D5 BONUS! A ll classified ads appear @ wwwOakvillebeaver.com The site y o u r com m u n ity clicks on ! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 M ON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. Circulation: 845-9742 Real Estate 100-165 · Rentals 170-196 Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 400-465 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 6 0 0-67 5 · Services 700-800 EN N IS C LA R E on the Lake526 9 .900. Best price in the building. 24 hour security guard. Wonderful facilities. 2 bedroom 1.400sq.ft. Large balcony with view of lake. Available immediate. Sharon Yates. Royal L e P age 9 05 828-1122__________________ R A R E Find! 1 4 0 0 .sq.ft D ra m a tic 1 flo o r pla n w/ palladium windows, french doors to deck. Gas F/P, 3 bedroom , 2 ba th s. 5 a p p lia n ce s . end unit. $ 1 6 9 ,9 0 0 . 5 .9 % m o rtgage available. Burlington 9 05 921-8495__________________ W E s p e c ia lize in C o n d o m inium S a le s . C a ll Lin da D avies R e a l E s ta te Ltd., Realtor. (905)333-4347 Burlington Towers The H o te l A lte rn a tiv e FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES · · · · F urnished D esigner A p artm en ts Fully E q u ip p ed Kitchens M agnificent In d o o r Pool S auna & Fitness C entre Home fjo r th e ttodidotys DOUBLE ESTATE AUCTION SALE For the Estates of Oram Acker and Paul Black Saturday, November 25 at 10 a.m., Preview 9 a.m. Milton Optimist Hall, 311 Commercial St., Milton, Ontario AUCTION SALE for Mike Beasley Saturday, N ovem ber 25th at 10:00 A.M. Sale to be held in the Agricultural Hall on Robert St., Milton Fairgrounds, Milton. Preview starts at 9 A.M. A u c tio n e e r - D o n C o llin g (9 0 5 )8 7 7 -0 1 1 7 career training career training CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect S t. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited Partial List of Features Oak bow side china cab w/lion carving, Exc. Mahog. diningroom suite, outstanding Oak barrister 4 section stacking bookcase made in Peterborough, Ig. Mahog bedroom suite, Oak country kitchen table w/pressed back chairs, Oak and Victorian side chairs, Walnut kingsize bedroom suite, elegant Provincial coffee and end tables, Cherry breakfast table, nice curio cabinet, too much exc. furniture to list in this ad, Hutch and Reuther dinner service, Victorian gerundles, Nippon cocoa pot/set, ginger jar, Ig. crystal pcs., Flo blue pcs., Cranberry, Singer featherweight sewing machine (mint) #221, 2 Violins/bows, ladies beautiful Raccoon coat, oil lamps, blue design crocks (3), Exc. paintings and prints, several older oriental rugs, Royal Doulton fig., several arts and craft pcs., Exc. buggy wheel table (very unusual), nice lighting, oil lamps, fancy linens, Victorian Cranberry muffiniere, Victorian Cranberry perfume bottle, exceptional Flo Blue chamber pot, 8 fluted Victorian Cranberry epergne, mint portrait on Ivory, much, much more. Ladies and Gentlemen plan to attend this fine sale from 2 good local estates. Approx. 350 lots, good from start to finish. Larger listing available on request. Directions: 401 to Hwy. 25 S. at Milton, to Main St. L., then R. on Commercial. Terms: Cash, Visa, MC, Debit. Temperature controlled hall & delivery. 1285 Ontario St. 639 · 8583 Open 7 Days per Week w w w .o n tim .c o m · b to w e rs @ la ra .o n .c a T IM E share sale. St. P e tersburg Beach. 1-bdrm w / balcony overlooking beach. 3rd w e e k in J an u ary. $ 2 5 0 0 .C an. 2-bdrm townhou s e . s le e p s s ix, on b e a c h . 4th w ee k in J an u ary. $ 3 5 0 0 .Can. Both fully equipped. Available 2 001. 827 -0 78 2 I items under $100. B E A V E R C h a in s a w 1 4 ' $75.; 331-3046.____________ B IK E , boys, mountain tour, (ages 8 -11) 1 year old $45 firm. 631 -1 72 9 _____________ B O X IN G h e a vy bag $ 50 331-7561__________________ C H E S T E R F IE L D ,g o ld demask, good condition, no smokers pets or kids. $100 335 -5 27 9 __________________ C H IL D 'S k itc h en ette, with sink, sto ve , ov e n , cupboards $20. 335-6971 D R Y E R , G .E .. heavy duty, g a s . good w orking condition, $99. 847-9602_________ F R E E fire w o o d , dry cut, you pick up. a pprox. 4 cords. (905)528-9071 M A G N A S O N IC 1 3 ' C o lour TV $95.; 331-3046. M IR R O R , large, nice wood fram e. Like new $95 . Call 5 72-7166._________________ N O R D F R O S T snow tires 1 8 5 /6 5 R 1 5 . on rim s. $99.99. 