Wednesday December 6, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B3 Community Update An Oakville Beaver Feature Contact Wilma Blokhuis: 845-3824 Ext 250 Fax: 337-5567 Email: Please forward announcements for Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; call 845-3824 Ext 250, Fax 337-5567 or email to BEFORE NOON Monday to be included May Court Club presents 13th annual Festival o f Trees to benefit Halton VON's Hospice Visiting Program, Oakvijle Place, main level in front of Sears, to Dec. 9th. Win a tree. Tickets $1 each, 3 for $2 and 8 · i for $5. For information, call Susan, 8252977. Oakville Big Sisters looking for gift wrap volunteers to work to Dec. 24th at the Big Sisters Gift Wrapping booth at Oakville Place, from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., and including Midnight Madness on Dec. 22nd. Over 100 volunteers needed. Call 338-0238. Hopedale Shopping Centre Christmas Toy Drive - bring unwrapped toy(s) to Hopedale House to Dec. 18th to be distrib uted by Halton Rape Crisis Centre and Women's Centre. L1NC - Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada, community-based federally funded English language training program provides free English classes avail able mornings and evenings at Halton Multicultural Council. Culturally sensitive to students' needs, adult learning principals used in classes. For information, call Frances Cordero de Balonos. managing director, or Sophia Makridis, LINC teacher, at Halton Multicultural Council, 842-2486; or LINC Assessment Centre, 875-3851. Winter registrations currently being taken. Childcare available, home study program, and deaf or hard-of-hearing persons wel come. Oakville Parent-Child Centre offers programs for you and your little ones to enjoy together. Visit a drop-in, an opportu nity to meet new friends, sing songs and be creative together. For parent and caregivers with children newborn to 5 years o f age Cabin Fever a drop-in program every Tuesday afternoons 1 to 3 p.m. at 337 Kerr St. My Baby And Me, a drop-in program for parents and their little ones, newborn to 12 months, on Tuesdays from 2 to 4 p.m.; and Fridays from 10:15 a.m. to noon at 337 Kerr St. Opportunity for parents to make new friends. Call 849-6366. Classic Book Club o f Oakville is look ing for new members. Club founded in 1993 and members have read more than 50 clas sics. If interested in literature, especially classics, call Pamela Spicer, 825-2494 or email Wellspring, cancer support centre, 2545 Sixth Line, is starting three new programs Therapeutic Touch, music therapy and Tai Chi. Also appointments and registration being taken for Reiki, Qi Gong, Body-Mind Meditation, Art Therapy, Caregivers Support Group, Yoga and Matastatic Cancer Support Group. Daily Drop-In Peer Support, Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Mondays 6:30 to 8 p.m. Call 2571988. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 6 Candle Light Vigil to remember 14 women killed at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal on Dec. 6, 1989, at front lawn of 707 Galaxy Club, 475 North Service Rd. E., 6:30 p.m., hosted by Local 707 CAW Women's Committee. Guest speaker Lorie Kent from Halton-Women's Place. Plaque unveiling to remember slain women. Blue Christmas non-denomination workshop to comfort bereaved families at St. John's United Church, Randall and Dunn, 7:30 p.m. Hymns and candle lighting of remembrance at Advent. La Leche League invites mothers and expectant mothers interested in breastfeed ing to meetings on first Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. Share experiences and information. Children welcome. Call Celine 844-5910 or Tricia 257-3715. Euchre every Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Bronte Legion, 79 Jones St. Wednesday Fun Runs, 7 p.m., at The Running Company, 118 Thomas St. Free. Call 815-1952. Glen Abbey Toastmasters Club meets Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. at Church of the Incarnation, 1240 Old Abbey Lane and Dorval. Visitors welcome. Visit or call 338-1435. THURSDAY DECEMBER 7 East Oakville Community Adult Centre, Maple Grove United Church, 346 Maplegrove, 1 p.m., cards and refresh ments. New members welcome. Call Thelma Perras, 844-5584. Graduation Exhibition, Iroquois Ridge High School, 2 to 5 p.m. Students show portfolios of their high school work. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr St., 1 to 4 p.m. Cost: $20. Mississauga Camera Club, 8 p.m., Port Credit Library, 20 Lakeshore E,, Mississauga. Second Competition results and awards. Call 905-569-9755. Oakville Strutters meets Thursday nights for 60-minute `stress busters' fitness walk. Also new route to Holyrood Park and back, (plus optional half-hour walk through Lakeside Park.) Coffee afterwards. Meet at Oakville Central Library main front doors, Lakeshore and Navy, at new time, 7 p.m. Free. Bring flashlights. Call Patti Crichton. 338-2751. favourite mascot for $5 pledge. Admission free. Call 825-2245. SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 Christmas Serendipity by children, and Christmas from Scratch, contemporary musical drama for all ages by youth and adults at Faith Baptist Church, 1415 Trafalgar (across from Sheridan), 7 p.m. Refreshments. Collection of toiletry items for Salvation Army's Lighthouse emer gency homeless shelter in Oakville. All Wrapped Up fo r The Season, Halton Youth Symphony and Halton Chamber Orchestra, 3 p.m., Aldershot High School, Burlington. Admission by donation. Ian Anderson House holds annual Tree · o f Lights to remember loved ones, 4:30 p.m., on IAH grounds, 430 Winston Churchill Blvd. Tree of Lights a worldwide hospice tradition, each $20 donation lights on bulb in memory of loved one. Caroling and hot cider. Donation envelopes can be picked up at main fire station at Randall and Navy. That' s the Good News presented by choir and