w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, June 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | 10 W hy is b e lo n g in g im p o rta n t? NOW OPEN! aving a sense of belonging is a common experience. A sense of belonging is a human need, just like the need for food and shelter. Seeing value in life, coping with issues, all are better when we feel that we belong. We all ex perience belonging in different ways -- some through our social engagements, some through friends or places we feel at ease like church, home or the gym. Sometimes our connections are only through a small group of people. Belonging is not purely an individual need. Feeling a strong sense of belonging to a group gives people a greater sense of support, giving back and helping. It empowers people to do more for others and builds civic engagement and a community of citizens who feel like they belong to a greater cause -- for the community. Belongingmatters.ca is a local survey initia tive underway, in partnership with the Town of Oakville, YMCA of Oakville and the Oakville Community Foundation. Why? The goal is to understand how people across Oakville experience belonging in our Town. What prompted this collective survey? In sights from all partners revealed common issues: · We are a growing and changing community: 31 per cent immigrant and 24 per cent visible minority population. · 38 per cent of Canadians do not feel like G r a n d O p e n in g O ffer d in n e r fo r 4 · · · · · · 4 s p r in g r o lls S e s a m e c h ic k e n S w e e t & S o u r C h ic k e n C h ic k e n C h o p S u e y B e e f w it h B r o c c o li C h ic k e n F rie d R ic e H $ 3 7 .9 9 R eg 45 .00 L im itte d T im e O ffer oakville foundation community DING-HAO SZECHUAN CUISINE Great Lun ch Sp ecials! w w w .dinghaoszechuan.ca 3 6 0 D u n d a s S t. E, @ T ra fa lg a r R d. ( ju s t b e h in d L o n g o 's) they have a stake in their local community What will we achieve? We will take the results, map them, by postal code, to help us: · Understand where the gaps are; · Bring together and welcome all of our com munities; · Reflect, share, and learn as a community and · Build inclusion together. www.belongingmatters.ca - As a bonus, par ticipants will have the chance to win an iPad Mini. For information, please contact Sarah@theocf. org or 905-844-3562 -- submitted by Sarah McPherson, Director, Communications & Development, Oakville Community Foundation Dine-in I Take-out I Delivery 6 4 7 -9 8 4 -3 8 3 8 · 9 0 5 -2 57-1333 Do you feel connected to your community? Take a short survey and let us know. ^ O R M S T O T io N F E E S a ll . ftu AGES WELCOME INVENTORY SUPER SALE! ALL GUITARS & AMPS!! se a r* G 905 .257.3110 /Z.frck' -- '-- "7 TG U ITA RS P articipants can w in an iPad Mini! I ; u it a r W o r ld Enter at W W W .b e lo n g in g m a t t e r S .C a until June 30th. · th e g u ita rw o rld o a k v ille .c o m Questions? Contact Sarah McPherson at sarah@theocf.org or 905-844-3562 ext. 302 380 D undas St. E. at Trafalgar Road in Longo's Plaza ©YAMAHA foundation community oakville