335-5361__________ O N E square coffee & end ta b le . B le a c h ed oak. $ 7 5 335-7066__________________ P IC N IC table, large octagonal, $100 331-7561 P O O L table- 4 X8'. 3 sets of balls. 6 cues, wall rack, and a c c e s s o r ie s . $ 9 5 .0 0 (905)257-0696.____________ S A F E T Y 1 s t- The B ounc ing B uggy, used 3x. $ 75 . 631-1251__________________ SNOW THRO W ER M TD 2 1 ` $95 ; 331-3046.________ V IK IN G upright fre e z e r $100 firm. 681 -0 05 3 VO LVO snow tires. Blizzak. 195/65R 15. on nms. $99.99 335-5361__________________ W A L L unit, dark brown. 2 levels. 2 glass doors, lighted. $100. 681-2972________ W A S H E R 4 gas dryer. G ood w orking condition. $80 Both. 465-3904________ W A S H E R , Kenm ore heavy duty, $100. 331-7561 W EIGHT System. York 2000 universal $100 331-7561 W O R K O U T bench, Incline/ decline. Butterfly leg lift. Bar press 4 pull down a tta c h ment $100 335-5279 M O V IN G , M U S T S E LL by weekend. Best offers for di ningroom set. kitchen set. sofa, desks, dressers, exer cise. patio set. m ore 3 3 5 6325______________________ N O R D IC T R A C K e xe rc ise m achine, hardly used, e x c elle n t condition, $ 3 7 5 . firm! Call 332-7949,________ P E N T IU M 200M hz w/ W indows '98. Packard Bell w /1 4 ' monitor. Perfect for stu den t. $ 4 5 0 . ( 9 0 5 ) 6 8 1 0093, leave message._______ P IA N O , old er m ahog any, e x c e lle n t condition, $ 1 ,0 0 0 .. w all unit, larg e , w hite. $ 2 8 0 .. garage door opener. Sears, almost new $100.. fridge W estinghouse 2 y e a rs . 18 cu. ft., w hite $500. washer/dryer, Ken m ore 8 0 S e rie s . 2 yea rs white $700. 8 4 4 -0 0 1 7 after 6pm____________ 1 0 0 0 'S of yards of carpet for s ale . C a ll Scott (905)639-2200_____________ S A N Y O m icrow ave, pool ta b le 4 x8'. sofa 4 cha ir, la zy -b o y . s to ve. BBQ . (905)-849-3526____________ S O L ID pine 6 -d ra w e r d ouble b u re a u , m irror 4 night table. $350. Excellent condition. (905)844-6884 SONY DVD p la y e r D V P S 3 6 0 . N ew $ 3 9 1 .6 4 s ave $ 1 2 5 .8 5 w w w .borderfree.com/savedvd SUPER Special Save up to 30% on decorato r fabrics! P ay no G S T ! Love your fu rn itu re ... h ate your c o lours? Sofa 4 matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $ 4 4 8 . C ha irs from $ 1 9 9 . Free Estimates. Senior Dis counts. Fields Quality Cus tom U ph o lste rin g . 9 -9 , (905)632-9090 ^ industrial /commercial space Ready To Start Your Own Business? If you are receiving E.l. benefits and reside in the Peel, Halton or Dufferin area IN E X P E N S IV E w arehouse space: U n h e a te d 1 0 0 0 '. H e ate d , sprinklered. truck level doors. 60.000' or less c/w 3 o v e rh e ad c ra n e s. 2 1 0 0 ' & 1 4 0 0 '. Joe Luyk, (905)845-7597, Ext.242 L .T . G re e n w in K | ) L `| houses for rent oilers 1&2 Bdrm Suites Avail. Irom $795. at Prime Burlington Locations: O F F IC E /R E T A IL s pace for lease in beautiful Down town M ilto n. 5 0 0 sq. feet with parking, call Mike 9053 1 9 -3 2 4 0 , E -m a il sst@icom ca. W A T E R D O W N c o m m e r cial buildin g 3 5 M ain St. N orth. 1 .0 0 0 sq. ft. a v a il a b le on m ain flo o r, (p r e sen tly s et for c a fe ) C a ll Donna 689-4516.__________ M A ID S e rv ic e F ra n c h is e . G reat established territory W oodbridge to M ark h a m . P ri«e low due to h ealth re a so n s. C a ll 4 1 6 -6 8 8 1 290 or toll fre e 1 -8 7 7 -4 my-mops. 511 Guelph Line (at New St.) 637-9725, and 505 Locust St. (at Brant & Ontario) H O M E S to rent w/option to buy. or c re a tiv e financing a va ila b le to fa c ilita te pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, A sso c. B ro k e r. (9 0 5 )6 3 9 5 2 5 8 R e /M a x E sc a rp m en t Realty Inc., Realtor_________ Q U A IN T , cosy country b u n g a lo w . 4 -b e d ro o m s . A ppliances optional. Pool. C edar Springs/ No.2 Sideroad. D e c .1st. $ 1 5 0 0 /m o .+ utilities. (905)336-2757 E X E C U T IV E hom e. O a k v ille , S h o rt term . R iv e r O aks. 3 50 0 sq. ft. 4 -b ed room s. e n s u ite . w alk-in c lo s e ts . 4 -b ath ro o m s , airconditioned. 2 -c a r garage openers, fenced backyard, c o m p le te , n ew ly fin ish e d lo w e r le v e l, on e bedroom nanny suite $2600 plus utilitiesmonthly Decem ber 1. M a p le L e a f H M C Inc. 8 4 2 -8 38 3 __________________ 8TH Ln/Hw y.5. Brand new 3 -b d rm . B acks onto park. N e a r all a m e n itie s . G a rage. Im m e d iate . $ 2 0 0 0 ./ m o. plus u tilitie s . N onsmokers. 339 -2 67 6 ________ E X E C U T IV E ho m es . B u r lington south and Oakville north, 4-bedrooms. 