Oakville Beaver, 6 Dec 2000, D4

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D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER . I Wednesday, December 6, 2000 Win $5000 in holiday spending money. A coaching legacy difficult to equal Anyone who had anything to do with am ateur sports in Ontario over the past 40 years, would know the name Harvey Singleton. Singleton succumbed to cancer over the weekend leaving behind a coaching legacy difficult to equal. Locally, the longtim e O akville resident was best known as the physical education departm ent head at W hite Oaks Secondary School between 1965 and 1987, where his more well known graduates included future N FLers Tony M andarich (now retired) and M ike Vanderjagt. He coached basketball, track and field and football at the high school, university and national levels. He was also an assistant coach for the M cM aster U niversity m en's basketball team and director of Toronto's Track and Field Centre at York University for many years. Originally from Chicago, Singleton played for the Toronto Argos in 1952 and prior to that suited up with the Harlem G lobetrotters. Visitation will be held tonight (W ednesday) between 6 and 9 p.m. at Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Rd. W. with the funeral tom orrow (Thursday) at 1 p.m. at Chartwell B aptist Church. See upcom ing issue o f the Beaver for full tribute i H e re 's the schedule fo r ... ... the Oakville Hornets Here's this week's action for the Oakville Hornets rep teams: TUESDAY, Dec. 5 , (at Maple grove) 8 p.m., bantam B vs Burlington 9 p.m., intermediate vs Stouffville WEDNESDAY, Dec. 6 (at Ice Sports I ) 7:15 p.m., peewee B Brampton 8:15 p.m., peewee C Leaside 9:15 p.m., bantam BB vs Stouffville FRIDAY, Dec. 8 (at Glen Abbey) 7 p.m., atom C vs Etobicoke 8 p.m., peewee B vs Stouffville SATURDAY, Dec. 9 (at Ice Sports I) 4:15 p.m., peewee C vs Barrie 5:15 p.m., atom C vs Scarborough 6:15 p.m., atom BB vs Whitby vs vs How? With your FREE Winner's Circle Card. From November 13th to December 11th, visit the Slots at Mohawk Raceway, swipe your W inner's Circle Card, and you're automatically entered into a daily draw to qualify fo r the weekly prize of $5000 cash! The more you visit, the better your chance to bag $5000! ... the Oakville Rangers Here's the upcoming schedule for the Oakville Rangers rep teams: WEDNESDAY, Dec. 6 (at Oakville Arena) 6:30 p.m., minor atom AA vs Milton 8 p.m., midget AAA vs St. Catharines (at Maplegrove Arena) 6:30 p.m., novice AA vs Guelph 7:50 p.m., minor bantam A vs Dundas THURSDAY, Dec. 7 (at River Oaks A) 6:40 p.m., minor atom A vs Burlington 8 p.m., bantam AA vs Milton FRIDAY, Dec. 8 (at River Oaks A) 6:30 p.m., minor bantam AA vs Milton 8:15 p.m., midget AA vs Milton SATURDAY, Dec. 9 (at Oakville Arena) 3 p.m., minor novice AAA vs Welland 4:20 p.m. minor peewee AAA vs Grey Bruce 5:40 p.m., minor novice AA vs Milton 7 p.m., minor peewee AA vs Brampton Mohawk SkA ladiily operated by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. Complete contest details available at the Slots at Mohawk Raceway, 9430 Guelph Line or call (905) 854-4053. Must be 19 years o< age or older. No purchase necessary. ___ , Christmas TrCCS GA UTHIER'S C hristm as Trees, New fields of Cut Your Own Balsam; white/blue Spruce, Pine Com m unityNotices v r _________ir__________________ lr_____ x |Deaths_______________ Deaths_____________ / \pmplovment__________ Employment B U C HA N A NA , nderson John A nd e rs o nFriday, - On Friday SINGLETON, Harvey Frederick - Peacefully BUCHANAN, John On SINGLETON, Harvey Frederick - Peacefully at I matf lK December 1, 2000 at Oakville-Trafalgar M emorial Hospital, in his 85th year. Born in Levis, Quebec. Awarded B. Eng. by M c G ill U n iv e rsity, 1950. Longtime employee of Gulf Canada Ltd. in Montreal East. Served with the Royal Canadian Navy in WWII. Beloved husband of Nancy. Loved father of Peter and his wife Jackie. Elizabeth and her husband Richard Joncas. Brother-in-law of M olly (Richard). Proud grandfather of Callie and Tessa. Predeceased by his sister Mary. A Memorial Service followed by a brief re ce p tion w ill be held at 11 a m. on Saturday December 