Wednesday, November 22, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B7 Arts & Entertainment Oakville BeaverA&E Editor Carol Baldwin 845-3824 (Ext. 254); Fax: 337-5567; E-mail: 'p e p p e rc o rn s N .Y. Steaks · P asta · Ribs " It' s what' s next" ...Downtown Oakville R eservations --845-8623 218 Lakeshore Rd. E. Oakville Oakville resident' s` p ersonal pleasure products'will be available at this annual Toronto show and sale B y M a ry C o lle tt SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Treat yourself to a sensual sensation by visit ing Booth P33 at this year's O ne o f a K in d C hristm as S h o w a n d Sale. O akville resident C herryl deV illiers-C ollins will be displaying her new line o f custom -created arom atherapy products at the T oronto show and sale, w hich opens tom orrow (T hursday) and runs until Dec. 3rd, at the N ational T rade C entre, E xhi bition Place. D eV illiers-C ollins' personal pleasure products, including bath salts, m assage oils, sprays, skin cream s and lotions, are all m ade from natural and healing herbs, oils and essences and loaded w ith Vitamin E. C urrently, she and a partner m anufacture and blend the products right in their ow n hom es under laboratory conditions, but dem and is increasing so rapidly, she feels they may soon be obligated to extend the operation to an outside facility. D eV illiers-C ollins also offers a line o f unique hand-m ade pillow s m ade from a w ide variety o f fabrics obtained both here and abroad. T he p il low s range in size from sm all "dream " pillow s to envelope-shaped cushions that are suitable for beds, chairs or sofas. T he pillow s, w hich feature a discreet pocket for a sm all red heart that is scent ed w ith a natural fragrance such as rose, pepper m int or lavender, have becom e so popular that deV illiers-C ollins c a n 't sew them fast enough. "I 've m ade 500 pillow s this year, no tw o exact ly alike, and I can hardly keep up w ith the dem and," she says. " R ight now, you should see my living room w here th e y 're all literally stacked end-to-end, w aiting for the craft show to begin." M any o f these distinctive pillow s are centered around a variety o f them es such as golf, anim als, angels, gardens, and C hristm as. T he heart-shaped insert included with every pillow, along with a bottle o f fragrant essential oil, carries its own personal history. "For years, my husband and I exchanged a heart back and forth that w ould travel w ith one us w henever w e w ent away separately," she recalls. "T hat little heart, ju st like the ones in these pil low s, w ent to Europe, A frica and the United States as a rem inder o f our feelings for each other." D eV ilfiers-C ollins developed her arom atherapy product line about a year ago, inspired by a course she took. "T he art o f arom atherapy has actually been around for about 2,000 years," she explains. "O nce I becam e involved with it, I found it so exciting I ju st w anted to share it with everyone." A lthough deV illiers-C ollins' interest in this ancient practice is fairly recent, her past helps account for her enthusiastic conversion. "I was bom and raised on a large property in South A frica and my grandfather w as a horticulturist," she explains. " So I 've alw ays had a great love for herbs and flow ers." D eV illiers-C ollins is proud that her products contain only pure natural ingredients, some obtained from distant locales. The lavender is im ported from France, the rose essential oil from Bulgaria. Since lavender is reputed to be very soothing and calm ing, it is the fragrance o f choice for the "dream " pillow s, especially those designed for sm all children. (See `Floral' on page B4) Photo by Peter C. McCusker Cherryl deVilliers-Collins will be selling her unique, handcrafted pillows with essential oil hearts at the O n e-o f-a -K in d C hristm as C raft S h o w a n d S a le, which opens tomorrow. L O O KG R E A TF O R1 H EH O U D A Y S You've tried everything... but you're still having trouble losing those unwanted pounds! If losing weight is your priority, Herbal Magic can make it happen! Our unique "No Hunger" weight loss plan allows you to lose weight without giving up all the foods you love. It's safe & effective!! BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULTATION NOW! ' Special price excludes product & enrollment fee F r e s h THE GIFT OF HEALTH Herbs, vitamins Gift packs made to order TO D EdO R Y6U R t ' 20% O FF any gift pack Expires Nov. 29/00 Choose from a large selection of B.C.Cedar,Bal sam, Pine, Hemlock, Fir, Boxwood Dogwood & Eucalyptus. W u ig la M ji 469-4532 1395 Abbeywood Rd. OAKVILLE (In the Bruno's Fine Foods plaza) 637-6019 175 Plains Rd. E. BURLINGTON (next to La feminique) M eet the Team A C O N T I N U I N G SERIES P R O F I L I N G TH E STAFF OF " C A N A D A ' S BEST C O M M U N I T Y N E W S P A P E R " M ary M acD on ald Mary has been a member of the accounting department for the past 5 months. Responsi ble for accounts receivable, Mary enjoys interacting with customers and the various departments at the paper. She enjoys baseball, skating and reading when not balancing the books at the Beaver. day is busy and challenging and dealing with customers is a pleasure Even though I've only been with the Oakville Beaver a short time, the staff here have made me feel welcome and comfortable." "I very much enjoy working in the accounting department. Every- AGRAM GARDEN CENTRE located on the comer of Highway # 5 and 9th Line - Entrance off 9 th Line. (9 0 5 ) 2 5 7 -3 5 7 7 ( Hwy #5 VEntrance co\ C zd' \ r 9" Line H w y #5 -- * C AN AD A'S BEST C O M M U N IT Y NEWSPAPER 2000 CCNA Better Newspapers Competition O pen 7 P a y $ a W e e k , 8 a M - 5 p m Conveniently located off 9th Line! U p p er M id d le d JX All Specials are while quantities last, unless a t her wise stated. ONE STOP CH R ISTM AS S H O P P E g g