5 baths, main floor den, familyroom. P ool. Im m e d iate Long / short term. 6 3 7 -0 88 0 _______ B U R L IN G T O N R e n tals: Large ranch, 2 car garage. C /A , fire p lac e . $ 1 4 0 0 /m o .; 3-bedroom , 2 storey condo townhouse. rec.room, 1-1/2 baths. $989/m o. Albert M c D onagh L td .. R e a lto r. (905)632-5690_____________ S .W . O a k v ille , b e a u tifu l bungalow, large corner lot, 3+1 bedrooms, eat-in kitch e n , h uge fin is h e d b a s e ment. pool, garage, walk to la k e . D e c e m b e r 1st. $ 17 0 0 /m o n th . referen ces. (905)-469-1714 We Can Help! We provide 52 weeks of training, mentoring and income support · through the NORM WEBSTER Central Ontario Auctioneers Inc., For further information call Heather Friesen 905-704-8519 333-9008 B U R L IN G T O N , la k e fro n t v ery n ic e g rou nd flo o r 2bdrm . 2 -b a th a p a rtm e n t. N e w c a rp e t th ro u g h o u t. V ie w la k e from ba lc o n y . $ H 0 0 ./m o . A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly . C a ll 9 0 5 - 4 6 7 7358_______________________ B U R L IN G T O N - fu rn ish e d basem ent apartm ent, sep a ra te e n tra n c e , llau n d ry facilities. Parking. Decem ber 1st. No smoking/ pets. (905)634-1201,__________ B U R L IN G T O N - L a rg e 2 be d ro o m a p a rtm e n t in clean quiet building. P ark ing. C all S an d ra 9 0 5 -6 3 4 5604_______________________ B U R L IN G T O N : A p p leb y . W a lk to G O , la rg e 2 -b e d room basem ent apartm ent. All utilities, parking. S epar ate entrance. Non-smoker, no pets $756/m onth. Im mediate. 3 3 3 -7 17 3 _________ 1 -B E D R O O M near Jo seph Brant H ospital, quiet b u ild in g , u tilitie s paid. P arkin g $ 4 7 5 ./m o . (9 0 5 ) 547 -8 14 8 __________________ O N E -B E D R O O M base m e n t a p a rtm e n t. O a k v ille cen tre, w alk to G O . s e p a rate entrance, cab le, park ing. A/C, No smoking/pets. Single person. January 1. S595/month 8 4 4 -2 47 0 142 B e d ro o m S u ite s a m ong re fin e d te n a n ts in luxury b u ild in g s c lo s e to Burlington M all. C a ll "The P rin c e s s ' , (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -8 0 0 9 ; The Regency. 681-8115 N O R T H S H O R E T o w e rs . 1 -B e d ro o m . J a n /F e b . $ 7 5 0 .; 2 -B e d ro o m . F e b / M ar . $ 8 5 0 . Utilities includ ed. No Pets. Quiet Building. D ia n e . 9 a m -7 p m . 6 8 1 1307* Burl_________________ Q U IE T , C o n v e n ie n t. W e llMaintained! 3 055 Glencrest Rd . Burlington. V ery sp a cious 2-b edroom . D ec. 1st. (905)637-3921 I rentals 3 -B E D R O O M m a is o nettes in North Burlington. A vailable Dec. 1st/ J a n .1st. $ 9 2 5 /m o + h y d ro . C all Cherie (905)681-3146 Self-Em ploym ent Assistance Program Funded by Human Resources Development Canada Call The Mentor Group at (905) 874-9861 information sessions December 4th - 8th, 2000 Call Now! FRAMED PRINT & MIRROR 510 general help wanted 510 general help wanted TW O Acres prim e real e s tate in fast- grow ing town 30 miles from Toronto. Two existing businesses + d e velopment potential. Owner retiring. $ 1 .2 m illio n . (905)875-8028 FACTORY OPEN TO TH E P U B LIC 4 D A YS ONLY W H O LESA LE PRICES L o t s o f P i c t u r e s 8c M i r r o r s Thur. | | f I Fri. Sat. Sun. Nov 23 Nov 24 Nov 25 Nov 26 5:00pm-9:00pm 5:00pm-9:00pm 10:00am-5:00pm 11:00am-5:00pm 1 | | N E W gas station openings (Oakville- 3rd Line/ Speers) Full-tim e- M idnights 11 pm7 am or P a rt-tim e D ays 7 a m -3 p m . (S ta rt $ 8 ./h r) C a ll 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 6 1 4 7 . fax 905-799-6200 Pam /Cyril W a re h o u s e pe rs o n re quired full-time. Valid driv e r's lic e n s e . O rg a n iz e d , m e c h a n ic a lly in c lin e d , so m e h e a v y liftin g . W ill train. Call 905-465-4111 SHIPPER, RECEIVER/ DISPATCH For auto, parts whole sale. Knowledge of keeping small parts in order. Good knowledge ol Oak/Burl /Miss Able to lift 50lbs. Call John Bloom, 2-4: Halton Auto Electric 281 Speers Rd, Oak. U P G R A D E D 1 .2 & 3 Bdrm Apts with s ce n ic v iew s a v a ila b le at tw o prim e downtown Burlington loca tions. B e au tifu l grounds. P ro fes s io n ally m a n a g e d . 4 7 8 P ea rl St. (9 0 5 )6 3 2 1643; 4 7 7 E liz a b e th S t.. (905)634-9374______________ O A K V IL L E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Drive. 1-bedroom . Jan. 1st. $ 7 6 0 ./m o plus p arking. (905 )84 4 -90 0 6 ; 205 Queen M ary D rive . 