Oakville Beaver, 8 Jun 2017, p. 60

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www.insidehalton.com | O A K V ILLE B EA VE R | Thursday, June 8, 2017 | 6 0 I O b it u a r ie s I O b it u a r ie s I O b it u a r ie s I O b it u a r ie s //jj^newsca I O b it u a r ie s K GROH, Wilson Bruce Sadly, on Thursday, May 25, 2017 at the age o f 86, a fte r a b rie f hosp italiza tion at O akville Trafalgar M em orial Hospital, Bruce Groh, recently relocated to C hartwell O akville, le ft this w o rld w ith his niece W endy a t his bedside. He was pre-deceased by his parents Ivan and Nora Groh, his dear sister Joyce, her husband George Long and th e ir son Rev. Brian Long. He is survived by and w ill be g re a tly missed by niece W endy Long, husband Rod Barlow and great-niece Chelsea Barlow. Also survived by Brian's w id o w Nancy Long and th e ir children Noreen Hudson (her husband Alan Hudson, th e ir children Colby, Brian and Jack), Graham (his w ife Heather Long, th e ir children Noah, Isaac and Hannah), A n n e tte Long (her partner Tim M aynard) and Julie G orm ley (her husband Kirk, th e ir children M addie and Lily). Bruce was a graduate o f Class o f '52 a t Ryerson in Electrical and Electronic Technology. He had a long career w ith Canadian General Electric. He was know n in W oodstock, NB fo r radio station CJCJ and Bugle Publishing the w eekly newspaper. Later was a consultant w ith E.W Horrigan & Associates (broadcast consulting Engineers). He travelled extensively in his career m aking friends w herever he w e n t. He was kind and generous and touched a lo t o f people (fam ily and friends). A very private bachelor, w e w ill never kn o w h ow many. Please come and help us celebrate his life, at the HUK, Vera Joanne Loving W ife, M other, Nana and Great Nana. Passed away on Friday, June 2nd a fte r a prolonged illness a t th e age o f 81. Vera is survived by her husband John o f 62 years, sons; David (Rhonda) and Brian (Suzette), grandchildren; Steven (Sandi), Adrienne, Brody, (Alyssa) and M itchell, and g re at-grandchildren; Evan, Anastasia and Rosalie. V isita tio n was held at the Glen Oaks Funeral Home on Tuesday, June 6th. As per Vera's wishes, there w ill be no fo rm a l service. Crem ation has taken place and th e in te rm e n t w ill be held a t a later date a t the Glen Oaks Cemetery. In lieu o f flow ers, please make a d o n a tio n in m em ory o f Vera to yo u r fa vo u rite charity. PIKE, John Douglas Sadly, w e are announcing th a t on May 23, 2017 John Douglas Pike passed away a t th e Ian Anderson House. Prior to his passing he asked th a t the fo llo w in g be shared. SCOTT, Lawrence Jackson March 12, 1955 - June 2, 2017 Surrounded by his fam ily, Larry passed away peacefully in his 62nd year a fte r a courageous b a ttle w ith brain cancer. He is dearly loved by Donna, his w ife o f 40 years, and his children Laura, Amy, and Brandon. He is predeceased by his father, John, his m oth e r Joy, and his b ro th e r Allen. Survived by his b ro th e r M urray Scott and sister Jill Forrester-Fretz. An alum ni o f W ilfrid Laurier University (BAH Econ) and Queen's University, M BA class o f 1980, Larry had a successful career in banking in both T oronto and London, England w here he w orked fo r a num ber o f in te rn a tio n a l and Canadian banks, lastly as Head o f Scotia Capital M arkets Europe. On re tu rn in g to O akville in 2001, Larry to o k an early re tire m e n t before subsequently becoming involved in politics; President of Federal Conservative EDA and the O akville PC Party EDA before run n in g as the PC candidate fo r O akville in th e last tw o elections. Larry was an active leader w ith in the O akville com m unity. He was a m em ber o f th e investments com m ittee o f the O akville C om m unity Foundation, th e United W ay of O akville leadership team , and served on the Board of Governors o f W ilfrid Laurier University. A celebration o f life w ill be ta kin g place Saturday, June 10th, a t the O akville G olf Club, 1154 Sixth Line, fro m 1 - 3 p.m. In lieu o f flow ers, please consider a d o n a tio n to The Brain Tum our F oundation of Canada or Ian Anderson House. EBERSPAECHER, Alex Alex slipped away peacefully on Friday, M ay 26, 2017 a t his home in Oakville, O ntario. Born in Heilbronn, Germany, he g re w up d u rin g the w a r surrounded by vineyards. As a to o l-a n d -die m aker and schlosser, he w o rked in Germ any and Switzerland before im m ig ra tin g to Canada where he became a gam e w arden and then