o 1^ T--I C M O 00 0 c "O fi? M O R ELLFS DC LU G u ard ian p h a r m a c y All Oakville/Burlington, Locations inside Longo's Stores S p e c ia lty C o m p o u n d in g a v a ila b le a t all lo c a tio n s W e M ake Transferring Your Prescriptions Easy. Fast Friendly Professional Service You can Trust Connected to your Com m unity' CD LU < o E o T o .c c g <S) S um m er Bird Seed On until July 17th! SALE Nature Shop L At the official ribbon cutting of the Oakville Community Foundation's (OCF) new offices May 25, a painting was unveiled reflective of Canada's indigenous history. The artwork graces the OCF boardroom. Pictured is Chief Stacey Laforme of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation. Laforme was assisted by (not pictured) OCF CEO Wendy Rinella and Sherry Saevil, indigenous co-ordinator for the Halton Catholic District School Board. | Graham Paine/Metroland 4 m(M 43/tcfc H A w nited 3 3 5 0 F A IR V IE W S T R E E T , B U R L IN G T O N 9 0 5 -6 3 4 -7 7 0 0 · E M A IL : w b u 1 @ b e lln e t.c a W E B R IN G P E O P LE & N A TU R E T O G E T H E R Truth and Reconciliation events held throughout 2017 by Marta Marychuk Oakville Beaver Staff As Canadians em brace Canada' s 150th , the Oakville C om m unity Foun d ation (O C F ) recognizes the history and culture of First N ations, Metis and Inuit. Susan Aglukark, a Ju n o Award-winning singer/songw riter and m otivational speaker, was the featured guest Ju n e 13, following the O C F annual general m eeting. W ith the goal of bringing indigenous and non-indigenous m em bers of the Oakville com m un ity together in a safe place to build a shared understanding, the O C F is hosting a series of events/discussions. O n Wednesday, Oct. 4 , the O C F will be hosting a discussion/event at Sheridan College on missing and m urdered indigenous w om en and girls. M ore details are to com e at www. theocf.org. T hen on Monday, Nov. 6, the O C F will be hosting a discussion/event on treaty awareness w eek at the Q ueen Elizabeth Park C om m unity and Cultural Centre. M ore details are to com e at w w w .theocf.org. During YM CA peace week, O C F will host the YM CA com m un ity breakfast for peace on Wednesday, Nov. 2 3 , a m orning dedicated to acknowledging people in the com m un ity w ho are focused on social change. Gabrielle Scrim shaw is the guest speaker. Scrim shaw is a young professional w ith a passion to create social im pact. Born and raised in Saskatchewan, Gabrielle is a m em ber of the H atchet Lake First Nation. She has studied international business and policy in Australasia, Asia, the A m ericas and Europe. She co-founded a national, not-forprofit for Aboriginal Professionals and was nam ed the 2 0 1 3 First N ations Youth A chiever by Indspire. The event will recognize local youths, adults and groups w ho are serving H alton Region by awarding them w ith a YM CA Peace Medal. YM CA Peace W eek is Nov. 18 to 25. C O N C R E T E Irim m ings Ltd. EXPOSED AGGREGATE (P eb b le) DRIVEW AYS FR E N C H CURBS PATIOS STEPS WALKW AYS GARAGE FL O O R S uality At Its Best! ^ fjllo w ft© M /n e a m Call F ern an d o FR EE E S T IM A T E S _ r " 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -5 5 1 8 1 -8 8 8 -9 4 4 -5 5 1 8