3 -b e d ro o m . D e c .1st; U tilities included. (905)844-9670______________ O A K V IL L E . 2 bedroom apartm ent. M a m floor, tri plex All am e n ities , la u n dry. D e c .1st. $ 9 7 5 ./m o * electricity. Parking. (9 0 5 )845-9088._________________ 2 -B E D R O O M S : $ 7 9 0 ./ mo. (U tilitie s in c lu d e d ). 2386 New Street at Guelph Lin e. O ffice O pen 9 -4 p m . Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 W H IT E O a k s . O a k v ille . S pacious 1& 2 B e d ro o m * den. from $1090/m o .; Dec/ Jan. W ell- m aintained com plex. full rec. fac ilitie s in cluding indoor pool, sunken livingroom.. some with fire place! C a ll J e a n n e tte . (905)815-1628_____________ F R E S H L Y D e c o ra te d : 1& 2 Bedroom s- some 2-level! Jan./Feb. Low-rise building, Garden like setting. Private la n dscaped patios. (B u r lin g to n ). 1 46 0 T y a n d a g a P ark D r. (9 0 5 )3 3 6 -0 0 1 6 ; 1 440 T y a n d a g a P a rk Dr. (905)336-0015_____________ L A R G E bedroom b a s e m ent a p a rtm e n t, open kitchen w/livingroom, cable, parking, laundry. D e c .1st. $ 6 6 0 /m o B ra n t/ Q E W . , (905)507-4360._____________ D O W N T O W N B urlington. 2 -B d rm Apts A v a ila b le J an u ary. Freshly pain te d , som e with new kitchen cabinetry! W ell maintained, quiet building. W a lk to shopping. H o s p ita l. Lake! Call (905)637-0321__________ C O S Y 1-b ed ro o m g a rd e n apartm ent suitable for one non -s m o k e r. N e a r S h e ri dan $ 6 5 0 /m o . inc lu d e s utilities, laundry, parking. Feb. 1st. (905)845-8161 G E O R G IA N A p a rtm e n ts . D e c ./J a n . 2 -B e d ro o m s . H eat/ hydro included. Park ing extra . (N o p e ts) B u r lington. 6 3 9 -0 4 5 6 . M -F: 9am-4pm & 6.30-8pm B R O N T E - G o rg e o u s re n ovated 1-bedroom in small building n e a r ha rb o u r, $850/m o. including utilities. available Jan 1st. 632-4284 O LD O a k v ille - B e au tifu lly m aintainted quiet building. No lease. 1-bedroom $950/ mo.; 2-bedroom. $1225Vmo. inclusive. Step out to shop. Lots of seniors-Call 905-8458254, message_____________ B R IG H T one be d ro o m bas em e n t a p a rtm e n t in Central Burlington. Parking, laundry, cab le, heat & h y dro. All inclusive. $765/m o. Avail Dec 1 Call after 5pm. 905-319-1681 L A K E S H O R E / D orv a l 2 bedroom b a s e m e n t- S e p erate entrance, share laun dry. non-smoker. $980 in clusive. Im m ediate. 9 05 339-3666__________________ C O R E B urlin g to n . 2 -b e d room s. D e c .1 s t/ J a n .1st. $ 8 9 5 /m o .+ parking. C able & utilitie s inc lu d e d . F irs t/ last. C all D on n a to v ie w . (905)639-1960_____________ N E A R B u rlo ak. 2-b d rm basement apartment of du plex. 4 appliances, parking. $660/m o. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. (905)632-5690 Macintosh Performa 5215 CD Computer Includes 75MH3 power PC, 8mb ram expand able to 64MB, 1 GB Hard Disk, 1.4 MB floppy disk drive, b u ilt-in quad spped CD ROM, stereo speakers and m ic ro phone, 16 bit sound: 15 inch m onitor. B uilt-in tax m odem, speaker phone & answ ering machine, keyboard and mouse, Hewllett Packard D esk-w riter p rinter. Preinstalled software and several CD ROM titles included A ll manuals available. Asking $1,000 0B0. call 3316874 lor appointment. T H E W a te rb e d G alle ry Store C losing S ale. 3 350 Fairview Street. Burlington. Everything Must Go. 639-5600 W Y N N E U n iv e rs a l hom e gym. 6 station gym. brand new . N ew $ 1 5 0 0 . A sking $600. 331-9553 C E L A D O N 4 3 5 0 M a in w a y D r., B u r lin g t o n B e tw e e n W a lk e r's L n & A p p le b y L n · 3 3 5 - 6 4 4 4 East Plains United Church seeks CARETAKER Part-time work with flexible hours. Salary negotiable. Send resume to: Church Office, 375 Plains Rd. E., Burlington, On L7T2C7 (905)845-2118 A D D E D Touch offering the fo llo w in g s ea s o n a l parttim e positions: W arehouse C le rk ; C u s to m e r Service O p erato r; R e ta il S ales C le rk . A pply in person: 1111 North Service Rd.E . Oakville (east of Trafalgar), M on.-Fri., 11-8; Sat. Noon4. Fax; (905)338-1486. ad m in© addedtouch.com. Ask for Rudy, Lee or Garrett A N T IQ U E Shop requires E xecutive Assistant. Must know S im p ly Accounting. R e q u ired full tim e. Also requiring 2 part time sales people for weekends. Some antique knowledge an asset C a ll 9 0 5 -3 3 9 -3 8 0 1 or fax resume to 905-339-2252 GROUNDSKEEPER. Fulltim e. Mon - Fri. Trafal g a r R o a d . N orth of Q EW Early morning start. Fax re sume; (905)815-1627 O A K V IL L E - 2 4 3 B e d room townhouses available J a n .1st. 4 appliances. Hop e d a le M all a re a . L a k e s h o re M a n a g e m e n t, (905)876-3336 Snow Plow trucks for sale 2001 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab. Sport. 