w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, June 1 5, 2 0 1 7 | 18 Book your consultation today 2417 Marine Drive O akville, L6L IC6 w w w .secretfa ces.co m h e llo @ se cre tfa ce s.c o m 2 8 9-837-1212 * o ffe r e n d s J u n e 3 0 /1 7 Free Music with the Mayor by Nathan Howes Oakville Beaver Staff D o e s y o u r f in a n c ia l a d v is o r k n o w y o u r l i f e g o a ls ? M a r c N u tfo rd FinancialAdvisor 2387 Trafalgar Road Unit E2 Oakville, ON L6H 6K7 905-822-2023 w w w .edw ardjones.com /m arc-nutfo rd M em ber - C anadian Investor P rotection Fund F x lw a r d Jones MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Oakville residents looking for something to do this month can get the blues at Bronte Heritage Park Sunday, June 25. Mayor Rob Burton is kicking off the first event of his Music with the Mayor summer music series with a free concert Sunday June 25 at Bronte Heritage Park. ft is one of three free monthly events to be held this summer in Oakville. The other two will be held Sunday July 30 at Westwood Park and Friday Sept, f at Towne Square. The first musical guest of the 20 f 7 series is Oakville-based blues trio The Dirty Blues, while performers for the July and September dates are to be determined. Funding for the concerts comes directly from the mayor's office, which co-ordinated with the three business improvement areas (BfA) for promotion and to find suitable dates. Oakville Mayor Rob Burton The Moonshine Cafe helped the office source local talent for the shows. "Council is always looking for opportunities to bring the community together and hear from Oakville residents," stated Burton, in a media release. "This is a chance for residents to engage with their community while enjoying local music and local parks with friends and family." The music series was launched as a way to find outreach opportunities this summer to help residents get engaged with Council, while supporting local arts and businesses, according to the mayobs office. "Oakville is fortunate to have so many residents and organizations engaged in the arts and culture community," said Burton. "Council urges all residents to take full advantage of that this summer, through this concert series or the many other events around town." People are encouraged to bring their own lawn chair or picnic blanket, as there are no seats. The first free show takes place Sunday, June 25 at Bronte Heritage Park (gazebo), 2340 Ontario St. It takes place from 2-4 p.m. The Sunday, July 30 show Westwood Park will take place from 2-4 p.m., while the Friday, Sept, f concert at Town Square will occur from 7-9:30 p.m. 5 · · i B LA ZER STA PtES more happens Dorval Cros fill Over 60 S°ops & Services located at QEW & Dorval Drive Visit dorvalcrossing.com for more information PROUDLY M A N A G E D BY B e n t a ll Kennedy