM 2004-2006 7:00-8:30PM Visit www.oakvillehockeyacademy.com to register for all camps.