3.9L, V-6. Red color. New Won in lottery. 905-502-8313 careers S E N IO R C .Y .W - L e v el 3 w orkers re q u ire d full or part-time at new and exist ing ado le s c en t residential programs in Halton Region Post secondary education in C h ild C a re or re la te d field required. Experience in residential setting an as set. Fax resum e 9 0 5 -8 4 7 2793_______________________ A R T H U R M u rray D a n c e C entre seeking to fill posi tions as O ffic e M a n a g e r, A d m in is tra tiv e A s sis ta n t and R e c e p tio n is t. Full or part-tim e. If you enjoy b e ing in a p rofessional, fun, m u sica l, p e o p le o rie n te d a tm o s p h e re p le a s e sen d resum e: 9 L a k e s h o re Rd-W., Oakville. L6K 1C6 O P T O M E T R IS T 'S A s s is tant- Full-time. Friendly, re liable. required for Oakville p ra c tic e. O p tic al e x p e ri en c e p re fe rre d . Fa x re sume 905-842-1738 O w n er/O p erato r rqr'd by construction firm lor the 2000-2001 season Must have a min. 7.5' plow & be available to plow in S/W Elobicoke &/or S/E Oakville Interested candidates please c a ll ACCOUNT COORDINATOR Growing m anufaclurer of private label bath & body care products is looking lor an individual with a business or mar keting degree and 3-5 years ol M arketing & Sales experience to handle detail oriented custom er accounts. You must have a strong w orking knowledge ol M icrosoft Olfice. For ward resum es Box 4396, M ississauga News, 3145 Wolfedale, Mississauga, L5C 3A9 3 -B d rm 2 -L e v e l Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr , Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. 1 99 2 Ford E xp lo re r. 2door, 4x4. excellent condi tion, certified, new tires, exhaust. $5990. 632 -2 58 8 eve /weekends. career training C H R IS T M A S G IF T ! G ive yourself the gift of a career! ·Office Administration ` Net work Technician · W ebsite D e v e lo p e r. C o m p u ter T ra in in g and Job P la c e ment upon successful com pletion! F re e inform ation sessions: (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -3 4 9 9 . www.thecentre.on.ca (905) 842-0931 H O U S E K E E P IN G . T ire d of w orking e v e n in g s and w ee k e n d s ? Full & p a rttim e . Mon - F ri., 8 :3 0 a m 3 :3 0 p m - be hom e for the kids a fte r school! D rive r s license an asset. D uncare Cleaning (905)681-7600 P IZ Z A D e liv e ry D rivers Needed immediately. Full & part-tim e. H ourly*. Various lo c a tio n s in B u rlin g to n / Oakville. Call (905)979-1231 C O U R IE R / BROKERS with own car required by A.I.S. Couriers to sort & deliver postal products in Oak. area. Approx. $1600/mo. Call 6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 E X E C U T IV E C ondo townhouse. North O akville. 2 300 sq.ft., 3-bedroom s, 21 /2 b a th s, fa m ily ro o m . 5 a p p lia n c e s , fire p la c e , air, g arage D ec./Jan $ 1 6 7 5 / m o .+ u tilitie s . T ra fa lg a r P ro p e rty M a n a g e m e n t. W arren Hill, (905)338-1130 L A R G E 3 4 4 b edroom s. F e b .1st. From $ 1 1 2 9 ./m o. (+ u tilitie s ). 5 ap p lian ces, g a ra g e , p a rk -lik e s etting . L ongm oor D r. B urlington. (905)681-0070_____________ $ 1 ,3 0 0 ./M O N T H Executive Freehold. 2 bedroom townho m e. 2 -1 /2 ba th s. M am floor laundry. F/P. En-suite with w hirlpool tub. Large d eck. C /A . A v a ila b le Dec. 15th. 639-4317________ B U R L IN G T O N . Luxury 3 4 4 be d ro o m to w n h o u s es with family room and 3 ap pliances. 1300 4 1600 sq:ft. plus b a s e m e n t, fe n c e d in backyard. $ 1100 4 $1200 u tilitie s . P arkin g . $ 4 0 .(905)639-0950 N O R T H Burlington. Lo v e ly 3 -b e d ro o m to w n h o u s e. 1 -1 /2 baths, finished base m ent. garage. 2 applianc es. No pets $1100/m o. + utilities. Dec. 1st. (905)5263066. 335-0430 evenings YTYT L U X U R Y ' N ew ' 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Hom es. T V , V C R . 