www.insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, June 29, 2 0 1 7 | 3 4 W h a t 's o p e n / c l o s e d o n C a n a d a D a y WAIT ON PAT H O I IP I I IW L .IW i -- _ _ _ | H M 8 0 2 D rury Lane B urlington, ON CD X K I O D (9 0 5 ) 6 3 2 -6 3 0 0 L7R2Y2 DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD www.hcdsb.org N O TICE O F PASSING O F AN AMENDING EDUCATION D EV E L O P M E N T CH A RG ES BY-LA W B Y HALTON CA TH O LIC D ISTR IC T SCH O O L BOARD TAKE NOTICE that on the 20th day o f June, 2017, the Halton Catho lic District School Board (the "Board" ) passed Education Develop ment Charges Amending By-law, 2017, which amends the Education Development Charges By-law, (2013) of the Board. With the Canada Day taking place Saturday, July 1, certain facilities and services in Oakville will be closed or operating on limited sched ules. On Saturday, July 1, the Oakville Museum will be open at 8 Navy St., from 1-4:30 p.m. Outdoor pools will also be open. Among the facilities closed will be: arenas; Church Street parking garage; community centres; Oakville Fire adminstration offices, indoor pools, libraries, the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts, seniors' centres, Town Hall and youth centres. On Monday, July 3 facilities that will be open include: arenas; Church Street park ing garage; community centres; Oakville Fire adminstration offices, indoor and out door pools, libraries, the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts, the QEP Youth Centre, 4-8 p.m. and Nottinghill Youth Centre, 1-8 p.m. All camps running in Town facilities are in operation on Monday, July 3. All camps run ning in school facilities will begin Tuesday, July 4. Closed July 3 will be Oakville Fire admin istration, Oakville Museum seniors' centres, Town Hall and the Bronte Youth Centre. Oakville Transit is providing regular Satur day service Canada Day, July 1, while holiday service will be provided Monday, July 3. Visit www.oakvilletransit.ca for details. For information on fireworks and cot tage fire safety tips and open-air burning in Oakville, visit www.oakville.ca/residents/firesafetyhtml. Visit www. oakville. ca/events/attend-anevent.html for events in Oakville. To report emergencies related to roads, traf fic lights and signs, parks and trees or flood ing and storms outside of ServiceOakville's hours of operation, call 905-845-6601 to be connected with a after-hours dispatch ser vice. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or organization may appeal the said amending by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board under sec tion 257.74 of the Education Act by filing with the Secretary of the Board on or before the 31st day of July, 2017, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the amending by-law and the reasons supporting the objection. The appeal may not raise an issue that could have been raised in an appeal under section 257.65 of the Education Act of Edu cation Development Charges By-law, (2013). The said amending by-law comes into force on June 25, 2017, and in creases the education development charge on residential development to $2,269.00 per dwelling unit and the education development charge on non-residential development to $0.58 per square foot ($6.24 per square metre) of gross floor area. No other amendment to Education Development Charges By-law, (2013) has been made in the amending by-law. A complete copy of the amending by-law is available for examina tion on the Board's website at www.hcdsb.org and at the offices of the Board located at 802 Drury Lane, Burlington, Ontario, L 7 R 2Y2. For further information, please contact Frederick Thibeault, Adminis trator of Planning Services, (Phone 905-632-6314, Ext. 107). Dated at the City of Burlington this 20th day of June, 2017. CORNWALL Follow us on ANIMAL HOSPITAI www.cornwallanimalhospital.com OUR SERVICES ^Examination & Vaccination*Emergency*Medical#Services »Heart Worm Test ^Diagnostic Lab Tests^Prescription FoodfrSurgeryfrDentistryfrDigital X-ray ^Microchip Pet Identification Behavioural Counselling sGroomingSInternal Medicine ^Emergency ServicessMicrochippingsPrescription DietsNutritional Counseling Radiography Ultrasonography Spay & Neuter General Surgery Heartworm Testing Great Services at an even Greater Price Hospital Hours: Mon to Fri 8.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.; SAT 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Closed on Sunday & Statutory Holidays www.comwallanimalhospital.com/OakvilleVet@hotmail.com 1495 Cornwall Rd, Unit 36 Oakville, ON L6 J 0 B2 · 9 0 5 - 8 4 2 -8 8 0 0 O N N O W A T T H E B R IC K ! M UNC H 1f t Diane Rabenda, Chair o f the Board, Halton Catholic District School Board Paula Dawson, Director of Education Halton Catholic District School Board srctaMtM8 TM 5 '*' www.hcdsb.org A chieving B elieving B elonging S A V IN G Y O U M O R E For more details go instore or online @thebrick.com.