dramatists of Evangel Pentecostal Church, 1450 Rebecca, Dec. 10th and 17th, 6 p.m., and Dec. 15th, 7:30 p.m. 400 free seats, call 827-0251. FRIDA Y DECEMBER 8 Christmas from Scratch, contemporary musical drama for all ages by youth and adults at Faith Baptist Church, 1415 Trafalgar (across from Sheridan), Dec. 8th, 7:30 p.m.; and Dec. 10th, 7 p.m. Refreshments. Collection of toiletry items for Salvation Army's Lighthouse emer gency homeless shelter in Oakville. Confidence is Always in Style, body image fashion show at Iroquois Ridge High School, Glenashton and Grosvenor, 7 p.m., part o f school's Health Body Image Campaign. Admission, minimum $2 dona tion or Mental Health Unit at OTMH. Wellspring cancer support centre, 2545 Sixth Line, has Drop-In Peer Support, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Relaxation and Visualization drop-in, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call 257-1988. Retired Women Teachers o f Ontario, Oakville branch, Christmas luncheon, Oakville Golf and Country Club. Carols, Dutch auction. Dynamic Duo, surprise entertainment. Call 842-9422. MONDAY DECEMBER 11 Oakville Horticultural Society, 7:30 p.m.. Knox Presbyterian Church, Dunn and Lakeshore. Speaker: Belinda Gallagher, Burlington Master Gardener and graduate of RBG Horticultural Judging School, slide talk on rare, unusual and native perennials. Bronte Historical Society Christmas Social and general meeting, 7:30 p.m.. Sovereign House, 7 West River. Mulled cider and shortbread, house decorated for Christmas. Call 825-5552. SATURDAY DECEMBER 9 Greater Halton Mascot Race, Bronte Heritage Waterfront Park, site of future Bronte Butterfly Park, 1 p.m. Support Oakville Chapter, Breast Cancer Support Services, 7 to 9 p.m., Wellspring Halton-Peel, 2545 Sixth Line. Call Lottie, 844-6651. Tree of Hope to World Vision Christmas shoppers will have an opportu nity to make a donation to World Vision through the pur chase of an angel ornament at the Christmas Tree of Hope at Oakville Place, upper level near Sears, daily to Dec. 24th. Shoppers will receive one angel ornament to hang on the World Vision Christmas Tree of Hope and one to decorate their tree at home. The money raised will sup port World Vision's work with needy chil dren, their fami lies and commu nities in countries around the world. T h e Christmas Tree of Hope is part of World Vision's annual fundrais ing campaign. This is the first time World Vision has set up Christmas Tree of Hope campaigns in six GTA malls. CHRISTMAS SAFETY Christmas is a time of year that many people look forward to. Maybe you love to shop, or enjoy getting together with family and friends. Maybe opening presents is what you enjoy most or going to Christmas parties. Unfortunately, we also have people who enjoy the many opportunities to commit a crime. The Halton Regional Police ask you to be cautious during this busy holiday season. Below are a few safety precautions and some personal awareness tips that can assist you in having a safe and happy Christmas. · When driving, keep all doors locked to avoid unwanted persons entering your vehicle at stops · Park in a well lit areas and lock all the doors. · Your brief case, purse, lap top computer, packages etc. should not be visible through any window o f your vehicle when left unattended. · Do not leave children alone in a vehicle for any length o f time. · If you carry a purse, make sure it is closed and that the flap is against your body. Keep physical contact with your purse at all times. · While out shopping, maintain physical contact with our purchases. · Walk with confidence and be aware o f your surroundings. Make quick eye contact with others around you. · Keep children in your sight at all times, leaving them alone in a store aisle could put them in physical danger. · Maintain a list o f makes, models and serial numbers o f your purchases in case o f a theft. · When receiving money from a store or banking machine, check to make sure that it is not counterfeit. · Watch for people looking for your PIN number when making purchases with your debit card. · Check the name on your credit card or debit card after each use to make sure that you get yours back · If shopping over the phone, only give your credit card information to known reputable companies which you have called. The H alton Regional Police wish you a safe and H appy H oliday Season. For more information contact. Cst. Gregg Davidson a t 8 2 5 4 7 4 7 ext. 2222 royal Le p a g e If you fo r g e t t o bring along a d e s ig n a te d d riv e r, re m e m b e r, you c a n a lw a y s r e n t one. Royal LePage Real Estate Services Lid., Broker 326 Lakeshore Rd. E. Oakville I am prou d to support the Halton Police fo r the service they provide in our community. St John's 4th annual Caroling in the Park St. John's United Church holds its fourth annual Caroling in the Park at George's Square on Dec. 13th starting at 7:30 p.m. The Salvation Army Citadel Brass Band will accompany the caroling at the new gazebo. Dress warmly and bring a flashlight There will be a visit from Santa, and the Scouts will be selling hot cider. Donations col lected that evening will go to the Salyation Army Christmas Appeal. MADD Brenda Curliss Sales Representative 845-4267 Mother' s Against Drunk Driving M ADD HALTON 125 Cross Avenue Oakville, O ntario L6J 2W8 Tel. (9 0 5 )8 4 4 - 0 0 9 6 845-0524 357 BARTOS DR., OAKVILLE Fax (905)844-9838 O A K V I L L E Town Centre II Dorval/North Service iil*s Kids Always Got the Works! ^ 844-8703 LOCKWOOD C H R Y S L E R COMPUTER NETWORK SERVICES Quality Computer Service and Custom Computer Builders with Walk-in Repair Depot C .N .S. CANADA INC. 2 -1 135 NORTH SERVICE ROAD EAST OAKVILLE ONTARIO * L6H 1A7 PHONE: 175 Wyecroft Rd., Oakville, Ontario REAL ESTATE (Between Kerr & Dorval) W.H. BOSLEY & CO. LTD. REALTOR 845-9350 845-6653 905-338-3044 · FAX 905-338-3047