6 a p p lia n c e s , s te re o , 1 -3 b a th s, h e a lth centre, security. Pets okay. D a ily . W e e k ly . M o n th ly . $ 1 2 9 5 -2 9 9 5 / m onth. V is a. M a ste rC a rd . A m ericanE x. Call 6 81 -RENT (7355) L/M A P P L IA N C E S - I ridge, 2 door; S tove; M a yta g a u tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartm ent set. U nder W arranty. (905)637-8328 A N T IQ U E , French P rovin cial. walnut trimmed match ing couch and chair. $200. (905) 336-1669_____________ B E A U T IF U L B aby G rand piano. Excellent condition. $ 2 ,4 5 0 .0 0 C a ll 9 0 5 -2 2 7 9458_______________________ B E D S , N ew - C om plete: Double. $220; Queen. $240. C om plete with fram e. Free Delivery. Call (905)681-9496 C A R P E T . I ha v e s ev e ra l 1 ,0 0 0 yards of new S tain master 4 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom 4 hall for $349. Includes carpet, pad 4 installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902______________ C A R P E T /F L O O R IN G : In need of new flooring? Call the store that comes to your door. C hoose from a fine selection of sam ples m our m obile showroom . Mill d i rect pricing, free estimates, senior's discount. Martin s Carpet. 9-9 Mon-Sat. 3 3 3 1885_______________________ D IN IN G R O O M set. teak. 4 c h a irs , ta b le , hutch with glass door. $ 20 0 .. 3 glasstop tab le s $ 5 /e a c h , Y ork e xe rc ise m achin e, built-in stepper $75. 689-1350 E N T E R T A IN M E N T unit (so lid o a k ), sofa 4 chair, from ' H o u s e W a rm in g s ' R e ta il $ 4 ,0 0 0 . A sking $2500. 815-0708___________ E X C E P T IO N A L a ntique grandfather clock. Serious inquires only. 570-2019 F R E E E s tim a te s ... Got w obbly or broken chairs? W eak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam ? T ired looking wood finishes?... then call Fields for all furniture repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090 F R ID G E S a nd sto ves, washer 4 dryers. Like new Delivered. 549-1911________ F R ID G E , K enm ore. white 4 years old. Like new. $500 634 -8 31 3 __________________ G O L F c lubs. 1 y e a r old. Ladies LH. great starter set $100 obo. 333-1948 H E A L T H Y C hristm as Fare w ith a fla irl N utritionist presents delicious recipes. $ 5 0 . includes tasting and surprises. Call (9 0 5 )-6 3 4 7362 _______________ M IR R O R E D closet doors. $ 5 0 . M ust be p icked up. 633 -9 16 4 __________________ M O V IN G o v e rs e a s s a le N orth B urlington. Sat. N o v .2 5 . 8 a m - 1 pm . S ee w e b s ite for d etails: www. geodties.com\ movingtoaussie_____________ M O V IN G S a le - K itchen a p p lia n c e s 4 household fum. Fridge, stove, washer, d ry e r 4 m ic ro w av e . B est offer at 681 -0 04 4 F U R N IS H E D B urlington Luxury! 1 6 2 bedrooms from $ l.2 9 5 /m o . all u tilitie s in cluded. Im m ediate. Short/ lon g-term a v a ila b le . (9 0 5 ) 632-8354; (905)632-6189. W A N TE D All-China. Silver. C ry s ta l, c a m e ra / audio e q u ip m e n t, sew in g m a c h in e s ... D oulton . M oorcroft.Q uilts, G lass. W atch es. dolls, paintings, collecti bles. e states. John/Tracy905-331-2477______________ P A IN T IN G S , A ntiques W anted: Furniture. G lass. C hin a. S ilver Ring Boxes. A ddison radio s. E states purchased. Karl (9 0 5 )6 8 1 6939-Burimgton.____________ Dispatcher Rep. With solid knowledge ol Customer Service & Microsoft. Working knowledge of Microsoft Office, e-mail, phone etiquette & great organizational skills. Able to work wknds & shift flexibility essential E -M a il: Phone 2pm-6pm (905) 338-2069 D R IV E R S and Inspectors required for Toronto Auto A uctions. Phone John P arm . 9 0 5 -8 7 5 -2 9 1 5 , ext 2 248 or fax resume to 905875-3219______________ ___ C U R V E S for W om en F it ness C e n tre . O a k v ille , is now accepting applications Must be energetic, self-mo tiv a te d . have personality and love to work with peo ple. E xperience or educa tion in P.E.. nutrition or cus to m e r service preferred Shifts available: 7 a m -lp m & 3p m -8p m . Fax resum e (905)842-3914 Energy Advantage Inc. is a rapidly growing energy management company. Our clients are a diverse group of energy users in Canada and the US. The following position is available: E N E R G YA C C O U N TA N A L Y S T Reporting to the Manager, Client Services, your primary duty will be the generation of client energy-use reports utilizing in-house proprietary software. You have strong data management and computer skills (Microsoft Word, Excel, Access). The position requires good organization and the ability to meet deadlines in a fast paced environment. Some familiarity with natural gas and electricity utility bills, and accounting would be an asset. Please forward your resume to: CO RPO RATE R e s i d e n c e ... 