5 |Thursday June 1, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Relay for Life cancelled by Coronation Park flooding by Nathan Howes Oakville Beaver Staff Organizers of the Friday, June 16 Oakville Relay for Life have cancelled this year' s event because of the flooding at Coronation Park, w hich is closed indefinitely. The Canadian Cancer Society (CC S) Halton Com m unity Office, which organizes the annual Oakville Relay, made the decision Friday, M ay 2 6 to cancel the signature fundraiser. Despite efforts from the Town of Oakville and CCS Halton Com m unity Office to find an alternate venue for the event, their efforts to find a suitable one were unsuccessful, according to Shelley Frank, CCS see Relay on p.7 While the annual Oakville Relay for Life has been cancelled due to flooding at Corona tion Park, there are others options for those wishing to participate. Here, the Oakville Trafalgar High School Relay for Life went off w ithout a hitch Friday, May 2 6 . For more photos, see Spotlight on p .6 . -- .t h e ---------------------------- , Sleep Factory 1 w w w .s le e p fa c t o r y .c o m MILTON 238 Main Street, East · 9 0 5 .8 7 8 .4 6 0 6 M ISSISSA U G A 2150 Burnhamthorpe Road · 9 0 5 .5 4 2 .0 4 8 1 | Graham Paine/Metroland HOURS: M onday-W ednesday 10am -6pm ^Thursday - Friday 10am - 8pm · Saturday 9am -6 p m * Sunday 11am -5pm ________Living W ell E n jo y in g P o s s ib le W it h E v e ry M o m e n t Your d e fin itio n of H A L IB U T H O U S E X I 1 D u n d a sSt. f is h & c h ip s 270 Hays Blvd., O akville | 289-725-9887 (Beside Walmart) Father's Day Special! $2 Beer w ith any full meal on Father's Day only (June 18th) F a m ily There's a certain m agic in th e m om ents spent w ith y o u r family. M ore treasured th a n any possession... th e spontaneous laughter, th e feel o f a little hand in yours... these are u n fo rg e tta b le tim es th a t w a rm o ur souls. A t Delm anor, you live yo ur o w n d e fin itio n o f w h a t makes y o u r life special.O ur signature Living W e ii program offers you th e o p p o rtu n ity to do ju st th a t, w ith th o ug h tfu lly-d e sig n e d lifestyle o ptio n s th a t m aintain good health and help create those treasured tim es th a t d efine a life w ell lived. *Actual Delmanor Resident Haddock Fish & Chips Lunch Halibut Fish & Chips 2 for $ 1 5 With Coupon 2 for $ 1 5 With Coupon Eat-In Only Eat-In Only Valid at O akville Location Only Expires: Ju n e 22nd, 2017 Lunch & D inner Hours: 11am - 9pm Valid at O akville Location Only Expires: Ju n e 22nd, 2017 Lunch & D inner Hours: 11am - 9pm Grilled Norwegian Salmon and Chips DELM ANOR G le n A b b e y In s p ir e d R e tir e m e n t L iv in g T l" (9 0 5 ) 4 6 9 -3 2 3 2 1459 N ottinghill Gate, Oakville t r Id e l i Delmanor Welcomes Your Pet With Coupon 2 f o r $25 Valid at O akville Location Only Expires: Ju n e 22nd, 2017 Lunch & D inner Hours: 11am - 9pm Eat-In Only delmanor.com Explore w h a t LivingW eii means to you.