a m em ber o f th e M e tro T oronto Police Force fo r 28 years. R etirem ent fo u n d him heavily in to outdoor, w in e and travel w ritin g , having penned tw o books and all b u t the last chapter o f the th ird , the story o f his life in th e 1940's. A lex was a sto ry-te lle r and he had many stories to te ll. In Germany, A lex leaves his b ro th e r Bernd (Isolde), nieces Katja and Elvira and special cousins Steffen, A n n e tte and Jorg. He was pre deceased by his parents, W illi and Hilde and several aunts and uncles. Left behind to m ourn are daughters, Karen (George) and M ichelle (Scott) and grandchildren Shauna, Sydney, Michael and Lauren. He also le ft sons, Stefan and A n d re w w ith w o n d e rfu l m emories and enough advice and know ledge to g e t them th ro u g h life. His w ife , Judy, is fo re ve r indebted to Alex fo r th e ir incredible lifes' journey th a t to o k them to many corners o f the w o rld over alm ost 50 years. Always the best p a rt o f trave lling was com ing back to th e home and garden where fam ily and nature were so cherished. Crem ation has taken place and there w ill be no service, as requested by Alex. In lieu o f flow ers, if desired, donations can be made to W orld Spine Care in his memory. If you are reading this, I have passed away to join my beloved wife. I was born on October 20, 1938 in Toronto. My schooling started in Toronto at Norway Public School and then onto Melville. From here I moved to Scarborough and graduated from Winston Churchill High School. Lastly, I attended Ryerson Polytechnic Institute. After graduation, I married the love o f my life, Connie. In Toronto, my daughter Terri was born and my daughter Cheryl was born in Calgary. My career was spent with Control Data Canada where I worked as a Director, Computer Installation and Customer Service. I lived in Calgary, Alberta; Burnsville, Minnesota; Stouffville, Ontario; and finally Oakville, Ontario where I spent the rest o f my life. John w ill be sadly missed by his fam ily. A private fa m ily service has been held. In m em orial donations can be made on his b ehalf to Ian Anderson House in Oakville. Glen Oaks Funeral Home & Cem etery , address 3164 N inth Line, O akville, ON on Saturday, June 24, 2017 fro m 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. w here w e can g a the r to share stories over refreshments. O n-line condolences may be shared th ro u g h w w w .glenoaks.ca. In lieu o f flow ers, please donate to Heart and Stroke Foundation, Canadian W ild life Federation or the charity o f yo u r choice. MANES, Giuseppina It is w ith g re a t sadness th a t w e say goodbye to Giuseppina Manes. Passed away peacefully on Saturday, June 3, 2017, surrounded by all her beloved children and grandchildren. Giuseppina, in her 89th year. D aughter o f A dam o M an d o lin o and Teresa Dell'Osa. Sister o f Pietro M an d o lin o (Elena). Loving w ife o f th e late Cesare fo r 52 years. Loved and missed by all her children, Frank (the late Frances), A dam o (Lucy), M aria Assunta (Pasquale), Pasquale (M arquita), M ario (Finisia), Claudio (Mary), Theresa (Vincenzo) and Peter (Gianna). Lovingly rem em bered by 23 grandchildren and 20 g re a t grandchildren. V isita tio n was held at th e Kopriva Taylor Com m unity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West (one block east o f Kerr 905-844-2600), O akville fro m 3-5 and 7-9 p.m. Tuesday. Funeral mass was held Wednesday, June 7, 2017 at 10 a.m. a t Saint James Catholic Church, 231 M orden Road, Oakville. E ntom bm ent Glen Oaks M em orial Gardens. M em orial donations can be given to H am ilton and Halton A lzheim er F oundation, 1575 Upper O ttaw a Street, Suite 200, Ham ilton, O ntario. Visit o u r guest book th ro u g h w w w .koprivataylor.com ffirn ie m & e xm c j o n S a th m '* 2 > a ij We w ill be publishing a special I In M e m o r ia m s FATHER'S DAY IN M E M O R IA M the week o f Douglas Michael Smith June 28, 1977 - June 7, 2012 Five years have passed and much has changed. The pain and sorrow still remain. Time w ill never fade away o u r m emories and o u r love fo r you. We love you! We miss you! We w ill m eet again! Love, M om and Dad, yo u r "L ittle Princess" Vanessa, John, Robert and fam ilies N June 12, 2017. SPECIAL ON ALL M E M O R IA M S PLACED IN The O akville B e a v e r w o u ld like to e xp re ss s in c e re a n d h e a rt-fe lt c o n d o le n c e s to those w h o h ave lo s t th e ir lo v e d o n e s . 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