1 -b edroom & 2be d ro o m + o ffic e S u ite s. Lake or escarpm ent views. Short term availability. Fully fu rn is h e d / e q u ip p e d - T V . V C R . e tc . O ffic e s upport systems on-site. Maid serv ice available. Com plete fit ne s s fa c ilitie s . S ec u rity. From $ l7 0 0 /m o . Fa m ily units a ls o a v a ila b le . (905)63fr-8583_____________ B C K T I Ifirewood G U A R A N T E E D dry 100% hardw ood. 'O n ta rio 's la r g est F irew ood re tail. M a rc 's Q u ality Firew o o d . (905)-257-6366_____________ resume@cancable.com Fax:(905)634-1156 IM M E D IA T E N ig h t S hift Needed: Mon., Tues.. Wed.. Thrus., M idn ight-8am D u tie s include: s ervin g c u s to m e rs . g e n e ra l c are of sto re., suitable for seniors as w ell. P a rt-tim e w e e kends also available W age n e g o tia b le A pply in p e r son with resume: Esso Tig er E x p re s s . 8 7 5 A ppleby Line. Burlington W ANTED e xp e rie n c e d n a il te c h / e s th e tic ia n for busy spa in Milton. Flexible hours a v a ila b le . C all 8 7 5 0 5 0 8 to a rra n g e an in te r view or fax resume to 8 75 3402 Energy A dvantag e Inc. 1 9 9 3 B o n n e v ille , g re e n , tan leather, sports package. 1 ow n e r. 2 3 0 K , highw ay driven, excellent condition. 847-8355._________________ 1 99 4 L IN C O L N C o n tin e n tal. green, loaded, certified, w ell m a in ta in ed . 18 1K $6800. Call (905)-467-2399 1 9 8 9 H O N D A C ivic D X. excellent condition, very re liab le. 5 -speed. E -tested. new bra k e s. $ 2 4 0 0 . 8 2 5 9037______________________ 1 99 2 V olvo 2 4 0 W a gonBlack, Approx. 190,000km . excellent condition. C erti fie d / E m ission tes te d . $11,900. 905-849-6948 1998 Ford Tauras S E. like new . e x te n d e d w arranty. 89,000krns. new tires. V-6. fully equipped. AM -FM cas sette. C D stacker. Certified. $13.499 827-0464 ______ 1 9 9 4 P ontiac G ra n d AM SE, one owner, lady driven, certified. E-tested. new tires and brakes, black w/black. asking $6900. 336-0995 1 9 9 7 Ford P robe G T brand new tire s / bra k e s. Fully loaded. 1 20,000km . $11,500. 331-8072________ 1 9 9 5 C h rs y le r Intre p id , original owner. 135,000 kms. Loaded. Certified. Emission tested. Excellent condition. $8,900. 905-849-6686 1 997 Chrysler Cirrus, blue, fully loaded, excellent con dition. 2 years warranty. $13,995.Call(905)469- 1714, 1 9 9 7 H onda A ccord E X. auto, ps/pl. 118K. ext. w ar ranty to 160K . $ 1 6 ,9 0 0 . Phone evenings. (90 5 )68 9 9154___________________ 1989 VW Golf GTI. 16 valve. 5-spd. 194K (m ostly.high w ay) W e ll-m a in ta in e d . C e rtifie d . E -te s te d . Firm : $ 45 0 0 . with stereo $40 0 0 . without. Call Rob. (905)6896106 C r e d e n t ia l G r o u p ( C G ) is a r a p id ly g r o w in g w e a lt h ^ condom inium s for rent W E D G E W O O D - Condo. W a lk e rs L in e / M a in w a y . Brand new . im m aculate, 1 bedroom +den. C /A . 5 ap pliances. Parking. Balcony, s to ra g e . 13' c e ilin g . R e c. C e n tre on site. N o -s m o k ing/ pets. $ 9 7 5 ./ +utilijies. 416-737-5524______________ " L A K E W IN D S " G o rg eo u s 2-bedroom + den. balcony, la k e v ie w . 5 a p p lia n c e s . W ould p re fe r no sm oking, no pe ts. $ l4 0 0 /m o . incl. D e c .1st. Call L.Davies R E. Ltd., (905)333-4347_________ N E W C ondo in Burlington. 2-bedrooms, 2 baths, upper floor w /ground level entry. G as fire p lac e . 6 a p p lia n c e s . G a te d co m m u n ity. Jan. 1st. (905)331-7564 I houses for rent E X E C U T IV E new p ro p e r tie s . im m e d ia te . 5 a p p lia n c e s . d o u b le g a ra g e , c e n tr a l a ir. r e fe r e n c e s . D a v id P e g o re r R E /M A X (905)270-2000.____________ 690 D orval D r . , S uite 400 O akville, ON L6K 3W 7 Fax: (905) 337-2209 Attn: D onald B. M cLean E-M ail: m cle an @ e n e rq y .o n .c a Only candidates under consideration will be contacted. Enjoy Home Decor? Join our Team!! 2 reliable, energetic people needed immed. Part-time positions: Days, evenings & wee kends, approx. 15-20 hrs/wk. Hourly + comm. Apply with resume to: Covers (Window & Bed) Mapleview Centre Burlington P R IV A T E fu rn ish e d b e d sitting room , s ep arate e n tra n c e . no p a rk in g . D e c e m b e r 1st. S u it m ale $ 3 5 0 /m o n th inncludes cable. 