9,2000 in St. Jude's Anglican Church, 160 William Street, Oakville. Donations if desired may be made to Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Saturday, Decem ber 2, 2000. L o ving husband of S onja. Beloved father of Patti-Jo and her husband David, and Todd. Son of the late Joseph and Josephine Singleton. Cherished brother of Joseph, Winnifred and the late Richard. His memory will be treasured by his numerous brothers- and sisters-in-law and nieces and nephews. A longtim e teacher and dedicated coach at White Oaks Secondary School, Harvey's legacy w ill be his great c o n trib u tio n s to young athletes in Canada. Friends w ill be received at the Oakview Funeral Home. 56 Lakeshore Road W. (one block east of Kerr St.), O akville on Wednesday, December 6, 2000 from 6-9 p.m. A Funeral Service w ill take place on Thursday, December 7, 2000 at Chartwell Baptist Church (228 Chartwell Road), at 1 p.m. Interment to tollow at Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. In lieu ol flowers, those wishing to remember Harvey, please consider a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society (Multiple Myeloma Research) or the OakvilleTrafalgar Memorial Hospital Fund. H F R F HERE LOOK If you see your s tre e t you could be extra Christm as CASH by delivering The O akvfle Beaver In your neighbourhood. Routes AvilaMe: t St I Oalrv/ill^ Rnrrwor P.irrt ilal Oakville Beaver Circulation Department P/T OFFICE A SSISTA N T ¥15-20 hours per week ¥To assist management team YProfessional telephone manner ¥Works well with minimal supervision ¥Comfortable with computers and office equipment ¥excellent opportunity tor college or university student. P lease ` fax resum e with salary expectations and availability schedule. Lisa Meecham, Assistant Circulation Manager (905)337-5557 NO TE LEP H O N E C ALLS PLEASE if fa iw i n m m 401 w Guelph Line N 20 Side Rd west 8km 1- 519- 763-9788 Browse Santa Shop! Vi/Mc/Int Open Daily UlricCr. Slade Cres. Rebecca S t Holyrood Ave. Hanover Ave. Deane Ave. Fetan Ave. Watson Gloucester Ave. Brock SL Burnet SL Hawthorne Rd. Queen Mary Dr. Riverside Dr. Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of Uwe Max Gustav Moeck, deceased. A ll claim s against the Estate of Uwe max Gustav Moeck, late of the Town of Oakville in the Regional Municipality of Halton, who died on or about the 7th day of October 2000, must be filed with the under signed personal representatives on or before the 2nd day of January, 2001. Thereafter the undersigned w ill distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated December 6,2000 Jennifer Watts, Executor c/o Karen L. Byrne Barrister & Solicitor 204 Arichat Road Oakville, Ontario L6J 5N4 EVELEIGH, John - (Veteran of WWII, retired from Safety S upply Canada). P eacefully on Tuesday December 5,2000 at the Credit Valley Hospital. John Eveteigh, beloved husband of the late Catherine M itchell (White). Beloved father ot Sandra, Reeve (Beth) and Bob (Lorna). Dear grandfather of Jackie, Jett and Lom e and great-grandfather of M arley, Samantha and Jane. Resting at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 12:00 noon to 2:30 p.m. Thursday, December 7, 2000 with service in the chapel at 2:30 p.m. Those who wish, may memorial donations to the Canadan Cancer Society or the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation. K ln Q oW O O uH Q . Prbice Ctaries Dr. Karr SL Reynolds SL iS L TILLEY, Frederick Case - On Sunday, December 3, 2000 Frederick Case Tilley, former Reeve of the Town ot Oakville, Ontario, aged 95. husband ot the late Adele Milhausen, father of Patricia (Mrs. William McFarland), Stratford-upon-Avon, England, Barbara T ille y ol Toronto, Ontario and Douglas T ille y of B u rlin g to n , O ntario. G randfather of T im o th y G a lla g h e r of H ong Kong, Jam es G allagher of Stratford-upon-Avon and Michelle and Andrew Tilley of London, Ontario. Memorial Service at St. Jude's Anglican Church, 160 WiJIiam Street (at Thomas Street) Oakville at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, December 6, 2000. Interm ent has taken place at St. Ju d e 's Cemetery, Oakville. In lieu ot flowers, contributions to O a k ville -T ra fa lg a r M em o ria l H o sp ita l, 327 Reynolds Street, Oakville, Ontario L6J 3L7 would be appreciated. Messages of condolences are welcomed at www.funeralcast.com. Arrangements entrusted to Ward Funeral Home, Oakville (905J-844-3221. Chartwell Rd. HELP WANTED ·M A ILR O O M INSERTERS* -S a fe ty shoes required Tuesday to Saturday Different shifts available It's Easy, c a l M arie at the OakvHe B eaver: circulation (90 5)8 45-8 74 2 Ext 264. REWARD to r December sign m . Training sessions startin g as ea rly as next A pplications available at: © A K W lL lL il I3I1A W 1R Unit 21 - 427 Speers Rd., Oakville 9am -5pm M on-Fri No phone calls please! FamilyServices A lc o h o lic s Anonym ous If yo u drink, th a t's y o u r b u s in es s If y o u w a n t to qu it, T h a t's O urs! (4 1 6 ) 487-5591 (9 0 5 ) 6 31 -8 7 8 4 GAIRDNER, Ivy Jane - At Oakville on Monday, December 4, 2000, dear wife ot Jock (deceased), lo v in g m other of John (deceased) and h is w ile Jeannette, Robert and his wife Debra, Bren and her husband James Naish, proud grandmother of A.J. and Kelly, Christopher and Timothy, Calli, Sean and Liam. Ivy is survived by her brother Donald Brothwell of West Sussex, England. A memorial service w ill be held on Thursday, December 7th 2000 at St. Jude's Anglican Church, 160 William Street, Oakville at 1:00 p.m. If you wish, donations may be made in Ivey's memory to the Canadian Cancer Society. von ESTORFF, George - At St. Joseph's Health Centre on Sunday, December 3, 2000, George von Estorff, dearly beloved husband of Erika and loving father of Ralf and Thorsten and their families. Dear brother of Friedhelm, Ludolph and Bernhard and their families, all of Germany. Friends w ill be received at the Ridley Funeral Home, 3080 Lakeshore Blvd. W. (between Islington and Kipling Aves., at 14th St., (4 1 6 -2 5 9 -3 7 0 5 ) on Friday December 8th fo r a Service of Remembrance at 3 p.m. Donations to the Children's Wish Foundation or the Salvation Army would be appreciated. Messages of Condolence may be placed at www.RidleyFuneralHome.com. 9fezvArrivals I f you Haven't p faced your baity's " B irth Announcem ent in the Oakville " Beaver, nozv is the time to do so. Our " H ew Arrivals supplement is a popular and cherished feature listing birth announcements (some w ith pictures!) o f the babies born in 2000. Funeral Directors H O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family 56 L A K E S H O R E R O A D W E S T O A K V IL L E F u n e ra l D ire c to rs ¥ Don Clarke ¥Gregory Sidora ¥Tina Quenneville ¥John Murphy v Patrick McDermott 842<2252 V Gone to be with the Lord on Monday December 4, 2000 at Mount Nemo Christian Nursing Home in her 93rd year. Sylvia, beloved wife of the late Ted Postma. Loving mother of Eda and her husband Jerry Wedzinga, John and his wife Hilda, Tilly and her husband Bill DeVries, Nick and his wife Margie, Shirley (B.C.), Alice, Winnie and her husband Barry Putman (V ancouver B.C .), Betty and her husband Tom Bryden (Vancouver B.C.), Hilda and her husband Art Hoekstra (Surrey B.C.), and Johnny and h is w ife C o b i. Dear g ra n d m o th e r of th irty grandchildren, great-grandmother ol thirty-two and great-great grandmother of two. Visitation at the K opriva T a ylo r C o m m u n ity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road W est, O a kville from 7 -9 p.m . Wednesday. Funeral Service 1:00 p.m. Thursday in the chapel. Interm ent S prin g Creek Cemetery. Special thanks for the love and care given to Mom by the nursing staff at Mount Nemo Christian Nursing Home. In lieu ol flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Mount Nemo Christian Nursing Home. P0STMA, Sylvia - InMemoriam LEE, G w endolyn < Who passed away 14 years ago on December 7th, 1986. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by husband George; daughter Colleen, and her children Aaron, Caileigh, and Jessie Bastian; son Chriostopher and his wife Linda and their children Jordan and Jennifer Lee. fo r information on hoiv to get your Bahy's Birth Announcement in the Cfezv Arrivals "Edition please call Classified Department Oakville Beaver 845-3824

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