8 45 -1 59 2 _____________ 8 T H Ln/Hw y.5. Brand new h o m e, room s a v a ila b le B acks onto park. N e ar all a m e n itie s . G a ra g e a v a il a b le . Im m e d ia te N onsmokers 339-2676________ L A R G E furnished room for rent in b a s em e n t. Use of kitchen, laundry. No smok ing . N e a r bus. Q u ie t. $ l0 0 /w e e k P ho n e 3 3 1 1678 after 4:30pm P ro vid e a d m in is tra tiv e s u p p o rt as Sales Assistant Buriington, Ontario You will primarily: · coordinate training sessions, conferences and trade sh o w s · m ake travel arran gem ents · draft correspondence and reports · liaise with credit unions and affiliates · field inquiries · maintain sales inform ation, presentations, incoming/outgoing mail and stationary/supplics. Along with relevant post-secondary education and 2 years' related experience, you have strong organizational, interpersonal and communication skills, as well as proven ability in: · typing · grammar · MS Office applications - customer service. Preference will be given to those w ho have completed the CSC; however, consideration will be given to those with the 1FIC mutual funds course. General investment industry knowledge and awareness o f the Canadian Credit Union System is desirable. Leasin g C o n su lta n t Perfect part-time professional position. Weekends and some evenings. m anagem ent co m ponent C a n a d ia n of th e C r e d it U n io n S y ste m . W ith $3 b illio n in a ss e ts under m anagem ent n a tio n a lly , w e se rv e o v e r 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 in d i v id u a l in v e sto rs. R E N T A L $ -1 2 0 0 /5 8 0 0 for sep arate three or two bed room in fam ily s ize d bun B U R L IN G T O N .P a r k -lik e galow near Central Library. settin g . P re stig io u s a re a A vaila b le soon (4 1 6 )-5 6 1 near Tyandaga Golf Course. 5506.______________________ 2bedroom apartment avail B R IG H T & b e a u tifu lly fin able Jan./ Feb. Utilities and ished 3 -b edroom sem i d e appliances included. (905) tac h e d hou s e lo c a te d in 335-3001___________________ North O ak v ille . Includes 4 3B E D R O O M . Firsta p Sp treet lia n c e s an d g a s fire in B urlington core. Im m e place. No pets, no smoking. diate. $1095/m o. Al McCur $ 1750/m o . Incl. Call L.D ady. H o m elife A pple P ark vies R E , (905)333-4347 Realty. (905)681-3000 O A K V IL L E . 4 -b e d ro o m B R O N T E A re a . W a lk to e x e c u tiv e h o u s e , double Lake. 1-b ed ro o m b a s e garage. A/C. Upper Middle/ ment in 6-plex. Dec.1 $705/ Trafalgar. $2200/m o .+ utili mo. + u tilities . P arkin g in tie s . J a n .1st. ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 cluded. (905)847-1138. 4774 or 416-569-9462 S H A R E 3 -b ed ro o m house with professional m ale. All a m e n itie s . N o n -s m o k e r. P a rk in g $ 5 5 0 /m o . in c lu s iv e . C o lle g e P a rk . 9 0 5 842 -9 89 5 B U R L IN G T O N : Im m e d ia te : s h a re 2 -b e d ro o m apartm ent, close to dow n town. $415/m onth. ensuite la u n d ry . C a ll M o nique 6 8 1 -7 29 8 __________________ C H E A P rent! Tow n h o u s e 1.5 baths, laundry, finished b a s e m e n t, s a te llite , bar. D e c .1st. (B urlington M a ll) 905-631-7381 Brad________ S H A R E tow n house. e x e c utive a re a , all applian ces, p a rk in g , la rg e bedroom , e n s u ite . c /a n on-sm oker. $550. plus half utilites. First/ Last. (905)315-8795. I shared accommodation Are you outgoing, personable and interested in a sales career? Fax resume to: (905)639-0996 S H O P P E R S Drug M artTw o positions a v a ila b le P a rt-tim e - S atu rd ay Post office clerk and W eekend P h arm a c y Technicians E x p e rie n c e an asset but will tram Apply to 520 Kerr S t.. O a k v ille or Fax 9 0 5 845-3407__________________ S U P P L Y staff for B urling ton childcare centre. Flexi ble hours. Expenenced with young c hildren required. 332-3971__________________ C L E A N E R S needed im m ediately for retail depart ment stores. Heavy and/or light duty e xp erienced c le a n e rs . V ario u s shifts. O akville/ Burlington areas Call Sue 1-800-565-3756 Please apply via our website or fax your r£sum£, quoting competition #1100/HM, by December 4, 2000 to: Human Resources, Credential Group, 8th Floor, 1441 Creekside Drive, Vancouver BC V6j 4S7; fax 604.714.3865. No phone calls please. We thank all applicants for their Interest; only selected candidates will be contacted. [ credential.com] Ma n a g i n g M o n t y . E n r i c h i n g Ll v as T IR E D of w orking nights and weekends? Cali Molly M aid at 9 0 5 -6 8 1 -7 4 8 4 Training and transportation provided